
Existential Philosophy Quotes

There are 453 quotes

"Being is all that there actually is. Meanings are illusions; meanings are something we construct."
"Everything is imaginary; there is nothing but imagination. God is infinite consciousness."
"Consciousness gives meaning to our lives. Without consciousness, there'd be no meaning, no true value, no good versus bad."
"It is a mountain that you are reporting... It's a mountain in your knowledge, you have a vritti gyana of a mountain, and that vritti gyana is nothing else other than an appearance in you, the consciousness."
"In the unlimited basic space of awareness, samsara and nirvana never existed."
"Life is like that where we all inhabit the same world but we all make out different patterns to explain it."
"People who have a sense of why to live can bear almost any how."
"He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how."
"Our true nature is not a limited body... but an unlimited existence which is neither born nor does it die nor does it change or age nor is it different from the entire universe."
"We are firmly set in the knowledge that 'I am pure consciousness,' and the world is an appearance in pure consciousness."
"There is no pre-given and predetermined purpose to things; what we make of this life is up to us."
"What does it mean to live an infinite life? Life is infinite; we are the players in an infinite game."
"What you can see and what you can feel and what you can touch is not all there is to what exists."
"What if the separateness is merely an illusion and there is no separateness whatsoever? That you and me and all of reality are oneness at its core."
"The ultimate purpose of life: Being yourself and allowing yourself to add to the expansion of existence."
"That which experiences it all is called consciousness."
"Nietzsche said, 'He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.'"
"If nothing's created or destroyed, then everything's already here, if not in one state, another."
"Life is nothing more than a collection of moments."
"We are more than just these material beings."
"There is a pattern behind everything in your life; it's pain or pleasure, happiness or misery, success or failure."
"One of the greatest tragedies in life is for a person to live their whole life with no purpose."
"Chasing for meaning is a human desire the universe doesn't give two shits about."
"Nothingness is about finding the single voice that is you."
"All life is connected and also, all life is kind of eternal."
"We are a tiny part of the universe, but we are part of it, and from so simple a beginning in ways most beautiful and most wonderful, we, the universe, have been and are being evolved."
"The universe seems to be perfectly made for us."
"Human beings are not separate. We're connected."
"In the third dimension, everything is about Consciousness."
"Manifestation matters - you're here in this physical time and space because you are creators."
"In order to be what we are we have to come out of what we are not."
"In the present moment, there are no problems."
"Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists."
"We are actually nothing, and how beautiful that is because that means they do not know what to expect from us next."
"The entire universe is self-aware... awareness is the bedrock of the universe."
"Life is to live; however, not all beings rise to higher and higher States."
"It's useful for everyone to know that if you don't live up to your potential, you leave a hole in the fabric of being."
"He rescued them from a mockery of existence."
"No one knows when your day is going to come but we all have power with what we do with each moment that we exist."
"Our existence is likely to be singularly and remarkably unique."
"It does not mean anything because mystery means nothing either. It is unknowable."
"You'll never find yourself because you're not located anywhere."
"The entire plane of existence that we're on runs on this thing called currency or dollar or money which is an energy."
"The only meaning your life will ever have is what your involvement means to someone else."
"We atheists really have a good reason to make the most of life."
"It's not an escape from reality, it's getting in touch with reality."
"Only a few will survive, and trying to figure that out is kind of what it's all about."
"I think the meaning of life is just about trying to make positive connections."
"Humans are just one part of the puzzle, one piece of the puzzle."
"The meaning of your life is what you make it."
"Everyone comes to face the abyss at some point in their life, but when the abyss looks back, some of us blink."
"If people took some simple pleasure in reality... they would never have needed to come up with the idea that they could ever again lose anything with which they had truly bonded."
"Everybody's a masterpiece and yet a work in progress."
"Ultimately, it isn't so important how long you live. The important thing is how well you live."
"Nothing is promised, that's why we're here." - Meet the Crypto Council for Innovation
"There's no greater plan than the plan of the universe."
"We are the conscious expression of the universe being conscious of itself."
"I like the fact that we cannot predict everything I like the fact that we live in a universe or anything may happen because the alternative to me is a constricting dead end."
"Infinite possibility... we are not humans, that is our experience, we are infinite awareness having that experience."
"The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want... you created me to be not to want you created me to be as you created me to be the Christ not to want anything of this world."
"Our purpose is to be here to create our own reality."
"Meaning lies not in ultimate cosmic victory but in the pursuit of that which matters to you."
"Because of how different he is to all the other supports and champions in the game it means yes he's harder to pick up but generally bad means the good ones will always be able to 1v9."
"Differences don't disappear; we are simply individuated expressions of the same thing."
"The goal of life is to identify something that matters, something that speaks to you, something that's important."
"It's not about living forever, it's about being able to live more fully."
"We're going to create our own narrative. We're going to build up. We're going to follow the sound of the drums and the flute that the universe is playing."
"We've never had free will, little lion, but that is about to change."
"Trust that. Don't doubt your ability and don't doubt the reason why you are here on planet earth."
"Mathematics is the foundation of all creation, design, and life. You exist within a grand mathematically generated illusion."
"Finding value and beauty in this short and meaningless existence of ours has been one of art's most traditional tasks."
"A meaningful life has got in some way to satisfy the will to matter."
"They were nihilists man they kept saying they believed in nothing."
"If God does not exist, life is without ultimate purpose, value, or significance."
"Reality is an illusion, but it doesn't mean that we aren't here to experience things."
"All things go through the change called death, which is really a transformation into a new state of expression."
"For me, meaning is something you create. You have the power to create meaning in your life and in the lives of others."
"Reality is fundamentally on our side, forward into the light."
"Life, knowledge, will, and power—God created the universe through his power and agency."
"Miracles are signs, evidence that this world is not the only world there is."
"If all humans are just nothing more than a bag of atoms, individual A, then why not manage them?"
"I believe that the Universe was always there and will always be there, and doesn't need any cause to exist."
"That is the cruel grace of the god born of man."
"You stared into the abyss and the abyss stared back into you."
"Love is one solid piece of evidence that God exists because love goes beyond a chemical reaction, love goes beyond genetic drive."
"Let your dying breath be, 'I did all that I could do.'"
"How spirit may strengthen to bear an unbearable world."
"In whatever circumstance you are put, in whatever be the mode of life, none of that should make absolutely the slightest difference to me."
"Just because we are here doesn't mean we're only here we're in this as well we're in this and we're in this that's where we all are right now."
"Just a copy of you continues your existence."
"You weren't born on this planet just to work."
"Fear breeds disease. Disease breeds fear. Come from a place of acceptance that this is happening for a divine reason."
"The only concept of meaning we have period is a human concept."
"On the other hand, when people do not believe in God, they end up believing in anything."
"What makes it worthwhile, right? You know, you're completely out... you have no idea what you're... It's almost impossible to describe how bad an idea that is. Responsibility. That's what gives life meaning."
"They said God is the glue that holds everything together, if he were to wink out for a fraction of a second, everything would dissolve."
"You want to have a meaningful life? Everything you do matters."
"Survive, thrive, escape, or die. It's up to you; you can do whatever you like. It's a free world."
"Remember, I would not be who I am, or you who you are."
"Energy can't be created or destroyed, so when somebody tells you that you're just gonna be gone, it's not true."
"The only belief you can't question is that you are having an experience right now."
"Earth is a school and you come here to learn lessons."
"Our mode of being is creativity in the face of the unknown."
"We may be in a virtual reality that appears to be real, but we are in fact Eternal Spiritual Beings living temporary human experiences."
"You are not merely a spectator in the Grand Theater of life but a key performer whose role is essential and whose presence is irreplaceable."
"You are more than a physical entity navigating through the world you are a manifestation of the Divine an embodiment of the universal Consciousness."
"The moment you stop learning, that’s the moment you start dying!"
"For Sartre, the looming end of the world would be just the type of threat that could unify disparate humans together into what he would call a group-in-fusion."
"We actually are celestial beings temporarily having a terrestrial experience."
"People at the heart of liberty lies the right to define our own concept of existence... There is an obligation to live in accord with reality." - Michael Knowles
"If nothing matters why not love each other and make the best of our time?"
"It's worthwhile to pay attention because this is the root of our human existence as we know it."
"We create the world all the time; it's part of creation."
"Maybe the Soviet side of the Cuban missile crisis might seem a lot more reasonable than the American one."
"Existential anxiety as an essential requirement on the path to selfhood."
"It is crucial to note that Kierkegaard was passionately committed to the idea that everyone must walk the path to selfhood..."
"We are co-creators of our reality; we have the power to shape our experiences through our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions."
"What can never be taken from us ever: our will and the power to use it correctly."
"The comfort comes from something that happens because you are something more."
"Your life is weightless, beyond material dimension."
"Life has no meaning other than the meaning you give it."
"We are accidental people occupying an accidental planet in an accidental universe, and that's okay."
"We are the cause and thus we have the ability to choose from limitless causes."
"The inner shapes the outer; live in congruence with your true desires."
"I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it."
"The meaning of life is the meaning we give to it."
"The consciousness itself, the very beat the very fact of being experiencing reality is a kind of miracle."
"There's no linear time; it's all here and now."
"Our bodies are just vehicles of consciousness."
"In life, there's no such thing as certainties. There's only probabilities."
"His task is to be outside this realm of human drama."
"Everything we see was created out of absolutely nothing."
"All we can do is decide what to do with the time that's given us."
"If a man has nothing to die for, he is living for nothing."
"Approach this as if it's the first and the last time you ever will."
"The future of everything is created in the thing."
"Any philosophy of life that enables someone to just default to 'well, I mean God or whatever' can justify anything with that."
"The things that are seen are temporal... subject to change."
"Your sacred calling upon this planet is to simply love and be loved."
"This goes to the core of our existence, this goes to the core of this creation."
"The consciousness of belonging vitally to something beyond individuality, of being part of a personality that reaches we know not where in space and time, greatens the heart to the limits of the soul's ideal and builds out the supreme of character."
"The universe wants us to evolve and grow and expand. The whole reason we're here is to have more, be more, know more."
"The living wholeness of being is infused in its every part with a loving and purposeful intelligence."
"Reality is relational, inviting us into meaningful relationships where the experience of both unity and separation is the exact tension that keeps the play of life going."
"Your future kind of doesn't exist yet, you're creating it right now."
"Human consciousness has a real presence in the world."
"Life becomes absurd if you doubt your own existence."
"The purpose of life was not just survival of the body."
"If there is no soul, there can be no free will."
"It's time to let old things die the past is dead but the past died we either move forward or we die with it."
"Even the blank meaninglessness strives towards meaning."
"We're here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that death will tremble to take us."
"There's nothing new under the sun, absolutely nothing."
"My kingdom is not of this world... This world is a world built on lies and hate and fear and pain and it's coming to an end."
"You do come from the stars, you return to the stars, you are of the stars."
"The two worlds must be balancing each other to remain in existence. Without one, the other cannot exist."
"Death is the enemy, the first enemy and the last."
"We're still standing, so I'm okay with not knowing."
"Life is a product of atoms and evolution by natural selection. I guess you could say we are the universe becoming aware of itself."
"How amazing our lives can be if we just allow ourselves to be."
"Sometimes I think we forget that the pursuit of money is not the point of our existence here."
"Existence and awareness become the one and the same thing."
"The only right thing to do is to be in tune with the existence and the creation."
"Conquer or be conquered, that's the code fighters live by."
"Anything is possible because we can never fully understand how the world works."
"The struggle itself towards the Heights is enough to fill a man's heart."
"Indulge in life and further the flourishing of life in all its aspects."
"Physical power is the essence of being alive and everything we're doing in the world."
"We're still all just one; nobody is really even separate from this grid."
"In the present moment right now, the version of you that is in a much different space than you right now, it already exists."
"Nobody knows [expletive], bro. Nobody knows [expletive]. Everything is a [expletive] belief."
"The world that we exist in right now is not all there is."
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost."
"Everything is alive, there is no life and death, it's just isness."
"I do believe that implication that perhaps like the world is a simulation opens the door to the back rooms..."
"Your purpose is to simply exist. You're here because you exist, you're here to experience."
"If you ain't got no universe, then you ain't got no universe. Quit bullshitting, quit trying to pull it out just because somebody else did it, and you know who you are."
"Evil exists as a force in this world, whether we describe it in terms of witchcraft or psychiatry."
"In the fundamental pain and meaninglessness of life, we must not find ourselves lethargic and paralyzed."
"What's the one thing I can't doubt? That I'm doubting. You know, you could say, 'Dubito, ergo sum.' I doubt, therefore I am."
"If nothing matters, make your purpose and make things better and make it flourish."
"Karma is the ultimate validation of freedom and choice, and that each of us inhabits a universe of our own creation."
"Life is meaningless, and we give our lives meaning to make existence bearable."
"The only thing you really fight for is yourself."
"The spiritual realm is as real as the screen in front of you."
"In other words, the essence of who I am is also the essence of who you are."
"Thought is something that can't be destroyed and we are thought, therefore we can never be destroyed."
"Your purpose is the reason you exist beyond making money."
"I want the world and the universe to continue."
"Just because something is invisible doesn't mean it doesn't exist."
"Death is the ultimate promise, ensuring we'll never be abandoned."
"You as you sit here, when you say I am, that is the God of the universe."
"The world is always a world of becoming, and you live it forward into an unknown."
"You are the true you, the being that has no beginning and will have no end."
"It's important that we repent of our sin and call upon Jesus Christ to come into our lives and to be our Savior."
"Embrace The Whispers of the cosmos for they are The Echoes of your Cosmic proficiency, a testament to your evolving connection with the boundless intelligence that weaves the tapestry of existence."
"Do not let what is human wipe out what is celestial; do not let what is purposeful wipe out what is fated."
"Unlimited possibilities are not suited to man, if they existed his life would only dissolve in the boundless. To become strong, a man's life needs limitation ordained by duty and voluntarily accepted."
"All we need to know and nothing actually matters. Meek is right, the art is all that matters now."
"Obey this, it'll be the most satisfying time in your existence."