
Individual Perspective Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Meaning can only mean something for a 'who'. There isn't meaning in the abstract; there is only meaning subjectively for an individual."
"She's a princess in my eyes, but she takes pride in that."
"It only has to mean what it means to you, no more no less."
"I see people as people and I guess that's humanism."
"If everybody can make everything, then it becomes the insight, the perspective, the unique point of view that matters."
"Let doubt prevail and I realize that that's not a political point of view it is a personal right."
"One of the weird things is watching him think incredibly long term."
"There is no one-size-fits-all for happiness everyone views success and happiness in a different way and what brings this woman happiness might not bring me happiness"
"Half the world thinks, 'Oh, this is BS.' Good."
"Each of us has our own version of 'Monkey Island' in our heads."
"If you did like this, like it's perfectly fine, I'm really happy for you. I personally didn't like it."
"I'm free here to express what I feel and share my message in a mostly unadulterated way."
"It all kind of boils down to like how each individual player feels when they're doing something, that is the inspiration." - Cory
"I did not come out of the birth canal spouting conservative talking points."
"You're not impressed by any of it because again you're the star of your own Universe."
"Devonte Smith wants to win football games yeah not be a great fantasy football asset."
"He came along and just saw things in a way that no other person was willing to see them."
"There's a personal greatness from the perspective of the individual... greatness is doing what I love."
"Just because one person says something doesn't mean that's what it is, that's just what one person says."
"Sex is a normal thing; however, I don't think it's an individual need...unlike things like food, water, oxygen."
"You'll have to make up your own opinion just like I've done with mine."
"We all believe what we believe and we have certain reasons for believing that."
"The number one takeaway I want all of you to get from this video is that Sola scriptura has created Jacqueline Glen's interpretation of the Bible."
"Don't come to me and be like nah man bro I see this in my own [__] personal existence."
"Every line oozes with his personality like every line comes straight from his head from his perspective."
"It's art so if you hate it, you're right. It sucks. If you love it, you're right."
"It is enough to have your own lived experience and your own truth and therefore your own reaction to stuff."
"Imagine if you had that part of your psyche that told you that you were right and everyone else was wrong."
"I couldn't care less what they're going to accuse me of."
"One person's chicken scratch is another person's modern art."
"A lone voice amidst the chaos, fearlessly questioning and challenging the decisions that have shaken the nation's faith."
"Nietzsche saw himself as the only one truly able to tackle the significance of existence."
"Your experiences here in life give you your own data set."
"Who would be basking for the most pride and happiness over the success of the men in her family? Well, it was Violet of course."
"The character I was most intrigued by was Finn."
"Nobody knows what it means to you, that counts."
"Freedom can be found in the home, by the fireplace. What does freedom look like for you?"
"Their mindset is not like my mindset, it's just totally different."
"Enjoy it... there's a beauty in singleness there really is."
"Some of the things in your head that are the most important aren't actually either the most important or even relevant to other people."
"The opinions of sheep don't matter to a lion."
"Aaron's State of Mind is probably crazier than we might even be imagining."
"The best we can do is hope to make our individual world as close to the real world as possible."
"Because the church isn't going to do this, I totally just speak for Him."
"I remember telling someone about it and they were like totally tripped out like that's not right."
"It's an element of you that we don't get to see otherwise."
"All I can do is share my story, my version, my experiences."
"Success is different for everybody. Successful somebody can be living off $100,000, that's success to them, that's fine."
"President Donald Trump represents a worldview to protect the United States of America."
"Ridiculous, Lexi's correct and Brent is wrong."
"Recreate the word success so that it fits you."
"I think I'm allowed to have a different opinion about something as non-important as drama getting one."
"You're talking about everybody was waiting for Dave Chappelle. I've been waiting for nothing."
"Your life is not emblematic of the world around you."
"I don't care what they think or with the truth after I give it to them. I only care that they know the truth."
"Everything I said in this video is of my own opinion."
"For me, his positives far outweigh the negatives."
"Success to you is what it will always be. So when is always a win when you know what it is to you, not what it is to other people." - Kevin Hart
"I don't care what you believe. It doesn't matter what you believe."
"Success is not necessarily what the masses think, success isn't the gold star or the gold medal or whatever it is that you want to ascribe as some sort of material recognition."
"You know I'm saying that's really a slice of the pie was you know right right so I just try to be as honest with myself and and hopefully there's people out there that feel my take on it right."
"Elon says it doesn't seem like a business move for him, this seems like a personal thing."
"Everybody's relationship is different, and I always feel like I'm not going to compare my relationship to anybody else's."
"If it's not on your terms, it's not actually winning."
"Your life choices and your life circumstances is always going to determine what success looks like for you 100% of the time"
"Statistics don't matter to the individual."
"but it doesn't bother everyone else but what does bother me is people think it's some kind of moral stance it's not it's Happ stance really had to do with typing"
"He was the only person in the world who thought that. So his career had kind of stalled."
"I'm just showing you my take on everything."
"I speak on my own behalf in my own capacity, so please don't take anything as representing any policy or position." - Colonel Jack Gayle
"That's the why. I enjoy it and I love it. You may not, but I do."
"Every man's words speaks from that life must sound vain to those who do not dwell on the same thoughts on their own parts."
"We celebrate our accomplishments, regardless of how they might seem to anybody else."
"Strength is a concept that is very much defined differently by a lot of different people."
"That's all I've ever really done, just put my point of view out there."
"Well again, I, I to me I can see past that, I'm like yeah, I'm not into that part, I don't care."
"If I could give you a truth about Howard homecoming, like one truth, Howard homecoming is what you make it."
"Her truth, not her opinion, her truth about what happened to her."
"I am happy to be on a completely different page to the rest of the community here sometimes it's about serving the uh game and what's right for it rather than serving and providing fan service for one for better description."
"It's entirely subjective, obviously. This is just my opinion."
"For some people, it's like they have high standards."
"The truth is the truth whether it's one person saying it or a thousand."
"You're allowed to have your opinion too."
"I also really like Angelina, a really strong woman with a strong point of view."
"Success is relative to everybody's life... Success does not mean that I have to be in arenas."
"Autonomy, a demonstration of respect for a person's unique perspective."
"You can look at that and make something of it without being told what you're meant to think about it."
"Everyone could be reading the same book, we could all have a different picture in our head."
"I'm not the type of guy that's going to say I'm going out there to win because that's not why I do it."
"It's not your life, you really can't speak about anything unless you're the one living in it."
"Though God knows, I don't know how anyone could get more pleasure from it than John Cassavetes."
"Do not review a film if you don't have an opinion; if you just want to say what a hundred thousand other people are saying, you are not a reviewer."
"Just because you as an individual don't feel oppressed, that doesn't mean that other people aren't."
"The morale of that storale is you just need to care a lot less about what people think."
"Inside of every single person is a unique perspective... we all just have something unique about us."
"Your own experience is important to recognize from your own experience; that's all any of us can do."
"Your perspective is unique because other people don't have it; that's exactly why you should share it and speak it and live it."
"Each individual in the personal stories describes in his own language and from his own point of view the way he established his relationship with God."
"Perception, like beauty, rests in the eyes of the beholder."
"Look, I know Lydia's people are bad, but that doesn't mean she's bad at all. She's just scared."
"Remember, a regular guy's perspective is the last defense against tyranny."
"I like to look at the art, I like to look at what's going on, I don't want to have to be like, 'Oh, what's everybody saying?'"
"Do not be influenced by other traders because people see things differently."
"We're all gonna see something different in a piece of art."