
Financial Decision-making Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"It's crucial to see all sides of a story, especially when it affects your money."
"The best financial decisions are not made out of panic or fear, but decisions that are made out of logical thinking."
"In a financial decision, you want to make sure that the benefits will be bigger, higher, or more than the cost."
"I run every single deal through this, and it tells you whether you should purchase or pass."
"Understanding opportunity cost is key. A $10,000 vacation during a bear market could become a million-dollar investment."
"It doesn't matter when the pivot happens; it matters about all the signals up to the pivots."
"The bigger difficulty is deciding if you want to take long-term trades or short-term trades."
"You've got two hours to grab and hold someone's attention, then remain consistently high quality."
"You have to ask yourself what do I believe in more, do I believe more in momentum or do I believe more in fundamentals?"
"It's about how many times over and whether or not you actually sell it when it's at that price point."
"Buying a ticket may not be financially rational, but winning the lottery doesn't guarantee long-term happiness."
"Looking at the full house and flush payouts is an easy way to tell what is the best video poker game to play."
"Should I buy XYZ coin or should I buy PayPal instead?"
"If you've got a great coin and you gotta verify that the price looks good on the charts... that's how you make the decisions."
"If the story hasn't changed, you can buy even more."
"As long as humans make financial decisions in the market, then we will always have cycles."
"Fear and greed. The natural human tendency is to go big on your losses and cut your gains."
"Credit scores allow lenders to make very precise decisions."
"Academics argue that borrowers should generally prefer adjustable-rate over fixed-rate mortgages, except in situations where interest rates are unusually low to begin with."
"Always go with your analysis. If your analysis is correct and the trade doesn't do what you thought, you don't get into the trade."
"So why would you sell something that fell 33 and buy something that fell maybe five percent, right? Like, what?"
"Do your own due diligence don't just trade off of what I say go out there make your own decisions."
"Whenever something has an outpouring of community support, it's a financially poor decision to bet against it."
"Moving out of a situation where you keep making money is beyond most people."
"Do you have those diamond hands or you selling way too early before you secure those major profits?"
"There is no set way to take profits. But if you feel greedy, feel like a dip is coming, or you made such a large amount of money, take some off the table."
"I don't just use technicals, I use fundamentals too."
"Remember that reason if your reason if you think back at the reason why you bought in the first place is a good reason chances are you'll be convinced to either buy more or sit on it."
"If you can justify spending this kind of money, then that's the way to go."
"Is this the best deal that I can take advantage of and is this gonna grow my account?"
"If you're looking at those two things, which one do you think is more important? Do you think it's fundamentals or do you think it's technicals?"
"I really need to know if my investment is worth it or not... it's uh kind of important and something I should probably done before I put in that offer."
"The return on the investment of both time and money still made sense for people to forego income for most people for that period of time."
"It's a no-brainer as it relates to money. It's a no-brainer!"
"Emotion is not a good way to make important financial decisions."
"Any big decision in life, especially if it's financially related, it's almost always a terrible idea to make with emotion."
"If I can make a smart decision that is making us money to offset a tax over here, that's a win."
"Most important thing for you at home, so we'll then look at the price of the user determine which is the best value for money."
"Rich people have a choice with where to put their money. For poor people, it's actually surprisingly difficult."
"Depreciation is ignored in a purchase decision making."
"If you believe that the monetary policy of Bitcoin protects your savings in the long term, then you can make rational decisions."
"Why would we want to exit trades early? One, increase our win rate and profits. Two, reduce our trade duration and exposure."
"Seeing his neighbor get rich undermines a man's ability to be rational."
"So when we hear these analysts claim you know oh you know I got this huge position you have to always take a step back and go what's the real motive."
"It's not about whether I can afford it, it's about should I buy it."
"In reality, this is where now you're making the decision to change your finances for the better and you want to actually achieve the financial wealth."
"You gotta know when to exit, right? You gotta stop the bleeding and I decided to stop the bleeding right."
"Think about that and whether it's $1,000 up or down in the end that matters less and perhaps in total cost of ownership buying a more expensive car in the end with residual value might even be the better buy."
"To me, the essence of value investing is: I will buy any stock where the price is less than the value."
"You only have three ingredients of any investment: liquidity, safety, or return. You can only have two of those three at any time."
"I buy based on profits and realities today, not hopes and dreams tomorrow."
"Instead of asking 'Can I afford it?', ask yourself 'What value would this contribute to my life?'"
"Make your own informed decisions about how best to spend your money."
"People are coming to the realization: I'm not about to spend a mortgage on a car."
"If you're good at managing risk, if you're good at making sure you close your trade in a lower loss than expected, then I think there are exceptions to that case."
"You just do a reverse analysis of where you are today and pretend there are that many Benjamins sitting in the middle of your kitchen table and go, would I buy stock or would I pay off my well, would I pay down?"
"The most important financial decision you make is who you decide to partner with."
"I thought it was a smarter choice to withhold and be like I'm not going to find love like I don't think there's anybody that I'm going to meet there that I'm going to fall in love with and I don't think it's financially worth it."
"Pride let his ego get the best of him refusing $3 million for wanting 5 million."
"But we've invested so much money in it. If we stop now, it'll all have been for nothing."
"You want to make the decision that's going to put the most money in your pocket over the course of your lifetime."
"So if we can remove some emotion and all we need is logic, then we can simply look at numbers and try to see how they work."
"Remember and be aware of your fear in lowering your numbers... Your fear of leaving money on the table."
"Decisions on purchasing of assets should be made with reference to budgets."
"Using AI to know where to invest... will help you make the best investment decision."
"Decisions are based on cash flows, not accounting income, because we are concerned with the actual cash that a project generates."
"The opportunity cost is what you could have done with the money spent."