
Colonialism Quotes

There are 596 quotes

"If colonialism was so profitable, then why on earth did all the European powers after they had exhausted themselves to near decrepitude after the first and second world war, what was the first thing they did? Was give up all their colonies."
"400 years of colonialism, destroying two-thirds of the world, were products of capitalist accumulation and competition."
"Colonialism and slavery have been sort of human constants until quite recently... our great experiments with liberalism seem to be what have ended colonialism and ended slavery."
"The fundamental belief of critical race Theory begins with a set of ideas that are... correct: those ideas are that race is largely socially constructed... in order to justify colonialism and taking over their place in the world."
"God, I didn't realize colonialism was to blame for so much."
"If that sounds a lot like regular colonialism, it is, but the difference is that in neocolonialism, it's business entities that do the colonizing, and there's no annexation of territory to a colonizing nation."
"What you are seeing is basically a second form of colonisation. You have had initially occupation and resource extraction and through that process countries like Britain, which have had a large offshore empire have developed significant networks, and now those networks are being used to promote and exploit financial services."
"The European colonies didn't turn a profit; almost none of the colonies gave Europe back more money than they put into it."
"God does not want colonialism or slavery to happen and I want everyone watching to know that you have a Father in heaven who loves you."
"The focus on colonialism feels refreshingly mature and balanced."
"Homophobia not homosexuality is a vestige of colonial rule."
"It's not Beauty that kills the Beast, it's colonialism."
"India had this really abusive relationship with Britain, where Britain constantly abused us, completely destroyed any sense of self-esteem, and then we broke up."
"Ghana is free and will never be colonized again, but the freedom of Ghana means nothing if the rest of Africa is not free."
"This has been a brief positive history of Rhodesia. What have we learned? Don't do a settler colonialism or if you're gonna do it, don't let your colony have an army."
"The history of Native Americans as compared to US colonial history is littered with broken treaties."
"Despite using coercive methods to extract wealth from the Congo, Leopold retained his international reputation as a philanthropist and an opponent of the slave trade."
"His dissertation titled 'Economic Development and Indigenous policy in the African protectorates' delved into the complexities of colonialism, economic systems, and the impact of policies on indigenous populations."
"Dracula, who wants nothing more than to dress up in English clothes and to come to London with its teeming millions, is in fact a story of reverse colonialization."
"It's not possible to talk about the Royal Family's racism without discussing colonialism."
"Africa is still putting itself back together after centuries of conquest, colonization and exploitation by European powers."
"The British controlled the largest empire in history."
"There is a right to resist racist and colonialist regimes and foreign military occupation."
"Stop colonizing other countries, stop plundering other countries for their minerals and resources."
"To justify empire, people who were being colonized were dehumanized."
"The legacy of colonialism that followed on from it... and the legacy of the virtual annihilation of the Wampanoag nation."
"70 years on from the wind rush and Britain is again leaning on its former colonies."
"China's belt and road initiative has thus been re-termed as modern colonialism, with China at the helm."
"U.S. rule over these territories today may be hidden to us on the mainland but it's not hidden to the peoples living there."
"Deep down, the Western Elites have remained the same colonizers."
"Colonialism has left African countries with damaged political institutions."
"Should I be surprised? I probably should not be surprised because with colonialism comes racism that you can't separate the two of them." - Nells Abbey
"China is the new colonizer. They're here, they're taking over, and they are."
"There is no museum to colonialism." - Shashi Tharoor
"What China is doing is a new form of colonialism."
"Avatar is essentially a colonialist narrative pretending to be anti-colonial."
"How would we have reacted if people came and started stealing our lands, killing us, and burning our history? It's no wonder the natives fought back, but sadly this is how it was represented by the so-called historians of the reformation."
"The Legacy of the British Empire is marked by a dark history of exploitation, violence, and oppression."
"The land grants to assist colonial settlers served as one of the earliest forms of affirmative action in America."
"He began to see himself as a native first, and a Shawnee second, and realized that his people would never be free of the yoke of colonialism unless they banded together as one."
"A mental tool: Europeans developed a complex set of legal philosophies to dehumanize the natives."
"The gender binary is a colonial object forced upon cultures by colonization."
"The Declaration of Independence said that King George the 3rd of Britain had violated the rights of American colonists."
"Colonialism in any form is potentially infantalizing to those who are under colonial rule, but the two approaches to the institution had different outcomes."
"It's like yes, it's after British colonialism left, India built itself into one of the major global powers."
"Slavery thrived under colonial rule. British and Dutch settlers relied on enslaved people to help establish farms and build new towns."
"If that's not a clear example of ongoing colonialism profit from resources being extracted to the mainland from a colony on the other side of the world then I don't really know what is."
"The stubbornness of some colonial powers resulted in some of the most brutal conflicts in history."
"For a very long time, RO Java was an internal colony of Syria."
"Hong Kong has always been... taken away from China and we became a colony."
"Colonialism brought a lot of pain, but it also brought a lot of good."
"Indians got the sharp end of the stick when dealing with the Europeans."
"There is no England, there is no Dutch East India Companies, there's certainly no Portugal and Spain without Africa."
"We can't have that, you know what I mean, coming here and settling on lands where you're not welcome. That's colonization."
"The legacy of imperialism, colonialism, globalization in Africa."
"The reality of the Game was one of clandestine operations and diplomacy, colonial expansions and brutal conquests."
"Zionism was a quintessential Colonial movement."
"It addresses racism and colonialism without being preachy."
"Canterac agreed to surrender unconditionally, and the last bastion of Spanish rule in South America had fallen."
"The Opium War started a century of humiliation for China."
"The white man's burden mentality." - Analysis
"Recognizing that the sex binary is a colonial fiction."
"The Battle of Coronel serves as a reminder of the complexities and consequences of imperial ambitions in the age of colonialism."
"That's colonialization and white supremacy at work."
"The notion that people who conquered and settled other people's land should get to retain it all for themselves is obviously problematic."
"Israel is a continuation of the tradition of racist European settler colonialism."
"Lawrence argued that the Arab people had 'not risked their lives in battle to change master, to become British subjects or French citizens.'"
"The eurocentric portrayal of Jesus served to reinforce colonial power structures, justify enslavement and oppression, and marginalize non-palm color cultures and religions."
"Argentina is a settler colonial state. Practically no one who lives in Argentina could possibly claim to be ethnic Argentine."
"Belgium's growing Colonial Empire in Africa, along with new means to prevent malaria, has made us a serious contender for Colonial control of the continent."
"A people with continuity can never be colonized or enslaved."
"The children of empire have conflated the Anglo story with our memory."
"I understand the reasons for wanting representation and for making moves like this but she specifically Harkens back to a history of colonialism that she says is foundational to why people have these views."
"The most important and profitable colony of all was not in the Americas, it was India."
"England is really becoming the de facto puppet leaders of India."
"They're like the puppeteers pulling the strings of India here for a long time."
"Company forces there the British won a decisive victory against the Indians at the Battle of Plassey."
"Teaching the reality of colonialism and imperialism is crucial to understanding global privilege."
"We are only allowed to talk about Palestine through the view of the colonizer."
"Oh no, not my 37 fur pouts! How will my economy recover from this? Oh, probably using the giant pile of tobacco that we've just started shipping back from the Caribbean. Cheers for that, Spain."
"The capture of Singapore marked the end of British power in the Far East."
"This is about colonialism and how to decolonize."
"Colonialism is ravenous and parasitic, moving from one region to another, repeating the cycle."
"Colonialism has had a significant impact on these regions."
"Islam is not the reason for economic disparities; historical events like colonialism are."
"War is injustice, war is imperialism, war is a form of maintaining colonialism and semi-colonialism."
"Captain Cook claimed Australia for the British Empire."
"Indeed, the strong predilection of both Europeans and white agents to replace the names of other peoples and places with their own terminologies was at once a blessing and a curse in the history of the blacks."
"Bengal was turned into a marketplace for British-produced textiles."
"It's like a colonial thing to say like you should not benefit from the resources of the land you live in"
"The construction of the Suez Canal set the stage for the scramble for Africa."
"The debt essentially meant that Haiti was deprived of all resources that it could possibly use in order to get itself out of its hole in the first place."
"People are frustrated with the kind of colonial way in which the Western powers and the Western media reports things." - Vijay Prashad
"The horrors of colonialism... we didn't have to kill 600,000 people in a civil war over it."
"Nothing says fantastic game which Spiffy is going to rate 11 out of 10 like a game which features glorious colonialism, my oh my oh my."
"India was reduced to being a mere exporter of raw materials like cotton and metal ore so that the British could sell finished products back to Indians at a premium."
"they rely on the native species of a conquered world to fulfill their wishes"
"From the perspective of the North American colonists, they did not have the rights of other Englishmen, including the right not to be taxed without representation."
"The whole point of this was really to screw over and murder Indigenous Americans so Jackson could take their homes and take their land."
"Acknowledging these historical facts helps counter the legacy of colonialism and promotes a more accurate and respectful understanding of African societies."
"Tobacco became a cash crop; it turned out that against the advice of the natives, the colonists turned every tillable piece of soil into tobacco production."
"Number one is sovereignty, all right I'm gonna just yep oh so sorry sorry go ahead Angelo no no is number one it's number one it's number one that is the precondition number one for democracy if you don't have that you are still colonized."
"Colonialism happens when the people start believing about themselves what the dominant culture has told them." - Rajeev Malhotra
"He believed that Britain's future was out in the colonies, and it would be best for Britain if Europe remained stable and peaceful and boring."
"The Proclamation of 1763 caused outrage in the colonies. It ignored their chartered land grants and effectively abandoned the colonial settlements that already existed beyond the Allegheny Mountains."
"There is an experience in colonial North America not just of self-government in the sense of exercising a vote but self-government as in figuring out how you want to live your life and setting the course of your own existence."
"We should first contrast the independent educational system as it existed before the arrival of the Europeans with the colonial education system established after."
"I've gone from that mental colonization to living in a country whose per capita income now is higher than that of the British."
"Charles even told Mendoza, the first viceroy of New Spain, that ‘revenues [from new Spain] must increase because at present, as everybody knows, we need great resources for the defense of our holy faith.’"
"This was no mere trade treaty; it established Europe's first Indian colony."
"Europe began dominating the world economy in large part because of increased demand for New World products."
"The British see Hong Kong as an invaluable base where they can trade freely without Chinese interference."
"How many atrocities has the colonizer engaged in, and then completely justified it?"
"Are we Africans pushing an African agenda or are we slaves of other nations?"
"I'm more convinced than ever that French fur traders and explorers in America were here looking for a lot more than beaver pelts to send back to France."
"Colonialism was fundamentally a contradiction if you called yourself a democratic country."
"...it was unfair that Portugal should get to own an entire ocean."
"...Portugal would control both the eastern and western shipping lanes out of the Atlantic and choke off Spanish pretensions to the Spice Islands."
"I saw heard something on the radio maybe just yesterday that that speaker was talking about America's relationship with native peoples say America's origin of sin and it's one that's not gone away."
"We're colonizers, we just come here and claim stuff, start planting flags and taking it."
"The British claimed the Ohio Valley and built a new fort, Fort Pitt."
"Wow, see the memorial of the victims of torture and ill treatment during the colonial era"
"The original sin was the treatment of indigenous peoples."
"Not very much, but what this means is folks were here during colonial times with buckles on their shoes."
"The boab prison tree serves as a reminder of the challenges and complexities of Australia's Colonial history."
"Brigadier Powell now set himself a forlorn career ambition: the greatest position that a man could occupy in the service of a British crown was his: Viceroy of India."
"Colonialism constructs the white as a structured normative whiteness that says the problem with all others is they're not white."
"Yanga's town was officially recognized by Spanish authorities as a free black settlement."
"We need to talk about why did aparted end why did colonialism end it didn't end because people's perspectives and behavior changed it ended because it was expensive."
"Britain created countries such as Australia, Singapore, and the USA."
"China didn't go out like the British the French the Dutch and Spanish conquering colonies all over the world."
"The British Empire committed genocide in numerous countries, especially the Indian subcontinent. I mean, in the case of the Bengal famine in 1943, at least three million people died in an intentional famine caused by the British Empire."
"...Philip II was hence the ruler of Portuguese colonies as well such as the ones in the Americas East Indies and India."
"American colonialism has been a violent process but for violence of mass death the violence of American Mission izing the violence of cultural destruction the violence of the American military."
"The real story is one of continued extraction, colonial rule, and ongoing extractive trades."
"The British Empire respected the Hebrew Bible and had a significant movement of proto-Zionists."
"The Stamp Act Congress declared that British subjects in the colonies could not be taxed without their consent."
"It's amazing that John gets to experience all the wonders of the new world just because he befriended Pocahontas and is less terrible than all the other people he came with."
"The United Kingdom subsequently strengthened its local military presence while further integrating the islands into the British system."
"There continues to be this erasure of contemporary First Nations people, as if that process of colonialism was supposed to not only take over all of the land but completely eradicate all of the human beings."
"Marx himself said that the British influence on India was, in some extent and degree, a civilizing influence."
"The royal family has sought to distance itself from colonialism and racial prejudice."
"We are here to discover and further understand our connection with the country that colonized us for over 300 years."
"Colonialism exists, well it must exist for a reason."
"Rhetoric is what led to the development of fascism... yeah and what led to the collapse of fascism? Oh yeah it was the giant colonial empires that fought the fascists... cut Colonial... we didn't need to do the colonialism to beat the Nazis..."
"When the colonizers and slavers arrived here, they set up a system which despised our languages at the same time that they were afraid of them."
"The idea of U.S. foreign policy is colonialist because it's willing to engage in regime change."
"There's a white supremacist attitude that a lot of people have towards that kind of conquest in the third world."
"Decolonization and modernization are intimately related. One way this is true... modernity is said to be the product of colonialism, and... the victims of the latter bore the costs of the former."
"Apartheid was actually the basic, was the, the normal mode of colonialism throughout everywhere, and, you know, not just in South Africa."
"India, then the richest country in the world, was overwhelmed not by Britain the state, but bizarrely, by one English company."
"Once the colonists... had cut loose from all connections to Parliament and tied themselves exclusively to the crown, with no need any longer for consent, they began to describe themselves... as a distinct people who had engaged in a private bargain with the crown."
"With the goal, in the British mind, being control of these fantastic mineral ... wealth deposits."
"Immigration of Jews to Palestine and emigration of Arabs out of Palestine is the very natural project of settler colonialism which Zionism is."
"The native people in the world really were victimized by settler colonialism on a level that is as bad as the holocaust."
"Egyptology in some sense remains a part of an advantage gained by Westerners through colonialism over those people in Egypt itself."
"Throughout history it has been common for distant colonies to break away from their homeland."
"Colonizers merely working on fields and given music so the villagers will be grateful to us."
"He in fact seems to have tried to emulate the British and Americans quite a bit in terms of colonial pursuits."
"It is an old trick of colonial power to communicate facts of social domination as facts of cultural difference."
"India was one of the major commercial and Industrial centers of the world back in the 18th century... after Britain was expelled it there were no more famines."
"When I say that this is systemic, I'm not just saying that's Pen's excuse. They can say, 'Well, it's systemic injustice.' I mean, it's Dion. It's coloniality."
"Colonialism...creates a certain mindset."
"My great-grandfather's expedition to the Amazon, seeking fortune in coffee, echoes the colonial exploitation of the era."
"They took Hawaii when they were ready." - Dr. Jon Kamakawiwoʻole Osorio
"The biggest thing that really united Indians in the past two centuries would probably be their hatred of British rule."
"They still harbor bitterness towards colonizers."
"The Bible says blood defiles the land. Imagine how much blood was shed in America for the white man to have his white picket fence."
"Not until the British began to actively regulate the colonies in the mid-eighteenth century did it really become apparent that colonial and British ideas about the role of the colonies and the rights of colonists had really begun to drift apart."
"This country is founded on the negation of Aboriginal people."
"They went to colonize this place and they used religion to fool the people, and that's what they did everywhere."
"Independence for us is new, not old. Many of us still remember the old days of colonialism."
"Africa is not strong she's the richest continent she's the most uh minerally Rich continent but she doesn't control her wealth the white man does it colonialism ended neocolonialism runs Africa to this day."
"Colonialism simply means enslaved in your own land."
"She's saying the white colonizers come in, they take up all the spices, they take up the land, and now we're left with this diet that leaves us fat."
"Colonialism was an unmitigated good."
"If magic were real the way the colonists actually believed it to be, how would it work, who would do it, and why?"
"You can still visit the site of the first permanent English colony."
"The globalization and colonializing of violence, we need to take a deeper route."
"Dune's main conflict in a nutshell - an implied dynamics of oppression stemming from colonial exploit."
"This is quite a trick to have pulled off, and by the 1790s, the East India Company army is not just the largest army in India; it is twice the size of the British army."
"But the east coast of Africa continued the practice of slavery under the Arabs, much as it had done for over a thousand years before, until here too the British Navy eventually put a stop to it by force in an 1897 ultimatum to the Sultan of Zanzibar."
"However, there was simultaneously an arms race going on that saw a renewed scramble for African resources by the major European powers, concluded at the conference of Berlin in 1884 to their shame, carving up the continent between them."
"It was considered to be Oxford’s primary function to take callow youths and turn them into intelligent, upright, and dedicated servants of a British civilizing mission."
"Over the whole period of British rule in India, 15 Governor-Generals or Viceroys came from Oxford."
"The category of religion is itself part of a racialized colonialist discourse."
"The colonial is afraid of the black Brown revolt."
"Southerners were not the only ones who owned slaves in the United States; the colonial North thrived on the slave trade in the 1700s."
"French colonialism has developed a reputation as being somewhat LAX and inclusive, at least compared to other Colonial Nations. This is not an undeserved description either."
"French colonial rule was not always benevolent and devoid of exploitation, discrimination, and racism."
"French colonial regime achieved a victory."
"We do further declare it to be our Royal will and pleasure that no Governor or commander-in-chief in any of our colonies do presume upon any pretense whatever to Grant warrants of survey or pass any patents for Lands Beyond the bounds of their respective governments."
"When puritans came to America, they brought that hatred to America."
"At one point getting mad that the French colonizers are depicted as gross which they are."
"Unity is often expressed as uniformity, and colonialism and suppression follow."
"As native populations were devastated by disease and warfare, English colonists created narratives like the myth of the vanishing Indian and the myth of the vacant continent."
"Throw the colonial educational garbage out because it's not education."
"The arrival of these women influenced by the Evangelical Christianity sweeping Britain at the time and also protective of their catches subtly changed the Dynamics of European interactions with locals in India."
"Belgian Catholic missionaries were busy assimilating Native Americans."
"Simmering resentments against British rule from different parts of Indian society not least disgruntled soldiers or sepoys were coming to a head in 1857."