
Income Generation Quotes

There are 285 quotes

"Have you ever had that moment when you recognize that your passion could also be a source of income?"
"Income follows assets. The more assets you have, the more income you'll earn."
"Mindset times skill set times tool set equals assets, and income follows assets."
"You're going to earn money every single 48 minutes, which is an in-game day."
"The YOLO plan would be so that I don't have to worry. I want it to be a stream of income."
"Maybe you can do both at the same time. Maybe that could be like your side hustle, your side hobby, and then once that is, you got that thing rolling and you start getting income from it, it can become your main job."
"Remember, building wealth is not about building income; building income is usually short-term."
"Focus on influencing and impacting people. If you focus on those two things, that equals income."
"If you care about your future, if you care about your children's future, you're bringing in an extra minimum of 1,500 bucks a month after taxes, minimum."
"With whatever skills you have learned, you can actually teach that to other people and you can make an income from doing that."
"Monetize your knowledge by selling a class online... once it is on one of these platforms, if people purchase your class or watch your class, then you will get paid."
"And that's how you make $1,500 to $2,500 dollars from scratch in the next 90 days by starting a service-based business and busting your ass."
"It is interesting to think about the world in this way."
"With that, you now have a full plan to turn day trading into a source of income."
"And like I said all you need to do is repeat the process and start to make money with YouTube shorts 2021."
"Learning how to make $230 a week extra on OfferUp and on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace and Ebay is just smart."
"I'm projecting to make close to three million dollars in Combined income once again because of my YouTube channel."
"Once you learn how to make your first dollar, now you can just keep repeating that."
"An extra thousand bucks a month just to promote a program. I like affiliate programs that really respect their affiliates."
"Covered calls are a solid way to collect extra money."
"The spending multiplier: when people spend, that becomes somebody else's income, and then people save a portion of that and they spend the rest."
"So many people want passive income but you have to understand that passive income in order to get it you have to be active."
"Congratulations, we are now ready to make money."
"Honestly I've made over 10 grand from CPA marketing using Max's bounty."
"It can make you a good amount of money and it's a lot more enjoyable than just spamming heists over and over."
"You can easily make six figures by selling templates."
"Build once, get paid for life. That's the power of passive income."
"Keen on making money, finding new sources of income, managing money with a keen eye."
"If you have not solved income generation, phase number one, you should not be focused on asset protection."
"Start doing some of the things that I'm gonna explain in this video until you have some kind of income you can rely on."
"This year alone my company makes on average six figures or more a month."
"If you're working on increasing your self-employed income, I actually really recommend YouTube as a potential way to do that."
"I'm into assets that are alive and producing income."
"Are you guys ready to make some money? Let's do this!"
"It's time to make some money mining, ladies and gentlemen."
"The hard work doesn't generate money, my imagination is what's generating the money."
"QYLG offers both growth potential and monthly income."
"What's your next move? If it's not bringing you income, I'd take that goddamn money."
"If you want to make more money, all you need to do is bring in more."
"Assets need to generate passive income. If they're not generating passive income, they're not assets."
"It's just a great way to make money by doing simple freelance services."
"So let's recap at this point you'll have the Cayo Perico Heist which should be able to make you anywhere between 1.3 and 1.6 million dollars every time you do it."
"As long as you're completing those pay phone hits on cooldown every 20 minutes by phoning Franklin you will have no problem in making at least two million dollars."
"Okay not a bad shot here we go yep you had that coming apparently gonna leave the area and there we go 85 000 for exactly three minutes of work now that's really really good."
"Your first advice should not be to save, your first advice is to produce more revenue."
"Step one is to create more income, step two then is to reinvest in creating and ensuring that you got more income coming in."
"One out of every 10 people that had a side hustle profited over one thousand dollars per month."
"Buy something tangible and real that throws off cash."
"Focus first on something that will give you the fastest results in terms of income."
"My money's been making money last year the money that I stacked made more money than the money that I earned from my real job."
"Every skill you learn is a skill you can offer clients and make money from."
"I still sell real estate because that's new cash coming through the front door every single day."
"You gotta be creative to generate income on your own."
"Once you find your winning book, you can go ahead and replicate it over and over and over again to increase your monthly sales."
"Even if you don't have startup money, you can still make $10,000 each month with drop shipping."
"Long term income seeking investors...collect that sweet income every single month."
"Time is money. It's up to you to generate your own income."
"You can make more income mowing lawns and having a legitimate lawn business than most people will probably make at their factory job."
"The bunker is one of my favorite businesses in Grand Theft Auto online and it truly is one of the best ways to earn some money."
"It isn't a get rich quick or a get rich easy scheme, but it can certainly be a great side income."
"It's never been easier to get started in 2024 and make $10,000 a month in profit. It's genuinely that simple."
"I'm making about eight hundred dollars a day, it's real dude, it's insane."
"Learn a skill to create more income, it's that simple."
"Jobs don't make you the most money, skill sets do."
"To make five thousand dollars a month copywriting you need to find a company that's going to pay you five thousand dollars a month to write ads for them. Go right now and find a company that's willing to pay you money to write ads for them."
"I knew I was only going to earn money as long as I hustled."
"Overall the whole reason I did that was just to be able to create some income."
"Your digital property is less taxed and generates a higher rental income."
"Right out of the gate I was able to generate more income on Skillshare teaching classes."
"Financial confidence is knowing that doesn't matter what happens to the economy, you can still generate income."
"All I was doing to make this money is affiliate marketing and I'm going to show you exactly how I did that in this video."
"Staking: earn a significant amount of income in terms of percentages."
"We've got some active and passive income going on."
"Rental real estate is an asset - it puts money into your bank account."
"YouTube is one of the fastest ways to make money online."
"This is by far one of the best, if not the best method right now to farm some insane money."
"An asset is something that puts money in your pocket."
"I want you to save money and then make money... because when you're making money, you'll be calling me back."
"You can quite literally create an income generating machine for yourself."
"Passive income is when you can do a little work today and it makes you money for days and days and days to come."
"We got our log trailer, so this is the start to making some serious money."
"You need to make more money guys, like that's really what it comes, I hate to say like 'Oh my God, you gotta get better and then come up', yeah you do, you [__] me, you have to make more money bro because..."
"Recurring revenue equals recurring income for years."
"Imagine making a thousand dollars this week from your internet business."
"Dividends can be a great way to make some money in the stock market."
"There are two forms of money I want you to focus on: making income and making wealth."
"This is a fantastic way to double down with affiliate marketing."
"Build high-income skills that will serve you for life."
"Rental property is some of the best income from a tax perspective you'll ever earn."
"You can really make a great income part-time."
"Turning views into a livelihood, one video at a time."
"Focus on a business or a skill that's going to generate you income in the first place."
"Passive income requires something up front; time, work, or money, but it's very possible."
"The key is you got to grow it so that it's big enough to generate enough income."
"The goal of the video is to basically show you that you can make this money."
"You only need to sell 10 $100 items to make a thousand dollars a week."
"Here's the entire list of dividend stocks: 12 stocks that will produce a dividend check every week of the year."
"The mistake that so many people make when they try to create this income is they focus here."
"You're about to start another source of income, it's truly a financial blessing from the divine."
"We're taught to work for money, not make money work for us."
"Investing in real estate, my goal is to get cash flow."
"You're literally making four times as much as you would with a long-term rental in the best-case scenario."
"If you want to create an income stream you gotta invest one of two things, you gotta either invest money or you gotta invest time."
"There's never been a better environment to create income streams online."
"This might be a new way to like make some side money."
"Rather than focusing on ways to split up that pie of income, I would personally spend more time on thinking about how to bring in more income through side hustles and side projects."
"We're making almost four million dollars a second, which is just so cool."
"This is where you should be getting the big money."
"Water collector: making 12k an hour even without bonuses."
"Generating at least a four percent dividend income."
"Why not utilize that skill that you already have to start making a really good income for yourself?"
"Find random ways to make money because there are random ways to make money everywhere."
"The idea though is that yes you can start a business, you can find a source of income."
"Harvest can be ideas, opportunities, exposure, or income."
"There might be a completely new way of making money for you this month."
"Money looks good, there's a lot of action in the money you make from the business you own or the company work for which is very good."
"Wealth measures how much money your money is making, and therefore your financial survivability."
"It's easier to make a million dollars a month than it is to make a million dollars a year."
"Let's commit to making an income this week so then next time we chat you have one dollar two dollars hundred dollars five hundred dollars thousand dollars something to show for what you did."
"Money does not have to come from hardship and hard work. There is such a thing as money coming from ease."
"Income protection is knowing that you know how to make money when everything is fine but you also know how to make money when the economic growth stops."
"There's no denying that if you do this method consistently you're going to make some decent money."
"Transform your knowledge into income as easy as hitting play."
"If you're just starting out in the game and you're looking for an easy way to farm, this is definitely one of the easiest ways to make some relatively good amount of cash pretty quickly."
"I just remember praying to God... I Surrender, I quit."
"Yes you heard me right, a thousand pounds a week and here's how."
"You can make this work for you and start earning $100 or more per day literally starting right now."
"This portfolio serves one main purpose: generating income while maintaining growth."
"The most dangerous money-making combo in the world: work ethic and time."
"My goal as a Wall Street rapper is to help us build confidence in playing this game, but also building confidence that we can make money. We need to make money. This is the best time we've ever been in."
"More ways to make money doing what you love—I think that's amazing."
"Specialize in one niche as a content creator for more income."
"This is going to be the most important video you need to watch from start to finish to create safe passive income."
"I've never seen it as a job but I started earning income from it and coming to London and doing all these events and things."
"I'm buying assets that can provide you with more cash, with more income."
"My YouTube channel will generate over 350,000 this year and it literally takes me 20 minutes to film a video."
"If your goal is to make money within a year, go with e-commerce. If you have a longer Runway of between two and three years, go with blogging or YouTube."
"Consider these things tools that can generate cash for you."
"Covered call ETFs are not designed for maximum total returns, they are designed for income generation and to lower your volatility."
"Selling the 50 delta and buying back the 25 delta maximizes the income that you're receiving at the same time minimizes the risk that you're taking."
"By consistently generating income through covered calls, investors can achieve more stable, predictable cash flow."
"Listing is the primary action you take that will result in income generation."
"Blogging is a good way to get from like 0 to 10K a month."
"Anybody with an expertise, whether it's nursing a baby, fitness training, real estate development, whatever you can teach, you can make a lot of money."
"Business is kind of the foundation, so anybody who doesn't have a business ought to really be thinking about a side hustle."
"Farming is not only dirty, but farming, there are so many avenues one can earn income from farming. Farming is a business."
"You really only need 1,000 raving fans, people who really love what you do, to make a solid income for yourself."
"If you do that every day, just devote one hour per day to taking pictures of 20 things and listening to them on eBay, you'll be making six figures on eBay easily."
"... if that same equity was in a duplex, a triplex, a fourplex, a single-family home, a short-term rental, an apartment complex, a commercial building, something that is designed to generate more income."
"Your home can generate income for you and reduce your biggest expense."
"Learning how to set up and optimize profitable Google ads campaigns is a highly sought after skill where you can also earn a high income."
"Always be doing things to make more money."
"... it's more important to cut your expenses than to simply boost your income."
"I think it's a pretty material side hustle."
"Big Bill Moody was able to figure out what needed to be done or what could be done better to enrich his income."
"...the best way for beginners to get started with creating their own online income stream."
"Our revenue breakdown might look a little different to a lot of the others that you might have seen. That's because we have a huge focus on high leverage income that isn't tied to the time that we put in or what a lot of people call passive."
"We have to focus on active income at the beginning with the goal of getting to passive income later."
"If you can work to create your own income and if you have that mindset to want to create your own income, you will be able to start doing it."
"When you're in shitty Economic Times like we're going into now, I think the framework you should use is you should look to save companies money or earn individuals side income."
"The secret sauce here is getting the income up and running like cranking."
"What if I told you that some of them are making up to $100,000 every single month purely from social media?"
"Income is generated by the product without you simultaneously exerting time and energy on it."
"The portfolio today would be more for someone with a 10, 20, 30 plus year horizon on their investments since the goal here is to collect dividend income every month."
"If I had $1 million and see I wanted to live on that income right now, I wasn't going to reinvest it anymore, and I wasn't concerned with total growth, then I'd be building a different portfolio than the one I have right here."
"In order to generate income, you must treat it like a business."
"You have three extra bedrooms that you are not using. You have not even thought about listing it on Airbnb to bring you extra income, to pay your rent. Yet, when you finish, you say, 'The bills are killing me!'"
"If you can get the hang of it and learn to be versatile in puts, calls, buying them, selling them, synthetic longs, calendar spreads, ratio spreads, condors, all that type of stuff, it's a beautiful way to generate perpetual income."
"Freelancing is really the fastest way to increase your income."
"Affiliate marketing is a way for you to make money online just by you recommending a product or getting a sale on another person's offer."
"This is what it takes okay so I'm going to walk you through really what it takes to make 100 Grand a month or more in profit."
"Build as many income streams as you can."
"How do I use that to actually make money? How do I use that to start to put some profit into my pocket?"
"This course step by step walks you through how to take your passion, your skills, the things you're already developing, you're already good at, you're already enjoying, and turning them into a reliable income stream."
"You don't really need a huge following to make your first $10,000 on YouTube."
"Dividend investors prioritize long-term income generation."
"Passive income is where you're generating income that's not directly correlated to the number of hours you're putting in."
"I'm going to show you the fastest and most effective way to realistically start making money with a faceless YouTube channel in 2024 and beyond."
"Buying income... that's the whole reason for becoming any type of investor."
"If their YouTube content is for profit, they might also want to understand something about which topics earn the most income."
"As soon as one person makes a year's worth of income in a month, it's a gold rush."
"The dual benefit of having additional income and lowering your breakeven."
"I knew these trailers were assets, and I know I can generate income off of it."
"There are two types of people: those that use the internet for distracting themselves, and those that use the internet to build leverage and make an income."
"Some people make a lot of money from it."
"Saving's great, but you know what would be even better than saving? Making more money."
"Capital is anything that can produce income."
"Time is money, and every day that you're not renting your Airbnb is another day that you're not making money."
"You can use Airbnb to not only subsidize your mortgage but actually make money doing it too."
"Affiliate marketing is an absolutely crazy way to make money."
"If you want to make a real income with affiliate marketing, you need to deeply understand how to use affiliate links."
"You only get to do this once, and you're going to realize that your best asset for producing income... is going to be your money working for you."
"If your YouTube videos make three dollars a day... calculate that out per month and you've got a full-time income."
"You need to be invested fully in yourself and become an income-generating machine."
"For the first time ever, a young person is able to derive an income from their passion."
"If you really want to start earning more money, you might have to create your own income."
"You really can start flipping furniture as a means of income for your family."
"Passive income is important because eventually, you're going to stop wanting to earn it."
"I'm gonna show people how to generate six figures a year without even owning a truck."
"I love walking, and now that I use Job Spotter, I love it even more since I get paid to walk."