
Physical Health Quotes

There are 1108 quotes

"Sleep is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The immediate effects of exercise lasted up to two hours."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having an effective gratitude practice can impact a huge number of health variables; both mental health and physical health in positive ways."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Gratitude is a very, very potent way in which you can steer your mental and physical health in positive directions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting a quality night's sleep on a regular basis is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The body and mind are linked in this way that emotions can really shape our physical responses and that physical responses also can shape our mental responses."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep and wakefulness govern everything about our mental and physical health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What you believe about the nutritional content of your food changes the way that food impacts your brain and body to a remarkable degree."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Thank God we have endogenous opioids, or we just couldn't handle it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"More important than training hard...is to not get hurt. Because if you get hurt, you can't train."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting sunlight in your eyes first thing in the morning is absolutely vital to mental and physical health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting out of doors into nature can enhance various aspects of mental health, physical health, and thereby performance in different aspects of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting enough quality sleep on a consistent basis is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting quality sleep on a regular basis is the foundation of all mental health and physical health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Please get as much light exposure from sunlight early in the day as possible because it sets in motion a huge number of things that are beneficial for your mental health and physical health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's not about the bike. It's about the elevation of heart rate."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The single greatest efficacy we can point to is exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep is the fundamental layer that is the most important aspect of mental health, physical health and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep is the absolute foundation of your mental health, your physical health, and your performance in all endeavors."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"So it's pretty dramatic what light can do to the psyche and to the body."
"Your physical health may actually be the single most important influence on your mental health."
"Mental health matters so much for our physical health."
"Everybody wants to be mentally healthy, physically healthy, and perform well in their various activities."
"The huge divide between how we think of our physical health and how we think of our psychological health."
"Regular sleep of sufficient quality and duration, sunlight, exercise, quality nutrition, social connection...every single physical health issue from cancer to mild depression gets worse if you're not doing those things consistently."
"It's inevitable that your mental health and physical health is going to benefit."
"I need a really regular exercise regimen... it's been extremely helpful for my mood and the way I am with my kids."
"Nothing should stop you from making some progress in some area of your physical health."
"If our thoughts are positive, they have a beneficial impact on both our physical and mental well-being."
"To whatever degree you can move your body, it makes you a different version of yourself."
"There are countless studies that prove that our surroundings have a significant impact on our physical and mental health."
"Mental health, in particular, is a massive side effect of not being healthy."
"Our bodies have this remarkable capacity to begin healing, much more quickly than we had once realized, if we treat the underlying cause."
"Physical appearance and physical hygiene do really play a role in your mental health and make you feel so much better."
"Health and happiness both mentally and physically."
"Don't spend so much time worrying about what you don't have and being emotionally distressed because it can take a toll on your whole body."
"Your heart pumps better and faster if you're grateful."
"Strengthening your quads and glutes and improving balance and single leg control can make climbing stairs much easier."
"Moving your body doesn't need to be some extreme workout. It cleanses the mind, your mindset gets stronger."
"Prioritize taking care of your body - gym, facials, rest."
"Sun Salutations are a great way to start your day; they utilize your entire body from toe tip to fingertip, so you're increasing circulation, you're amping up the cardiovascular benefit of your yoga."
"If we want a healthy mind, it actually starts with a healthy brain."
"Physical activity... 10,000 steps a day is enough actually to transform your metabolic state."
"Physical health is underrated... sleeping well, not drinking alcohol, not eating garbage."
"Physical activity is key; just count the steps. 10,000 steps a day is enough to transform your metabolic state."
"Be kind to your body. And if you're noticing your body is struggling or there's something going on for you, do what you can to support your body."
"Nothing compares to exercise; nothing compares to having a high VO2 max, high muscle mass, and high muscle strength."
"Try to focus on your mental health; it's as important as your physical health."
"Sleep is an investment in your physical health as well as your mental health."
"You're absolutely nothing without two things: physical well-being and mental well-being."
"Physical exercise, I would say absolutely, that's going to be a very key component for maintaining cognitive health and staving off things like Alzheimer's."
"It is time we close the gap between our physical and our psychological health."
"Close relationships with other people have more of an impact on our physical health and longevity than even our genes do."
"If I'm fit and I know I'm taking care of my body, I feel better, I'm happier towards people."
"Physical activity is very important for the development of bone strength, calcium, not important at all."
"Yoga is not a physical practice of spiritual benefits; it's a spiritual practice with physical benefits."
"Encouraging you to do something that feels good physically, that makes you feel energetic and strong."
"Flexibility and strength go hand in hand; you really can't have one without the other."
"It really takes the body two to five minutes to really open up in a lot of these areas."
"If you want to have a powerful body, exercise it, if you want to have a powerful mind, keep it still."
"Incorporate walking a little bit more here and there. It will improve your life overall."
"What happened is by my mental state got better, my physical state got better."
"Tai Chi improves physical health, especially muscular strength, flexibility, and fitness."
"This practice is about nurturing your soul and stretching the body."
"Exercise releases endorphins and is good for both physical and mental health."
"I enjoy keeping myself fit and strong, both physically and mentally."
"My hope is that we can set aside the clickbait articles like this and focus on mental health and physical health and move forward."
"Exercise has been shown to be as effective as antidepressants at treating mild to moderate depression."
"Your mental health is as important as your physical health."
"Your body definitely reflects how you're feeling, and so I try to take care of my mental health first because that's reflected in your appearance."
"I have been working out a lot at home to take care of myself physically and feel better mentally."
"Anger, depression, anxiety, jealousy, resentment, negativity, the lack of exercise, which makes you more vulnerable to stress, lack of sleep, negative emotions cause constipation and cause problems in the bowel."
"Mental health is just as important as physical health."
"Focus on getting a good night's sleep...sleep is also imperative not only for our mental health but also for our physical health and immune system."
"For adults, spending around 20 minutes outdoors every day has numerous physical and mental health benefits."
"The body is a physical manifestation of the mind."
"When you have a balanced meal physically, it helps you to develop properly. When you have balanced teaching spiritually, it helps you to develop properly."
"Recovery is not just about physical rest but also about mental recovery and making choices that prioritize your overall well-being."
"Exercise benefits your body by keeping it looking good, relieving minor anxiety and depression, and it even lowers your cholesterol and blood pressure."
"Physical activity really helped... exercising makes you feel good."
"I feel like now... physically, I've been way more confident than in any year I could remember."
"There's a reason you feel sick to your stomach. When people hold stuff inside, it makes you physically ill."
"Travel improves our physical health because we move more, we tend to eat better, we tend to sleep better."
"I gotta stay in shape. My mental, I gotta stay active. My body, I'm getting older. We gotta take care of our body."
"Within three weeks though, she was not only out of her wheelchair but was walking ten miles a day."
"Building muscle mass helps reduce the appearance of loose skin and also helps with the elasticity of your skin."
"I think strength goals are amazing for your physical health but mostly like your mental health because that goal over anything about what you look like honestly is the best thing you can do for your mental health."
"Being strong is important as a woman. Grow those muscles everywhere."
"Muscle is like the organ of longevity. If you're not strong and if you don't have that strength, your frailty and chance of dying younger are much higher."
"Yes, your physical health can contribute to your mental health."
"The power of stillness and surrender can have such a great impact on our mental well-being and our physical health."
"Don't crank yourself into the posture. Have the experience of gently moving into the twist."
"Journaling is surprisingly good for you. There's a bunch of evidence that shows it's got physical health and mental health benefits."
"Lifting weights does change your body, and favorably."
"Pelvis nice and even, twist coming from your center."
"Sleep is the foundation of our mental and physical health and performance in our days."
"Talking about well-being... it is about your whole emotional health, your physical health, everything."
"Your emotional health is very key to your physical health."
"Thought power is the kingdom of God in us, always creating results in our physical forms corresponding to our normal, sustained thought."
"It's just good to take care of your body and these are all ways you can take care of your body and just feel better and more confident."
"Get exercise, sunlight, and talk to people in real time. It feels particularly good."
"Nothing like a good stretch to bring out the best in each other."
"I want to ensure that my body reflects the soul that I know I am inside."
"It's a very time-efficient way to practice, but at the same time, you're building strength, you're creating length. It's very good for the mind and the nervous system."
"Testosterone is not only key to men's physical health, not only to your bones, not only towards your muscles but also your mental health."
"When you control for upper body strength, the differences between men and women [in depression and anxiety] get smaller and smaller and then essentially go away."
"Exercise keeps your brain arteries open, releases all these neurotrophic factors inside your brain."
"Physical activity, you can never go wrong with physical activity."
"It's not only physical, yes, it's physical, but it's also mental. So that's why it's unacceptable, you know what I mean? It's like I'm fighting you but I have a knife in my pocket."
"Physical-based practices are more helpful. So shaking, dancing, putting my feet and my hands on the wet grass and just letting my electrons go into the earth, like for me, those work better."
"Each and every one of you is completely capable of getting yourselves out of chronic pain, getting yourself stronger than you ever imagined."
"When your soul is happier, it's more comfortable with the body. When it's more comfortable with the body, the body is healthier."
"Walking 45 minutes at least three times a week will make a difference."
"Sleep is a foundation for our mental and physical health."
"Intuitive eating includes nutrition and movement."
"You'll feel that once you start moving a little bit more efficiently."
"Flexibility is passive static, and mobility is active dynamic."
"The gym is literally like an anti-depressant."
"Mental impairment can be just as debilitating as physical impairment, and the both are connected." - DR. BANDY LEE
"I'm strong, I'm athletic, I'm just, I'm happy that everything functions"
"Medical research shows a clear link between exercise and mood, as well as various health benefits."
"Feeding them garbage will only exacerbate their mental illness, it's going to make them big and unhealthy."
"One movement can reduce pain, improve mobility, reduce your chances of injury, and make you more athletic."
"The body's way of saying, look, I gotta get rid of some bad stuff."
"Every single day, get in the habit of going and getting some exercise or going to the gym."
"These stretches will definitely improve your posture and also prevent you from any degenerative change due to lifting and stress."
"This is someone who takes good care of themselves physically."
"Moving your body is therapeutic for your health."
"My goal is to help people help themselves with their own bodies."
"Regular exercise is crucial; muscles use up your glucose."
"We have to take care of the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual... If we don't have the physical taken care of, it doesn't matter how spiritual we are."
"An active mind, an active body is also a healthy mind... I see the ads all the time."
"If you want to make your pelvic floor stronger, you have to exercise your pelvic floor."
"Start with your brain... and allow your physical to manifest along with it."
"If you can improve your vital capacity, you're going to improve your performance."
"He's doing really well he's movements good in his imaginations good."
"Remember bulking isn't just about getting big it's also about getting strong it's also about increasing those 1 rep max is right not exactly because"
"A good laugh does more for the stomach muscles than five minutes setting up exercises."
"Fasting is kind of like exercise, like you gotta build the fasting muscle. You know, the first time I started fasting, it was really hard, it was daunting mentally and physically."
"Health isn't just about our bodies, but also about our minds."
"Movement is medication, exercise is a beautiful thing for the mind."
"Thank you guys so much. I hope you have a good day and just get out there, try and move your body, stay positive, keep trying to move forward."
"You literally could be running out of gas in the gym because of magnesium status."
"Push-ups are huge and really underappreciated."
"Everybody thinks I'm pregnant but I'm not. I'm just gaining weight during quarantine. I haven't been able to go places usually I get my exercise by walking around and going and doing things but lately I have not."
"Regular physical activity can boost our insulin sensitivity long-term, thereby helping to ward off diabetes progression."
"I hope that you aren't... treating yourself fairly both mentally and physically."
"Exercise is like miracle growth for your brain."
"It's such a rewarding thing not just not just like physically but like mentally I'm like all right I'm here I'm good I'm doing it."
"He speculated that just three more levels might fully restore his physical condition."
"Verily, there is an organ in the body, if that one organ is healthy and sound then the whole body will be sound, and if that one organ is unhealthy or diseased then the whole body will be diseased."
"To me yoga is so much more about the breathing the pose is just another way to facilitate the way that the breath is moving through your body."
"Slowly start to roll up to your standing posture."
"Prioritize your physical health, which in turn will help your mental health."
"Building muscle and strength training is one of the best things for your health especially healthy aging."
"Once you bust that nut in her you weaken her so-called immunological system."
"Put your health first guys. This is physical and mental."
"If you feel this way often, doing a full body shake, whoo, when we start to feel it build, can give our nervous system the release that it so desperately needs."
"Your heart is the strongest muscle in your body, right? Of course, it's good to have muscles, but nothing is stronger than your heart."
"Movement daily. It doesn't have to be a crazy HIIT workout. It can literally be a little walk, doing some stretches, just get your body moving."
"Financial stresses aren't just psychological; they also physically hurt and even damage the body, possibly even fatally."
"Almost invariably, not only do you feel better after having done the former, but with each subsequent workout it gets easier and easier."
"Exercise gives you endorphins, and when people are sad, sometimes they can go work out and feel a little bit better."
"Mentally and physically exhausted all the time."
"Listen to yourself and if there's anything that isn't feeling right in your body."
"The body never forgets... you need to work around them and not neglect areas."
"Your abs kind of stick out which you can realize it would be bad for your lower back but also what's happening is you're stretching out your abs just like you're stretching out your bicep."
"I retired like almost two years and as soon as I wake up Ankle knees as soon as you stop everything starts hurting."
"Stretching can help improve posture and increase serotonin levels."
"Use this time to work on yourself, work on your physical health, your mental health."
"There's more to health than physical health, there's mental health."
"Unlock your hips, stretch, and do diaphragmatic breathing."
"Somatic therapy really helped me to push that out of my body."
"Working out makes me feel really good, it does give me energy."
"If you can get outside that position and strengthen your body, it's gonna help you."
"Working out should be a way of showing gratitude to your body for everything that it does for you."
"If you tell your body we don't need mobility, we don't need strength, I don't need vitality, I don't need lots of cognitive function, it's going to start to decline."
"When you have a good posture, it makes you feel so happy."
"Focus on your physical fitness. It's crucial for mental well-being and preparedness."
"There's something about physically giving goodness back to your body that transfers over emotionally for me as well."
"Investing in a work setup that allows you to have a stand-up or walking-style desk will do a lot to improve the health of your lymph system."
"Exercise makes you laugh. Exercise will make you cry."
"People do like flexibility. That's why they do stretching exercises, that's why they do yoga exercises."
"Your body starts recovering within days of quitting smoking."
"Just getting up and walking for 15 minutes after a meal can have a significant effect on your post meal spikes."
"Your body requires movement; it drives every physiological function."
"You would get so much more out of your body if you actually just kind of focused."
"Mental illness can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke."
"Moving your body is a great way to naturally get things moving in your gut."
"To move forward physically or to bring in the manifestations that you want into the physical world you have to get more comfortable with the emotional world."
"Healthy mind, healthy body - it's a symbiosis."
"Understand how kindness and gratitude and being happy, yeah you know for lack of a better word can help us lose weight."
"When it comes to athletes we tend to focus on physical fitness but there's another side of the game that's just as important: mental fitness."
"Ground yourself with some physical movements."
"Yoga is like opening chambers throughout the body."
"Training became so much more than just the physical aspects."
"One side might be feeling a little stronger or more balanced than the other—just gotta work with whatever your body is presenting to you today, don't fight it."
"Forward bend is the perfect counter-stretch to back bends."
"Gently release your hands and squeeze the knees towards the ears."
"We always encourage each other to get out there and to get into better physical health, going to the gym and eating right, but it's about time we started paying more attention to our mental health as well."