
Historical Comparison Quotes

There are 1247 quotes

"And just like Western Front battles more than a century ago, Bakhmut consumes men and materiel at a prodigious rate."
"Our education today is a thoroughly vocational education that centers on teaching students information and skills, which was the education for the slaves in the Greco-Roman world."
"Our thinking today is different from the ancient Greeks because, as small children, we can master all sorts of concepts that not the smartest people in Athens couldn't master."
"I would take this guy; this guy really is George Washington."
"Can we please stop comparing things to Jews in Nazi Germany unless they're actually things that are comparable."
"This war is Ukraine's foundational war of independence...it's their 1776."
"On a monthly basis, we're serving six to seven times the number of students that Harvard has served since 1636."
"The concept of patronage has gone away... Beethoven and Mozart didn't pay their own bills. Somebody else saw talent in them and somebody else paid their bills."
"This is more payload capability than any vehicle in history, apart from the Saturn 5."
"Modern ISR tools have become so good that ordinary members of the public now arguably have access to better tools than many commanders throughout history."
"Home buyer affordability has plummeted to those that we have not seen in over 40 years."
"A humiliated nation drawing on a past that does not exist and being promised a return to greatness if they follow a strongman authoritarian is the model of a fascist movement."
"If all of the land in the country is concentrated in the hands of a few rich individuals, we're essentially headed back to the Dark Ages."
"If you do say it's bad, or if you make a comment or a comparison to 1930s Germany, you must be indulging in conspiracy theories."
"My immigrating grandmother almost a hundred years ago had more property rights to her book than Amazon grants you in 2024."
"The atheist is as negative as Columbus, who denied the Flat Earth; he is as destructive as was Galileo, who saw the earth as a part of a whole."
"You're the kind of person who, back in the day, could have probably been an empress who married an emperor, a queen who was married by a king."
"Autoimmune diseases weren't nearly as common 100 years ago... because our immune systems are always fighting bugs."
"We are in an extraordinarily complex world right now, where we're seeing supply shocks that we haven't seen since possibly World War II, or certainly since the 1970s."
"It was the greatest boxing debut of all time."
"We've had more negative days this year than we've had since 1974."
"Ninety percent of the foods today in the supermarket did not exist when our grandparents were kids."
"Modern life is kind of analogous to medieval Europe."
"What we witnessed was worse than what we witnessed in slavery. Cowboys with their reins again whipping black people."
"We haven't seen anything this important since Bush V Gore and that was a 10. This is one of the most important cases they will ever decide."
"We are today in the midst of... a set of economic transformations which are comparable in their scale and their scope... to the Industrial Revolution."
"January 6 is the worst assault on this country since the Civil War."
"Children sleep 80 minutes a night less than they did a century ago... there's been a 20% decline in adult sleep in the last century."
"A thousand years from now, Tupac is going to be remembered just the way we remember Jesus and all these other figures who are not white."
"He bragged about the best unemployment rate we've had since 1969. That is true."
"I don't think we're rerunning the 1930s. I think the question about how democracy ends is a question about the future, and almost everyone sees it as a question about the past."
"The unemployment rate held steady at 3.7%, that's now 2 years in a row below 4%, the longest streak of its kind since the 1960s."
"We're going back to the Dark Ages in a sense."
"Climate-related disaster deaths have gone down by a rate of 98 percent over the last century."
"It's unquestionable that America is significantly less racist today than the 1960s."
"Trump once asked Chief of Staff John Kelly, 'Why can't you be like the German generals in World War II?'"
"Our bodies through so many things that people didn't 10, 20, 50, 100 years ago."
"Many likened it to the industrial revolution and how quickly the world developed after other advances in technology and science."
"We're less likely to die from catastrophes... the number of people who have died due to natural disasters has shrunk by 99%."
"Our ability to withstand said storms is dramatically better than it was in the early 1900s."
"I worked at CNN back when it was a news organization back in 1993, and we wouldn't have dreamed of covering stories in the way they do now."
"Who did people compare people to before Hitler? Because Hitler is the litmus test for horrible... And apparently, it was Napoleon."
"It might be the end of the world? No, but it might be almost a semi-agrarian world. Life might look a little bit more like it did in 1910."
"As I've told you before, I carry a card in my pocket with the number of Americans who have died from COVID to date...That's more deaths than in World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, and 9/11 combined."
"Stanton describes crossing the Continental Divide as akin to Caesar crossing the Rubicon."
"The real housing crisis is that... we haven't seen that volume of house building since the mid-'70s."
"Before education was put under the thumb of government, we had some of the brightest, most well-read people in the entire world."
"Did they give the same treatment to Dorothy Thompson or that other American journalist that interviewed Hitler?"
"We are in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression."
"Grant surpasses Lincoln in authoritarianism, having expanded the use of federal Authority in domestic peacekeeping."
"An interesting little side note: the German denazification process was considered such a success that decades later Americans sought to apply a similar methodology after occupying Iraq."
"Morale is down across the country and their polls showing right now that Americans are less satisfied with the United States than they have been in 50 years."
"I feel a lot like Martin Luther did when he said, 'Peace if possible, but truth at all costs.'"
"It's a very interesting coincidence that the base of the Pyramid of the Sun and the base of the pyramid in Giza are very close in scale."
"Everybody's putting the blame on this administration, but I would say hey, where was the Reagan administration, where was the George H.W. administration, where was the George W. administration, where was the Trump administration?"
"One third of all current jobs in America were jobs that didn't even exist 30 years ago."
"This is the greatest counter-offensive since World War II, let's unpack that a little bit."
"We have not been in something in an environment as serious as we are today that is an existential threat to our constitutional republic since the Civil War." - Rick Wilson
"The economy has not been this bad since the Great Depression."
"The similarities with the biblical flood are quite remarkable."
"What makes someone who has worked hard and struggled through America's difficult immigration process less worthy of participating in the society than someone whose family came in, let's say, the great immigration wave of the early 20th century?"
"Bitcoin is the fastest adopted technology in all of human history."
"We are at levels not seen since 1991 when it comes to home affordability."
"I think he was the most disruptive person since Andrew Jackson in terms of actually taking the establishment head on."
"Operation Warp Speed: a massive scientific, industrial, and logistical endeavor unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project."
"I think we'll look back on veganism the same way we look back on like slavery and stuff that people wonder like how the fuck could we ever condone like harvesting and murdering so many."
"Well, you know, and I'm just gonna, I just want to discuss this a little bit, you know, when Hitler was gone from Germany and all this, a lot of the scientists, a lot of his generals, they disappeared, uh, they disappeared with lots of submarines."
"He's done more damage than the 10 worst Presidents in the history of our country."
"This is just laying the foundations for Mass mobilization like World War II scale mobilization."
"Technology has already changed our world... who knew that we'd be able to click a switch to illuminate the darkness rather than lighting a candle?"
"The best economy in the history of the world."
"But why? Fundamentally, it is because flavor, for the first time since Alpha, took precedence over function."
"I don't want to be Herbert Hoover and I won't be Herbert Hoover."
"Byzantines could maybe even be better than Persians."
"This temple of democracy... hadn't been damaged this way since the British invaded and set it on fire during the War of 1812."
"I think Donald Trump is probably the most transformational political figure in the last let's say six or seven decades of American political life maybe you can compare it to Ronald Reagan in terms of the transformational effect and to uh FDR."
"In 1968, I don't think we were ready. 2020, I think we are."
"We are closer now to a nuclear war than we've been since the Cuban missile crisis."
"Roe v Wade is the slavery issue of our time the 1857 supreme court decision dred scott v ferguson and the 1973 roe v wade decision both rendered people as property."
"Musk compares the journey to Mars to Shackleton's Antarctic expedition: 'Long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful.'"
"He wants to basically be Emperor Nero... bread and circuses to distract the mob."
"Like General Pickens, all of us here today are in a battle for American Liberty and Independence."
"Feminism in 2022 is like 200 steps ahead of feminism in 1817."
"Even posthumously releasing works of an artist that they did create, like the Tolkien stories, didn't Tupac release an album after he died?"
"Boris Johnson is now the most powerful Prime Minister since Tony Blair."
"Do we become the people that we warned others about like the Stasi of East Germany or the KGB?"
"Any appeal to democracy from the remain camp has no more legitimacy than an appeal to human rights from Hitler."
"The people in Hong Kong remind me of the patriots in the United States in 1776."
"Joe Biden said that we are facing our greatest political challenge since the Civil War."
"Hip-hop is the greatest thing since the ancient bards."
"The United States will stand by them for as long as it takes."
"The damage that will be done by climate change exceeds every disaster and catastrophe ever experienced or committed by humans combined."
"The recent Tongan eruption was hundreds of times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima."
"More people have been killed now in the last what like eight years than in the entire Jim Crow era."
"This is our last chance to avoid either a tyrannical symbol or a bloody and pointless civil war."
"The industrialization of space right there, that's the Netscape moment of low Earth orbit commercialization."
"How should we react to the deaths of the backsliders, reactionaries, cool acts or ideological enemies? Oh yes, well it's like the Nazis saying how should we react to the deaths of Jews and gypsies."
"Merely setting foot in Britain would have been a semi-mythical endeavor akin to the moon landings of the 20th century."
"It's totally fine it's not fine like 1970s fine."
"No other president of the United States, sitting or former, got into this kind of trouble."
"Whatever we were living with back then, if I think in almost every metric it was much, much worse than whatever we're contending with today."
"The reason it worked in Russia and Soviet Germany was because everybody knew there was a secret police."
"We're on a decline if you're talking about back then when it was directly from the source."
"So why would we think that we're more technologically advanced than the times of Noah's times?"
"He wants to put himself among the great czars... rebuilding the Russian empire."
"It's the most dangerous polarization since the Civil War. We have to figure out ways to build bridges with each other."
"I do believe it’s safe to say that radio was the iPhone of the 1920’s."
"We are really witnessing a massive moment in the games business, similar to Sega."
"We are living through the greatest shift of attention that the human race has gone through since the printing press."
"This is huge... like witnessing the beginning of the Transcontinental Railroad or the Wright brothers moment."
"It's the reversal of the opium wars. It is the opium wars. We're still in them."
"If allowed to do what Trump is pushing for, such actions from the president of the United States could lead to a global conflict like World War II."
"This could be the biggest thing that's happened in the economy since the Industrial Revolution."
"But I think the situation with China is a lot like the situation with the Soviet Union during the Cold War."
"There's never been a better economy for this since the Second World War."
"Comparisons with Verdun are inappropriate because, as I said, Verdun was held, whereas solidar unequivocally has been lost."
"Sure does feel like January 6 was a Reichstag Fire 2.0."
"I believe this to be the biggest opportunity that we've had since the Roaring Twenties but bigger."
"The refugee crisis already the largest in Europe since World War II will only continue getting worse."
"America is in a better place today than the day before Donald Trump got inaugurated."
"I think we're going to see stagflationary period like we saw in the 70s and 80s."
"It gives an answer to one of the central questions: is Putin more of a Stalin figure or more of a Hitler?"
"Tyson Fury is the most entertaining, the most best fun is a heavyweight since Muhammad Ali."
"We are being told over and over again that this is the worst epidemic since the Spanish flu."
"Mahomes is being given a chance to win back-to-back Super Bowls for the first time since Tom Brady."
"Back in the depression, people who built things like that, they were rock stars, man."
"We have had our highest voter registration numbers. We have already surpassed our voter registration numbers in history in the midst of June and July." - Maria Teresa Kumar
"But the economic damage he inflicted by botching the pandemic response means he'll be the only president since Herbert Hoover to actually lose jobs."
"This could be this generation's Watergate. I really do believe that."
"SVB Bank is the warning sign that we are now in an impending recession, just like Lehman Brothers' collapse."
"The likes of which we haven't seen probably since the 1960s."
"American cotton harvest will be the lowest since 1868."
"The biggest problem is the difference between the small amount that we've consumed probably through most of our history and how we're now consuming meat over the last particularly 50 to 100 years."
"Donald Trump is what they call him, a 90s Democrat."
"It's like being in the blitz, tremendous spirit of the people here."
"Unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate in 51 years."
"Steph's MVP tonight. Only six players in league history, four rings, multiple league MVPs, and a Finals MVP: Steph, LeBron, Michael, Magic, Kareem, and Duncan. Good company."
"So dominant and defendable where these walls that no army was able to capture them for over 1,000 years, four times longer than the United States of America has even existed."
"The ostrich feathers alone cost $1500 at the time, which is about $29,000 today. Ginger Rogers looks beautiful dancing in this dress though because of the way that the feathers move with her."
"It’s King Georgi III plus what Barr is advocating for."
"We are much more efficient in producing food today than we've ever been."
"This appears to be on par, if not far exceeding, what happened with Watergate."
"God is sending us warnings for us to take heed to them. Don't be like the people of Noah's days."
"This is this generation's polio. People got past polio."
"This is the modern equivalent of the abolitionist movement."
"Every president not necessarily in the first 12 months but every president first couple years most every president excuse me of the last president at least four of them have had holy numbers that are 44 percent."
"We’re living in an era of poisonous political contention on par with the 1790s, 1850s, late ’60s, early ’70s."
"The biggest intelligence failure since 9/11."
"We've done more for black Americans than anybody with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln."
"This is Boris Johnson's Battle of Britain moment."
"New York went from being one of the most dangerous cities in the country 30 years ago to being the safest big city in the country."
"The crypto world is the fastest adoption of any technology in all recorded human history."
"Nixon was not about private conduct. Nixon was about, among other things, using the CIA to try to interfere with an FBI investigation."
"I think America could use bluntly a little less Chamberlain and a little more Churchill."
"Fifty years later much of their efforts can be viewed as nearly quaint, particularly when one compares the computing power of one’s smartphone with that of the Lunar Excursion Module."
"Historically, a market like this, that's a bull run that the world's never seen before."
"There just has never been a president in our lifetimes, probably ever, in either party who has treated the office and the country with such disrespect."
"Don't let the cultists tell you otherwise. They mock and harass you, fine, they've done that to others. They've done that to the best of people. They did that to Jesus."
"A smart person would have taken a step back and tried to learn, but Megan didn't want to learn. She wanted to be treated like Marie Antoinette."
"Elvis mania was in high gear... Broadway hadn't seen anything like it since Bobby Soxers had jammed the streets waiting to see Frank Sinatra over a decade earlier."
"They had more top 10 hits than Elvis Presley and the Beatles combined."
"The only meaningful difference between this and a modern machine gun is that we've moved away from water cooling."
"Bitcoin officially has the same amount of users that the internet did in 1997."
"More people will die from cancer in this country in the next three years than all the American soldiers who died fighting since the American Revolution."
"Despite all of this, people are still watching feature-length movies and movie theaters just like our great-grandparents were doing a hundred years ago."
"What leader can even do this in our times? Every leader needs an entire mini army to micromanage and to delegate, but our Prophet system did not have that."
"Forced vaccinations are tyrannical. A forced vaccination passport is the stuff of Nazism and Stalinism."
"We haven't had a president who represented that kind of gut conviction in my lifetime."
"China poses a greater threat to US interests than the Sandinistas and other communist-backed groups ever did."
"There's never been a movement like this there's never been and I'll tell you maybe I'm wrong but this is bigger than it was in 2016."
"It's a poisonous nostalgia that keeps looking back for a better year."
"This is Watergate and then just broke into Michael Cohen's office."
"Far more Russian soldiers have been KIA in this conflict than in Afghanistan, and it may start to look like Russia's Vietnam."
"Putin is real Hitler so absolutely everything is possible if the world will not stop him."
"We launched the fastest economic recovery anyone has ever seen."
"Jesus also was charged with sedition and treason. Yes he was. But the difference was Jesus was innocent and the followers of Trump were guilty. That's the difference."
"Along comes Ronald Reagan, who's even more handsome than Kennedy and he's even better on TV."
"By the end of 1940, Germany has built just four major ships while Britain has made over 20 times that number."
"The x-37b stands on the shoulders of the Space Shuttle, being a quarter-scale of it, but with differences like autonomy and duration."
"Nixon's Watergate scandal began 50 years ago today. Like Trump, his presidency ended in crime and chaos."
"It's crazy where we are today, we're back at levels last seen in the dot-com bubble like in 2000, 2003."
"This has to be the biggest national effort since the Second World War."
"Two times as many Americans died of illegal narcotics this year than died during the entire Vietnam War."
"Trump's statements parrot many of those from Adolf Hitler and Mussolini."
"This type of thing, like 'oh, these people, we can take these people away because they don't behave the way we want to,' it feels like some weird Nazi stuff."
"We might not be creating a frugal decade; we might be creating a 1929-style depressionary decade."
"Never before in all of our past times with nuclear weapons are we going to come closer, far closer than the Cuban Missile Crisis to an accidental or a sudden unexpected unleashing of nuclear weapons in our time."
"Xi Jinping, the president of the People's Republic of China, has cemented himself as the most powerful leader in China since Mao."
"The worst day of my life is yet to come. No, I'm pretty sure the worst day of Jesus's life already happened."
"Your grandparents were called to war, you're being called to sit on your couch. Do it, do it. We're calling you to greatness here." - James Mitchell
"One of the greatest Kabbalists... predicted a war coming that will be worse than the Holocaust."
"Unless we start working towards that dynamic, the social war type dynamic of the Roman Republic transition to empire, we're going to end up in the same place."
"Black voters are enraged and outraged in a way that the only time I've seen this is when David Duke was running for governor of Louisiana back in 1991."
"Bitcoin is one of the most important inventions of all time, in the same category as the invention of the wheel, penicillin, literal fire."
"They are the owners of cloud Capital, making us do things capitalists of yesterday couldn't."
"In reference to Jackson, Clay is quoted as saying, 'Greece had her Alexander, Rome her Caesar, England her Cromwell, and France her Bonaparte. We must avoid their errors.'"
"If somebody threatens to eliminate you as Iran is doing today and as Hitler did then and people discounted it, well if somebody threatens to annihilate us, take them seriously and act to prevent it early on."
"The Fed hasn't done a thing right since Paul Volcker."
"It's funny, they say our life is harder, when I feel like they were around in World War II. You couldn't have been that great, freaking Patton, right here, you see it?"
"Trump's vision for America is like Studio 54 in 1978."