
Financial Well-being Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"Having money to cover your bills is nice, but past a certain point, more money doesn't bring you more happiness."
"More money isn't going to fix every aspect of your life, but if you don't have money it can impact every aspect of your life."
"Becoming more frugal will improve just about anybody's life in at least two ways: it'll allow you to make your money stretch further than it currently does and forces you to be conscious of your use of money, enabling you to use more of it on the things that you enjoy most."
"Money won't make you completely happy, but it'll take away many, many things that can make you unhappy."
"Psychologists say they found the exact amount of money you need to be happy: $95,000 a year for life satisfaction and $60 to $75,000 a year for emotional well-being."
"It's important to use money in service of your happiness and fulfillment because what else is there?"
"If you disappoint me, it'll be more than just your financial well-being on the line."
"Start appreciating what you have and enjoy the flow of happy money."
"Satisfied because the people still living below average in their earnings, I will be very happy to see people earning enough money."
"If you can get to three months of savings, it will alleviate so much stress and anxiety."
"Dream bigger. What good money can do for you? What's your rich life?"
"You can buy happiness with money, yes, and anyone that says money doesn't buy you happiness hasn't given away enough money."
"Paying yourself first means you're prioritizing your financial well-being and your future over everything else."
"You're going to be fine financially; you can splurge on yourself because you're going to be fine."
"We shouldn't really have anyone that's paying more than 30 percent of their income towards housing."
"Professional casters like Azalea and Flowers are certainly not struggling financially by any means."
"What it comes down to is that people will live wherever they can be happy while making enough money to live comfortably."
"There's a path opening up for you that leads to financial and just like earthy well-being."
"Money can't technically buy you happiness, but a life where you can feel good about your financial decisions will definitely make you happier and feel more at ease."
"So yes, it does seem that home ownership has a unique positive effect on satisfaction, specifically in low-income people compared to renting."
"My life is overflowing with success, including my finances."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but a little extra money gave me a pep in my step."
"You're moving right into abundance with your finances and with love."
"This program is about helping you to prosper, helping you to be in charge of your financial well-being."
"Money will not make you happy, but not having money will make you miserable."
"Money comes to me easily and frequently... life without having to worry so much about it."
"Money looks fantastic, your money is going to continue to improve."
"Not only will you maybe save more money but... I actually became a more happy and satisfied person."
"I think it would do you well to start buying into it, just do it a little by little and it'll make you feel good."
"Being 100% debt-free is an amazing feeling I think everyone should try to get there as soon as humanly possible."
"Money can buy happiness, at least to an extent."
"Part of loving yourself is taking care of yourself, taking care of your mental health, taking care of your Financial Health."
"Wouldn't getting $2,000 every single month be really nice?"
"Having a balance between passive income and active income is so, so important."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but a lack of money is a passport to misery."
"Create an environment where our team is taken care of financially and professionally."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure helps."
"Feeling rich is about feeling intentional. You have control over things. You're deliberate about things. You have a sense of security. You have a sense of calm. Things have their place, you have your place, and you're grateful for what you have."
"Financially things are fine, but spiritually, they feel something is missing."
"There's nothing in the Bible that says God's people need to be poor."
"Elevate the financial well-being of humanity."
"When you don't have debt, the stress goes down."
"My income exceeds my expenses. My grateful heart is a magnet that attracts more of everything that I desire."
"Money doesn't make you happy, but it sure as hell helps you find peace."
"Financial and material abundance is on its way."
"Yeah, definitely make your life much more comfortable. Oh yeah, oh yeah, anyone who said money doesn't make you happy hasn't made enough money yet, that's right."
"Balance is extremely important; inner peace is hard to find when you're worrying about bills."
"It's a good year wealthwise for most Pisces Moon and ascendant."
"Pay off all of your existing debts... give you a lot of peace of mind and flexibility."
"We started seeing our wages go up, which is the best thing you can see."
"Money isn't what brings happiness, we need love too."
"Money and happiness: you're allowed to have both."
"Money is only as good as the joy it brings you in life."
"You're meant for financial security and abundance, trust in the universe's plan for you."
"I make more than enough money to get by pretty well."
"Talking about money can make you feel good... especially when you're being proactive with it."
"Hey, I'm actually doing really well with earnings."
"It's no surprise you don't feel good about money. You grew up feeling bad about it 80% of the time."
"You're in a good space this week, money's looking good, you're looking good."
"Again, not a bad thing. Definitely increasing your resources, finances look amazing."
"Your cup runneth over because this is the High Priestess of everything related to currency flow."
"Your financial security and your family joyful contentment with life shifts."
"You deserve to be happy, you deserve to have that financial abundance in the spirit world."
"Look forward to a lot of money matters that are just going to be really, really nice for you."
"Finances does not mean happiness... you got to heal your soul too, let's not forget about the spiritual aspect of being financially free."
"You guys might own businesses or just be doing very well financially."
"Money follows happiness. If you focus too much on money or Building Wealth and worry about it, stress about it, and it rotates around your life around everything, this is where you're going to experience a lot of financial hardships."
"Your material well-being will improve; financial hardship can fall on anyone, but when you're free of trauma, it's more possible to earn a steady income, to live within your means."
"The key to saving money being better with finances and getting Financial well-being under control is to live below your means."
"When it comes to a point where the pursuit of working more and more just for the sake of money comes at the cost of other things that are more important in life, you know it's time to tip that scale the other way."
"Your journey to financial well-being doesn't have to be one that you embark on alone."
"We talk about happiness, freedom, and joy, but we gotta spend some time on the money."
"Money 100% makes your life better."
"Financial happiness is not the goal of life. It helps but it's not the goal of life."
"I'm gonna live my rich life today and an even richer life tomorrow."
"I used to be stressed about my money, but now I'm learning how to enjoy it."
"So the hypothesis that we're putting forward is really that money can indeed buy happiness if we spend it in a way that money matches our most fundamental needs and preferences."
"God wants us to be financially blessed."
"I've got no money but I'm not in debt."
"Money can't buy happiness, but not worrying about money comes close. That's where chime can help you smile more."
"Money is manifestation. Money doesn't mean anything. But if you manifest to have a nice home, a nice car, you know, a nice life, it takes money."
"Your mental health first, like financial wealth, right?"
"Financial independence isn't just about spending less; it's about increasing happiness."
"Financial independence isn't about money, it's about bettering your life."
"Happy money makes you feel good and joyful."
"The more you stay away from debt, the more peace of mind you have."
"One way that you can spend your money to feel happier is to use your money to buy back time."
"The way that the economy heals is that wages pick up... suddenly your paycheck stretches a little bit further."
"Prioritize that alongside... you could have a good financial life but bigger than that, I want you to have a holistic wonderful life."
"Financial happiness comes from hitting big goals but also being able to afford little luxuries along the way."
"Just building a good Financial life that you can enjoy both today and in the future."
"At the end of the day, being good with money means that the primary emotions that you feel around money are positive ones: empowerment, joy, hope, happiness, freedom."
"It's given us so much more security, stability."
"Being able to pay your bills on time, having good credit, being able to afford necessities, not having any debt, having an emergency fund, saving for retirement."
"Financial independence is the experience of having enough, and then some."
"Money can buy you happiness, but at the end of the day, money doesn't buy your health."
"Money is in abundance, and if you find a way to bring more money into your life with less stress, with less work, with less frustration, with less burnout, with less time away from the people you love, I think so, we think so."
"Invest in yourself, invest in your finances."
"Venus is our value system, love and money, it's our relationship to the goodness in life."
"What everybody needs in this country at the minute is a pay rise."
"Money and community, the two pillars of happiness."
"I got tired of making sad money instead of making happy money."
"Money can buy happiness up to a certain extent."
"It's my heartfelt wish that every single person who has anything to do with Mary Kay would be the richer for it, not only financially but spiritually in every other way."
"The upper 20 percentile doing just fine, actually making more money."
"Financial success is my natural state of being."
"I deserve to have financial abundance in my life now."
"Your salary doesn't stretch as far, your savings don't buy you as much, and you're effectively becoming poorer each and every day."
"Money and career look good if you focus on changing up a few things."
"I'm not rich, and I'm not exactly poor, but you know, I'm quite happy and quite comfortable."
"Cashflow truly does equal peace of mind."
"You deserve to live your best life, you deserve to have money, you deserve to have all the permissions, but you need to give yourself permission."
"If more people have money in their pocket, they're out spending more money on goods and services."
"A lot of us make quite good money, which is above your typical average, that allows you to have more options."
"Money is a tool to help you and your happiness optimization search."
"Financial security... I wish everyone could experience this type of freedom."
"Once you're in a comfortable position financially, having more money doesn't improve your life."
"Money does not create happiness; a balance of life, a full purpose of what you're doing, plus money creates the whole package."
"The power of interest - turning savings into security."
"Will you confirm the fact that one can improve their income to a level that it normalizes human happiness?"
"Also today is payday, so that's good."
"You feel secure and you're sleeping well at night."
"We're a lot better off financially and just in general."
"I'm feeling pretty good about how I'm doing with my finances, my personal goals."
"It's okay to make money as a yoga teacher because when you do, you're able to help more people."
"You should be able to have a really like healthy financial life."
"You've got good income and low cost of living."
"Finances are looking very good for you."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but a little bit helps you get to a place where you can slow down and be a little happier."
"I'm worthy of financial abundance and I trust in my ability to create wealth and live a life of financial freedom."
"You guys coming into some success financially and career-wise is going to really fulfill you more than you would know."
"Money up to about seventy-five thousand dollars a year... actually does buy happiness because you're able to focus on things that make you happy."
"Having money is never a bad thing. Why would that ever be bad?"
"There is no better feeling than making money while helping people."
"I am so happy and grateful that money flows to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a consistent basis easily and effortlessly."
"Helping Canadians have better financial futures."
"Now you are going to work in financial peace and attend to the finances of peace without anxiety, it is to take care of yourself now."
"Take a break; you're probably just going to save a lot of money."
"Investing should be a positive thing in your life."
"Financial security and stability give me a lot of peace of mind."
"I just want to consistently see our business perform... I would love to have thousands of people in a scenario where they're financially better off."
"The happiest people are in a range of income earning, usually around like 70 to 100 grand."
"I would love more income because it makes life easier."
"Real wages have just started to improve... this matters meaningfully."
"Financial peace is better than appearance."
"So much safety and security and financial stress lifted."
"If people have more money in their pocket after they pay the rent, they can live a good life and a healthy life."
"Most families would be fine with 50 or 60,000 pesos a month."
"I have financial security, I have enough to share, I have abundance, I love the work I do."
"Focus on your workout, your health, fitness, your money."
"Feeling like you are leading a life of freedom, that you are thriving, that you feel financially beautiful."
"Everything is going to be okay in terms of money, finances, the material world."
"This is going to bring the life of luxury, both to do with spirituality and on financial terms."
"Financial security, financial stability."
"You're in a good place, and your finances will look very, very good."
"Money's looking fantastic for you."
"13 million jobs... when you think about how Americans feel better about their personal finances, that is important."
"It's concerned with anything Venusian which is love, harmony, peace, as well as money."
"You have a lot of great things happening for you within your family, your home, finances."
"You are meant to experience abundance and luck, and a comfortable financial standing in your life."
"The stronger Jupiter is by sign, the more pronounced the ability for financial well-being to creating it and attracting for this person will be."
"You're abundant, you're self-sufficient, your money is looking really good."
"I see money being really good right now or you're really coming into a situation to either get some type of money or advice."
"Happiness is here, financial lacks, confidence is here."
"Getting organized will make you feel like you got a raise."
"The more safe and secure you feel, the faster the money comes in."
"Something really good with your money is going on here."
"There's so very much to be grateful for: financial success and the promise of retirement, a rich and rewarding family life."