
Inner Light Quotes

There are 353 quotes

"If you're not shining light, then you haven't gotten in touch with the light within you, and what will heal you is moving closer to that light."
"The origin of charisma... is a person who has a kind of inner light inside of them."
"The sun is inside, the light is inside, light will find you from inside, but not because it is only in your body but because the connection point to it is buried deep within you."
"If the light is in you, the light which is engraved in these tablets will respond."
"I am the light; in me is no darkness. Free me of the bondage of night."
"Imagine if you will that there's a deep bright light inside of you that is constantly burning and it's guiding you to crave a specific form of love."
"As long as we retain connection with the Inner Light, the forces that seek to limit us cannot be victorious."
"Spread your light. You have the light inside of you; it's meant to be shared."
"May we be vessels of light that cast out darkness wherever we engage it in our minds and hearts."
"The light is within; you are revealing a part of yourself that you didn't know you had."
"Your light inside you is beaming; the spirit of God in you is beaming."
"Let us awaken the light within us and acknowledge that within ourselves we can make changes that will contribute to global and systemic change, if only we'll commit to it."
"Let me remind you that you were born with a light that was bright enough to light the world even in your absence and do not doubt that you have love and support enough to accomplish miracles."
"They finally started connecting with their higher self, deciding it's time to bring light to whatever needs to be dealt with inside."
"Let the starlight of your inner being shine here on earth where it shall make such a positive difference in the world."
"You have a special light to share and a particular spiritual vibration to live."
"Your fears doubts and insecurities are mere Illusions Shadows cast by the light of your true self."
"In the darkest of times, hold onto the light within you."
"There is light within a person of light and it illuminates the entire cosmos."
"Jesus is using the phrases 'ayintova' and 'i in.' He's saying that if you have good eyes, if you are generous, then your whole body will be filled with light."
"The light is within you, you light your own light."
"I am the light of the world invites you to recognize and follow your Inner Light."
"Seek the light within, sometimes we all need a good spark."
"You are unstoppable, that light within you, your true self, is unstoppable."
"You have climbed to the top of a mountain, and now you're shining your inner light."
"Don't let anybody ever dim your light, dim your fire, dim your hunger for God."
"Love is the most powerful force within the universe. It is the most powerful force, and the more love you have within you, the greater your light is."
"You are very precious. Do not forget this fact that there is light inside you, and you are the light."
"It's always there, it just has to be recognized. This light, this Luminosity which we are, is always available."
"I see a revitalization here, a light inside you that's ready to shine."
"Dawn is coming, the sun is going to rise and you will see the light within you."
"Embrace Your Inner Light to show others the way."
"You are light beings. I see the light that radiates from your soul."
"There is a light inside each of you... that illuminates your very human beingness if you let it."
"The world will never forget what's about to happen this will be a moment in time the world will never ever forget."
"Will you succumb to the Darkness, or will you stand and shine your Divine Inner Light?"
"You are being divinely guided with the light."
"Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness."
"Any kind of darkness or shadow it does not belong within us because we're made of light."
"The light that you seek always comes from within."
"How bright does your soul burn? Pretty bright I would say."
"I am a being of resplendent light, now realizing the fullness of that light on every level of my existence."
"It's time to shine your wonderful light and embrace all that's in your heart."
"Positive energy is breaking through, you're starting to blossom and recognize that you're letting your inner light shine."
"Disease arises when there is a disconnection to the light within."
"May you find your light, the source in you, as you carry yourself through in these times."
"You have something within you that is able to change people's life. It's within you. There's a light within you and you need to understand that."
"The light is within you, you possess the knowledge that you need."
"It's about recognizing that there's something within you that is bright, that is perspective."
"If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person."
"You have the light, you came from the light, and when the darkness comes in, turn around and look into the light."
"I love everybody because I know that the same light that is in me is in every single person."
"The Divine love is within us, lighting up our hearts and passions."
"Your inner Sun, your soul, shines light with its presence by simply being."
"The only Sun that can shine into his light is from within himself."
"The light you're searching for is within you."
"You just have this beautiful light within you, and other people are going to see it."
"The most powerful manifestations come from your inner light, they come from your heart."
"You carry more light within yourself than you give yourself credit for."
"How does your light shine? Avoid trappings that dim your light, such as envy, ego, or fear."
"When love is in play, something inside of you transforms. Your Inner Man changes, it begins to gather light, it begins to shine."
"For ages they have labored with mankind to help him uncover the light within himself."
"I truly want the joy of the Lord to like, shine through me."
"Protecting that light which is your inner light."
"You are about to shine your inner light."
"It's finding your own sunlight inside that wills you to share it."
"You have the power to light yourself up with spirit."
"May your magic always shine from the inside out."
"The light that resides inside of your being divine feminine shines from the inside out."
"Finally, when I focus on my inner light, I see the world through the lids of love."
"Use the light that is in you to revert to your natural clearness of sight. Then the loss of the body is unattended by calamity."
"You are luminous. No matter what you have been through or how broken you may feel, you have Light Within you that can heal the deepest of wounds."
"Work on transmuting darkness to light, freeing yourself from the past patterns and cycles."
"Your light is shining again. Your essence has been dimming, but now it shines through."
"Their natural inner light helps them cope with burdens, always striving to move forward."
"Light sheds light on the potential within you that can never be stolen. These crammers can never steal your light because you're a miracle, you're the star."
"Praise God for the light within us."
"Your inner light reveals wisdom in the darkest times."
"It's time for you to shine your inner light."
"There's a light inside you that no matter what, it just shines out. It's like people look to that and it's like there's this aura about you."
"You have such a pure light within you."
"Fear is a lie. I don't care. I want to tackle it because nobody's scared of the dark; they're just kind of what's in the dark. You're the type to stare into the darkness because you still have that connection to your light side."
"When life gets dark, I mean, at the darkest of times, there is a light within ourselves that can guide us forward."
"There's no amount of Darkness that could force against you that would take you with it. I feel like your light is always going to be there because it's within you, it's part of you, you know?"
"The only things that matter are the light in your heart and the voice in your soul."
"The more you go within you, the deeper you go into the parts of you that are unrecognized and that you don't see, the more light you bring into you."
"The lighting within me honors the light within you namaste."
"This light that cycles through the world like clockwork each day is not just an external thing. It occurs within you too."
"There is so much light in every one of us no matter how irrelevant or how judged or how small you feel."
"There is light inside of you, the one place that you're not looking."
"In every human being, there is also a light to be found, namely in the area of the physical heart."
"You resisted the urge to add a skip in your step, thinking it would be too embarrassing, but the light inside you still managed to show."
"Make a difference, shine your inner light far and wide, emerge into grace."
"Hold that space of light and truth that you already know exists within you."
"Even when wandering in the dark, you still retain your inner light."
"Unleash that energy, that light that resides within you."
"Recognize that the light within is your true ruler. You have the power to light yourself up with spirit."
"The light that is there is your light."
"There is a light inside of you that will lead the way through darkness and uncertainty towards your greatest good."
"Integrating the concept of the inner light into daily life is a transformative practice that brings about profound personal growth and a deeper connection to the world."
"Continue to shine our light brightly and embrace the divine within us."
"When great light comes within your heart, the darkness gradually fades away."
"You have such a bright light inside, stop dimming it."
"I truly believe that we all have the light inside us and that the brighter we turn up, the more we are the Light that we truly are."
"If the light that is within you is not brighter than the light that is on you, then the light that is on you will kill the light that is in you."
"All evil vanishes from life for him who keeps the Sun in his heart."
"No matter what happened to you, there's a little flame of goodness in you that cannot be put out."
"Just the fact that you still have your heart within you, that you have this light within you, that's more valuable than anything else."
"Everyone is lit up from the inside out."
"There is a light inside you that comes from something beyond the sun, something greater."
"In moments of doubt, seek clarity within. Your inner light will guide the way."
"There's a flame that must be safeguarded; it can never be extinguished. It is the light that never goes out, showing you the way even now, in peace and stillness."
"It's always darkest before dawn, and though it may seem like things are getting scarier and more disconnected all around you, the light is just right there, it's inside of you."
"You have this very beautiful bright light."
"The light of the world is on the inside of you."
"Through all of the darkness that you've been through, you have retained this beautiful light."
"You have an inner guiding light that people notice."
"There's a light that is in you that will never shine until you're broken."
"The light and the teacher within me sees and honors the light and the teacher in each of you. Peace and love."
"May your practice connect you to your inner light, making you feel your best and inspiring others along the way."
"People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within."
"They think that you have a lot of light inside of you."
"Awaken in me the consciousness to become, to realize my inner light."
"Everything inside is light, it's freeing, it wants to give, unconditionally giving."
"We do not need darkness to inspire our light."
"Your soul is just this ball of light, and when we're getting rid of all this gunk and murkiness, it just has a chance to magnificently radiate from within us."
"All they're trying to do is get to the light, not realizing that they have The Light Within them as well; they're just misguided."
"He prays Hillary's taught prayer and repeats his father's words claiming he has light within him."
"Namaste, as a bow to the love and light that is absolutely in you."
"Notice the light that's pouring into the top of your head, filling your head with so much light that it starts to overflow into the rest of your body."
"You've got to turn up the volume, you've got to turn up the light within your own self."
"You're a vessel that can house light."
"The heart may expand and activate and grow and welcome all things with the candle light."
"It was like there was light inside me where there had been only darkness before."
"You have a light inside of you, it's your humanity, your compassion, your ability to laugh, to love, to hug somebody, to listen, to care."
"You must be born again of love, of the light that's inside of us."
"You are the light, the light is within you, and you have the ability to shine."
"There's a light inside of you that needs to shine and you want to offer this to the world."
"You may feel lost in the shadows right now, but the light still shines from inside you. Let it be your guide back home to your true self."
"'May my light, the light that God has put in me, so radiate to others that I don't have to say a word.'"
"In facing these fears, they learn the alchemist's secret: that within the heart of darkness lies the potential for light."
"Feel that light filling, feel it burning within the center of your heart."
"It's a brilliant divine Sun within you, your imminent Sun reflecting the transcendent Sun above."
"This light of mine, I'm going to let it shine."
"The light that's in me is the same light that's in you."
"Every individual was infused with a spark of divinity known as the inner light."
"By thus praying, one recognizeth one's own inner light, and merging oneself therein, in at one minute buddhahood is attained."
"You are the one illuminating consciousness shining in and through every occurrence of your life."
"The entire light is actually within you; it's within yourself."
"The light that's created from metabolism is truly the sun inside of you."
"That light is not found on the outside; it's the light from within."
"If you turn the mirror of your spirit heavenwards, the heavenly constellations and the rays of the sun of reality will be reflected in your hearts."
"People can always see the light within you before you see the light within yourself."
"You're not scary, you just look that way. I have light inside."
"Love comes from within; it's not dependent on what's in the headlines or who's in your life."
"You are pure awareness always; this is the light of awareness ever shining in your heart."
"See your inner light. You're not alone."
"The light shines within you, child."
"It looks like it's glowing from within."
"When you allow your inner light to shine, there is a surge of love of self that can override all fear."
"Joy is every bit of inside you; it is a light that is inside you that doesn't just happen upon you, it comes from the endurance of suffering."
"Everybody has a candle within to guide them."
"The light of God that is in me, you can't hide that light."
"Everybody has a light inside of them and that's what performing is, sharing it."
"Make sure that you are following your Starlight, your internal spiritual flashlight."
"You're going inward to connect with your own Inner Light, and this time next year, you're shining it out."
"Be mindful of anybody who is trying to exude the image of swan. Everyone has some swan energy in them, everybody has that light in them."
"On that glad night, in secret, for no one saw me, nor did I look at anything, with no other light or guide than the one that burned in my heart."
"If therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light."
"It has been said that a great actor never worries about where the key light is. That the light is inside of him."
"There is a holy spark in every one of us."
"It's about that light within and shining no matter what environment, no matter what mindset because you have to start somewhere."
"One of the distinct aspects of Quakerism is their emphasis on the inner light, or the ability of every person to experience God from within."
"Your next assignment is to find a way of connecting with the light that is there."
"There's so much light within you."
"It's shining through the light in you, it shines so truly in you."
"The Christ, the light, lives within you."
"It is the sacred seed, the star of your being, lit up from within."
"You are beings of light, you conscious seekers of truth; your light shines at all times."
"You are a luminous spirit, a beacon of light cloaked in human form."
"Strangers gravitate to you, and they love you, but it's the light in you."
"Within you resides a glorious divine being of beautiful light."
"The ability to change from darkness to light is already sitting there dormant, resting within all of us."
"You have a light within you that is rare."
"Every person possesses an internal light that can illuminate the highest truth."
"Enlightenment... I see it first like a halo around a person, and then later as light inside of a person."
"You emanate this light from within, it's like this very soulful light you have within you."
"Each and every one of us has a special glow."
"I believe there's a light that shines in everyone."
"What god actually is, is that which is shining in our heart as 'I'."
"I took a very small piece of light and let myself just stand in it."
"Saluting the light in your own heart that light which has grown stronger and brighter through this dedicated practice."
"I want to remember that the true light is in me, and that is Christ."
"The shadow looks bad because you've judged it, you've rejected it, but there's this incredible light underneath."
"Just let your sparkle shine, be brave and show your light, it's always been inside."
"Remind yourself of the things that will truly matter in the end: love, hope, joy, kindness, and all the light that you can carry in your heart."
"I'll walk with the light that he has put inside of me."
"To receive the inner Christ, one must already have that Light Within."
"She just had that inner light that shined brighter than any spotlight could."
"Once I saw the light for the first time, I started to look for it every day."