
Philosophical Depth Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Meaning was such a cheap thing compared to being. Being is so much deeper, so much richer."
"Many stories have a meaningless ending because the story is simply devoid of any philosophical stakes."
"The issue of faith is much deeper than the issue of fact."
"Babylon is a smart, engaging, philosophically fascinating thriller unlike any anime I've ever seen."
"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
"Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder, and sieve it through the finest sieve, then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy."
"I don't cheapen it too much but there's a lot of philosophy going on in here...personally I kind of wanted to go to the core."
"The Specter of obliteration it's exactly what you're saying it's harnessing this instead of the obliteration."
"Planet With dives deep into the philosophy of pacifism."
"Recognize the Brahman behind the appearance, don't stay at the level of the appearance." - Swami
"In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female."
"Eren’s conclusion was not only logical and natural, but also fantastic, inventive writing that truly elevated his character to a level very few could have foreseen."
"The Kumbh Mela is a flag bearer of an ancient yet ever-evolving philosophy."
"I exist as every single human being who ever lived, both past, present, and future."
"Being a replicant is not mutually exclusive from being a human. He's a dad, doesn't matter when it comes down to it. What a hell of a statement for a sequel 35 years in the making to itself make: stop asking."
"We have a big gap between science and ultimate metaphysics, and that gap can only be filled by true religious thought."
"Whoever does not know self does not know anything, but whoever knows self already has acquired knowledge about the depth of the universe."
"Order is essentially structure, giving life structure as the greater will did when it fractured the one great."
"The crux of the philosophy of the film is all in that last 30 minutes."
"You have to have decades of conversation and philosophy before you even think about making moves like that."
"There is this sense that there is something much bigger than the matter universe that really does care about what we do."
"Existence, or what we might call 'God,' transcends every word, voice, mind, and silence; it's beyond comprehension."
"That's an aspect of Bruce Lee's philosophy that I don't think a lot of people pay attention to and I think it's one of the more interesting ones."
"No cost too great, no mind to think, no will to break, no voice to cry. Suffering born of god and void."
"Dune fails as a standard adventure story but excels in conveying deeper philosophical and thematic struggles."
"The balance between light and darkness: essential for the universe's survival."
"Rene Descartes was one of the deepest philosophers."
"They're so deep down there that you can't refute their assumptions because you couldn't possibly know the things that they believe."
"For me, being human is a long evolutionary trail we're on as souls, and it has very deeply to do with the qualities that the Greeks put forth thousands of years ago."
"It's the big and the small, the spookiness and the mundane, and the cosmic horror in our place and all of this."
"This is the most philosophical we got in the post-Troy shows."
"Final Fantasy 9 has some of the best writing, definitely one of the most philosophical of all of them."
"Infinite pixels, zero pixels, it's the same thing. Reality is an infinitely high-resolution field of consciousness."
"We cannot really be overplay or exaggerate the scale of what people call evil that this consciousness is capable of." - David Icke
"Strauss provides intellectual depth, seriousness, and anchor to modern conservatism."
"At the fount of the universe... completely a reflection of the Ultimate Reality."
"Deep, intelligent, philosophical, serious, and subtle."
"True enlightenment encompasses taking right action in the world."
"Soul looks like it takes the philosophical approach of Inside Out to the nth degree."
"The truth is the truth, it transcends everything."
"What we need are roomy questions... questions with room in them."
"Is not religion all deeds and all reflection, and that which is neither deed nor reflection, but a wonder and a surprise?"
"Our three-dimensional existence is a shadow of a larger reality."
"The lesson one scene where Luke teaches her that the Force does not belong to the Jedi was one of my favorites."
"A true soul in such a grotesque form, the absolute has a place in her heart even for death."
"Life is a kind of all-permeating wakefulness though I can't explain it... It's a horrible thought of yours life's a kind of spiritual mystery."
"I am that I am. It don't get no better, it don't get no bigger, it don't get no deeper."
"Reality is much more complex than it at first appears to be. It goes deeper and deeper into layer upon layer."
"We are dimensional beings living dimensional lives."
"Even within those three words, there's a universe of expressions of what 'easy is right' is."
"The more you get into it, the more that this book actually becomes quite philosophical."