
Tactical Advantage Quotes

There are 827 quotes

"Both sides also agree the advantage is significantly less than it has been in previous battles that we have data for."
"That very last battle, when everybody had mass Colossus, really, the reason I think why Huk came out ahead was because he had a great concave, a great surround around all of those Colossus, and that was all destroyed."
"The essence of a good attack is to push the defenders into uncomfortable positions and capitalize on it."
"The overwhelming majority of the time, having a carbine that shoots the same caliber and uses the same magazines as your pistol may very well make a difference."
"Ranged power is their biggest asset; they have a ton of missile and artillery firepower, making them very difficult to get close to without taking an absolute hammering."
"We have so many archers firing into their flank, and there's nothing they can do because our infantry is about to advance on them."
"A group of F-35s is in theory capable of attacking a target without being detected, and this is a big tactical advantage."
"Doom: the devour is really the reason for picking him."
"The transformation spell is extremely good...transforms enemies into explosive barrels that do massive damage."
"Lifeline's tactical healing drone for me is the best part of her kit."
"High ground positioning is critical for better fighting power and awareness."
"These guys look really interesting indeed now the massive gun is really threatening and on top of that it really does pack quite a lot of secondary firepower."
"Things looking pretty good now, we've got a choke point here."
"If you have something that has a little bit more range or at least a lot of suppressing potential then that might be the answer."
"Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake."
"Beastmaster Ascension... can turn all those tokens that I'm making into big flying threats."
"Snipers have a really big advantage on ground war."
"Pushing the wave is also really good because it helps create space."
"The ability to instantly gain wall hack information every time you have a smoke bomb is very powerful."
"This allows us to have more tactical maneuverability."
"Whatever it is you do and make sure to take advantage of those psychological back doors."
"Alert: great perk that helps you make better decisions."
"Decisive Strike: Escaping the killer's grasp is game breaking."
"Sometimes that extra damage is all that matters."
"Amid confusion and chaos, your array may be without head or tail, yet it will be proof against defeat."
"The moment that you cast this and then everyone goes 'ah whatever' and then the next turn you're like 'I'm going to foretell these four cards out of my hands and then I'm going to pass turns.'"
"Recalling is the most underrated and powerful tool at your disposal. It can snowball you after a kill and stop the enemy's snowball by preventing further kills."
"Nice, I like that a lot. Probably worth putting a bad card in your deck for."
"One good player who knows what they're doing in the direct control could just change everything."
"One soldier can change the battle if the enemy outnumbers you."
"Our snow lands which basically means with my commander I can double my Mana every turn and then I have a bunch of cards that are Mana sinks so I always have ways to use all of that Mana."
"Resto Shaman is a slam dunk best back in the game in my opinion."
"Blinding nade grenade launchers... it really doesn't get much more overpowered than completely rendering your enemies useless."
"Worth mentioning because of their 12-inch deep strike."
"Valkyrie is one of the best operators in the game, especially in higher ranks."
"FBX is a team that really understands how to snowball in different avenues."
"Maymay's intelligence is on a different level, determined to win in any sticky situation."
"I would love a lunge when you're behind somebody."
"Yeah, this game is not over like Win Probability still helping in going for the kill."
"He put him there so no one could ever take that land without him knowing."
"Vancouver Titans caught that one advantage and they just gripped it."
"Battle tanks could provide a game-changing capability to Ukrainians."
"It's probably one of the most fulfilling games to run, it benefits go to destroy these enemies."
"You can fire more rounds in a short amount of time with a high capacity magazine."
"Subtle spell removes verbal and somatic components from spell casting, enabling a stealthy play style."
"I figured to myself, if we're playing a format where I can decide where you have to attack, this is insane."
"You're able to put out a lot of damage on your enemy without them even knowing really what is going on."
"Rocket belt fixes this issue by giving them a brief dash plus a boost of movement speed so they can get in just a bit closer."
"You can drop people in places that the helicopter could typically not land."
"The key to winning asymmetric wars is to use your enemies' advantages against them."
"The Glade Lord is just so good because of the ability to snare and also apply a negative missile resist at the same time."
"We can change its parameters. We can interface with the fuse on a lot of the weapons and change the delay time. And everything. That's one of the things that gives the v52 a strength over a lot of other platforms."
"The German forces have stalled for now, but they will regroup. Take advantage of the lull and push their command trench."
"A shotgun would put you at a significant unfair advantage."
"Having Hilisang on this Thresh pick gives them so much freedom around the map."
"Spawn dispenser is ridiculously good in certain scenarios."
"Changing your gear for the situation actually gives you an advantage."
"Allows me to have a lot easier of a time taking out the buildings later on."
"It wasn't like the battle around Kyiv where the Russians were stuck on the roads due to terrible mud and seasonal conditions, and Ukrainian light infantry could range up and down the unsecured flanks of those lines causing absolute havoc."
"The MP5K base model's modularity is actually a strength in the case of a concealable PDW."
"Batman is literally Fox. Batman's damage output is absurd. If you land one combo, he could just super push it all the way."
"Underhooks, man. It is the most important thing maybe in all of fighting."
"To understand your enemy is to have an edge over them, to understand why are they doing this, what makes them do this, you know, how is that, what is their belief system that they have, and how did they come to acquire it."
"Their overall fleet speed was very high because it meant that they could engage and disengage at pretty much at will."
"Snatch Steel... I think Snatch Steel is sometimes better than Change of Heart."
"Wish ender's exotic perk queen's wrath provides the ability to see through walls while drawing the bow and aiming down the sights."
"Know where the loot crates are, know where enemies like to fly into and land, know where the jump spots are, know the audio cues. This way you can really focus on winning your early game."
"When you get a kill... you will know exactly how many players are left and where those players are."
"Backstab makes hitting enemies from behind more potent and causes them to stagger."
"He regained the high ground, pulled Jin's blade into his hand, and cut down the stunned Sith Lord."
"Information is king when it comes to winning gunfights."
"Attack where they are weak not where they are strong."
"It’s a good example of how little cultural things we take for granted, like "woof woof" or "wan wan" can have interesting impacts on everything, including Mario games!"
"Zen is immune to all damage and it is extremely good for dealing with certain ultimates."
"If you can drop a one mana artifact in turn one or a mana dork in turn one, you can add another kind of ramp in turn two and then immediately Wheel of Fortune in turn three."
"If one shot can do it, that thing is absolutely golden."
"When you are Elite from the perimeter, you force teams to capitulate to your style of play."
"Lethal current... increases your melee lunge after a dodge."
"With Bruno on the pitch, you're always guaranteed a bit of magic and that amazing ball over that leads us to the goal."
"Ignorance can absolutely be used as a defensive tactic."
"Absolute Master Class disguising it thinking it's going to be a run and he goes to the air."
"Forget Me Not can use this power to his advantage in a huge way in the right circumstances in one case he's even able to dupe all of X-Force..."
"Everyone just grab a shield spell if you can cast it... extremely potent on the medieval battlefield."
"Invisibility... get them behind an enemy where they're not shields."
"It's not about seizing the enemy's position, it's about seizing the most beneficial position on the battlefield itself."
"When the position opened up, my pieces were much better situated."
"One of the benefits of combat and darkness is our shooting accuracy indoors goes dramatically up."
"If you're a better player, yeah, and which is definitely the best dive tank as well... definitely above Winston."
"Strong shotgun but the reason why the mastiff is so strong is because you're able to get 100 plus damage shots just peaking for a second, really powerful to win your fights."
"If you scout and you see someone has like a Neeko in the corner, you can just put Nidalee or Diana here."
"Killing a truck loaded with ammo is worth it, let alone killing a tank and its crew."
"For Endless mode - Battle Ballad is basically a cheat code."
"This tank feels absolutely special if you can control the engagement."
"The beauty of what has made Chris Jones such an unbelievable player...he might kick out and line up over your offensive tackle on one play and then dominate your Center on the next play."
"High ground wins games, low grounds win tournaments."
"If you can stick through it, you're going to find that you have a really powerful weapon in your hands which you can use to massively change the flow of fights."
"He really was 1v1ing Huni very well but Reignover, he pitched a tent."
"Guarantee a win here is to hide behind a box where he can't shoot you."
"Nice job going on high ground this is a good starting point for your team now."
"If Zane uses the drone and clone technology at the same time, it's like having three players shooting simultaneously."
"The bmp3 can work on the maps that the other tanks just can't."
"Mewtwo has a lot of good stuff, very fast, very scary."
"Ella's gun is just like a bit of a laser beam again."
"Bravo is hands down the best operator they've come out with."
"Cutting Words is one of the most fun abilities that you will ever play with."
"The Raven at level six is gonna be so dangerous."
"If you kill either the main tank or the main support, it's almost a guaranteed one fight."
"Sometimes attacking the supply line is more effective than attacking the main host."
"Sometimes being president is also a matter of timing."
"You have an entire German army almost surrounded. And if you can cut it off and destroy it, you've basically won the war."
"Burrow's athleticism isn't elite, but his abilities to extend dead plays and find open receivers down the field or run for chunk yardage make him difficult to defend."
"Pop a beast blood pellet and attack its side over and over."
"Our goal remains unchanged: holding our positions, exhausting the enemy by inflicting maximum losses," - Alexander Siri.
"So many kills! These shock troops were nasty effective."
"Cluster rounds are just going to be more effective, often several times more effective, than unitary projectiles."
"Firing a better round than your opponent does give you something of an advantage."
"Against lower tier combatants with a limited skillset and tactical understanding, he is absolutely devastating."
"Gesture of the Drowned: Reduces equipment cooldown by 50%."
"Even if you have two evenly matched units charging into each other and one has javis and one doesn't, if the one that has javis gets his javi toss, they will win."
"The strategy of the Alliance High Command is to never attack an enemy where they expect to be hit, go for the weak spots, throw them off balance." - Fleet Marshal Shek
"You return back, you stole the scripture, and now the advantage we have."
"The rams made all the difference in this case soaking up all the galleon fire."
"The insights these soldiers have gained by conducting operations on the ground in conflict zones could be very valuable for Ukrainian forces encountering Russian maneuvers."
"The advantages of a red dot are really fantastic."
"You have frame advantage, so you can just do whatever you want."
"Finn's leadership ability, balance tactics, gets you so much value for your money."
"One machine gunner has the firepower of 40 riflemen."
"Ukrainian forces minimized the risk to which their own personnel were exposed by using UAVs for precision attacks, improving the security of the operation."
"Law of Plague is going to enter S tier because it is absolutely fantastic for the skaven."
"I finally found another one... I've got an idea this move right here puts the enemy to sleep."
"First strike means that you're doing damage before regular combat damage is assigned."
"It's really about stacking as many benefits as you can and using a lot of these support elements to support your big bad elephants because those are going to be the things that are going to crush your enemy."
"Things like that can become a very big advantage to having a Mini 14."
"Combining this fighting style's wind nature with swords, B is able to increase the lethality of his attacks."
"Whenever you can leverage like a window and arranged weapon during a raid it's actually really, really nice."
"Having units that actually do what you tell them to is a pretty big benefit in a micromanagement challenge."
"Think about how powerful that is...your teammate dies early in the round, he hops on this drone and is covering this entire area for you guys."
"We've slowed the tempo down, frustrated them. That will be our Teta's game plan."
"Jean's super provides a lethal opportunity to isolate one enemy and force a 2v1 situation."
"The Ukrainian Force had gained a significant Advantage after launching an offensive against the Russians."
"Treasures are pretty good, turns out, especially when you could use them to drop a Blightsteel on the battlefield."
"He's going to start hitting people from like an entire screen away."
"Having the shield there is really, really valuable."
"Life instead of mana is just one of the more powerful things you can ever do."
"Liquid claimed the Tia to town for the top lane."
"The Ukrainian Army was able to repel the Russian army from behind thanks to the defense lines it had created and its successful ambushes."
"The way the game works is Whoever has mid bush in the mid game basically owns the map."
"The hill is always going to be the better option."
"Tactics allow somebody to reverse a positional disadvantage and make it into a positional advantage."
"It just allows you to spread a lot of your super across the map and it's really annoying for the enemies to deal with."
"Love breathing... built to keep your opponent far away from you but your sword close to them... adjustable range..."
"It's about using equipment and field modifications to your advantage to turn sniping into your favor."
"Suze negates the one weakness that Roadhog and MAA have: Biotic Grenade."
"Unlocking a whole new bag of tricks, Prowler's Claw removes the biggest counter of Fiora's ultimate."
"His jab is going to be a serious problem for Loma."
"You have uh you have a double attack the queen and the knight attack two things which are only defended by one thing so you're actually guaranteed to win material here I see wow."
"Even on eco, when you find the right play, you win the round. It's just you're not finding it intentionally if that makes sense."
"They've got the weapons to attack those Abrams, no problems."
"Super hot take: fast players should play fast."
"Crum saw the inaction among his enemy and took advantage accordingly."
"Even a very small number of defensive fighters, perhaps as few as a four-ship flight, could have a disproportionate impact countering even a multi-squadron attack."
"LifeLink allows you that freedom and flexibility to say, 'Well, I'm going to take you out.'"
"The SCAR is able to balance those three... accurate, lightweight, and low recoil."
"I recommend that we try to breach this door as silently as possible and gain advantage over the one who stands watch."
"A slight advantage is where you're going to be the same in one of the triangles but you're going to have an advantage in another triangle."
"Going first in combat is very important... you can often eliminate or incapacitate an enemy or two before they attack you, preventing a lot of damage to your party."
"Recognize when to get aggressive and push the advantage, especially when the enemy team is at a disadvantage."
"It's so great to be able to stay keep your distance from enemies."
"We're gonna pick up spirit shield...a really fantastic tanking ability."
"Debuff spells are things that are going to allow you to continue to attack your enemies while giving them a disadvantage or some sort of penalty."
"Arrows that come at you and throwing them back, uh yeah, there's... I mean, your maneuverability gets upscaled here."
"Gloomstalker Arcane trickster which I think is one of the strongest combinations that you can make out of this."
"Bangalore... instant value in throwing your smoke down to elude and block sight from enemies quickly efficiently."
"If you're wanting a tank killer that is so accurate and so capable of providing not only deadly effect but recon assets at the same time yeah it's just a really good thing to have on your side."
"The sacrifices that you have to make to the tank to be able to gain that situational advantage of being able to give your opponents no hope just feels so incredibly taxing and painful."
"That's a smart play if you're trying to win in a battle royale: you wouldn't leave the most powerful position to put yourself at a disadvantage."
"Weapons are a force multiplier for modern aircraft."
"Drafting means using someone else's aerodynamic effect to your benefit."
"Kirito's the fact that he has the passive where you can like dash attack and stuff and all your attacks move you forward a little bit. It's kind of crazy."
"Guiding Bolt deals 4d6 radiant damage and awards advantage to the next ally that attacks the target."
"Mount them, press C, and you just cause flat-out devastation."
"It can be a bit unwieldy, but if used correctly, it's an amazing weapon for taking out groups of raiders."
"You take the opportunities the opponent presents you. This is how PA wins."
"The mark 7 is still a legitimate addition to the Mjolnir range."
"Use creep aggro to your advantage, especially in the early levels."
"Radar gave the RAF 20 minutes warning of a German attack... it allowed Fighter Command to send the right amount of aircraft to the right place at the right time."
"Liverpool actually most one of the most dangerous teams from set pieces now if we can go and have another player that can offer something like that it means that we can potentially win more games."
"Having a player in a turret is now a force multiplier as it always should have been in the past."
"Hammond's movement allows for really long flanks, making him a nightmare for enemies."
"Split chamber gives you multi-shot...doubling your damage per shot when it procs."
"Part smokebomb, part cloaking field, the phantom device throws her foes into disarray."
"This is a card that is really, really good against certain archetypes if they're playing a late game like attrition control deck. This card can win you the game on its own."
"Offensive: seize, retain, and exploit the initiative."
"Crafting the cards early and playing them early can feel so rewarding because you get moments like that that aren't going to happen once people know how all the new cards work."
"You have open attack lethal unless he has, I don't know what he can do to stop this."
"The big guns sitting on your IFV, whether that be a 30mm or otherwise, that extra firepower is going to help you achieve a breakthrough through whatever position you're targeting."
"I Love Actually being able to be more in control of when I'm getting a rift dropped."
"Return of the Wildspeaker... with Kalmax down... you're going to draw ten cards."
"Their stealth is their most important weapon."