
Long-term Health Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Oral health is inextricably linked to all aspects of brain and bodily health, both in the short term and in the long term."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A healthy gut microbiome is important to support our immune system, our nervous system, our endocrine system, and various aspects of our immediate and long-term health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nutritional supplements show results quickly, but the real, significant changes come a year down the road. You feel much stronger, more vital, healthier."
"The main conversation is how can I develop a relationship with exercise and nutrition that lasts forever."
"Our gut is very important. It's populated by gut microbiota that communicate with the brain, the immune system, and basically all the biological systems of our body to strongly impact our immediate and long-term health."
"The way you raise your kids in terms of what they eat, how much they move, and their lifestyle can affect them 30, 40, 50 years later."
"A lifestyle can only be successful in the long term if it is truly that, something that you can see yourself doing for the rest of your entire life."
"Sustainability is huge, even for competitors. If the diet you're on, you can't see yourself being able to diet that way in three months, six months, a year, you got to rethink your plan a little bit."
"Diets just don't work for weight loss in the long term."
"You're never going to run out. They say better health doesn't happen overnight."
"Glucose spikes really are to be avoided and we feel it instantly in a matter of minutes but it's also really important for our long-term health."
"Focusing on habits and not just the number on the scale is healthier in the long term."
"It's crucial for you to understand that a diet only works if you can maintain it for the long run."
"The real big issue with concussion then is can we say for certain that if you have multiple concussions over your playing career that in 40 or 50 years you're going to end up with this entity that we referred to as chronic traumatic encephalopathy."
"Losing weight on any method is of no benefit at all... only weight loss that you keep off for the rest of your life is of benefit."
"If this is gonna be long-term health, if this is gonna be a change that you make and stick with, you have to educate yourself on what you're putting in your mouth."
"We're addressing the root cause, and that is the only way we can create long-term change."
"Do the smallest changes that you know you can make for the rest of your life."
"You don't get in amazing shape in a short amount of time, but you get in amazing shape day after day after day."
"Immunity to SARS coronavirus 2 is going to be long lasting immunity."
"I feel about food like you eat the right food so when you're older you're able to have the energy and your body is functioning because you made the right choices."
"Fad diets are out the window for me... I'm focusing on longevity, optimizing health, and achieving my next level."
"The long game is what matters. We've got to look at high performance nutrition as a way of life."
"Focus on creating healthy habits for the long haul."
"People are becoming a bit more aware of the impact diet has on long-term health."
"People that had SARS in 2002-2003 continued to have memory T cells that are reactive to SARS Coronavirus proteins 17 years later."
"Crash diets are bad for your long-term health."
"Do your research and make the right choice for your body long term by having a more whole food plant-based approach to eating."
"Relationship satisfaction at age 50 is the single greatest predictor of Health at age 80."
"Injuries later on down the road are not worth that one PR you thought you got."
"If you relinquish yourself from this pressure to have perfect skin... and really focus on just taking care of your skin long term consistently over time and listening to what it's telling you you will be so happy."
"Follow a balanced mix diet, one that you can do forever, not one you can fall for three months and give up, one that will be able to be done for life. That's the key, lifetime adherence, not a quick fix, not a band-aid, a diet for life."
"You need a diet and a lifestyle you can do for life."
"Remember you don't just want your balls to be beautiful when the pants are off, you want those balls to be healthy throughout the remainder of your life."
"Stop eating crap and begin to eat real human food, and then continue to eat real human food for the rest of your life."
"It's all small things, they add up especially over 10 20 years it adds up and it even begins in the womb."
"I think every individual has to find the dietary transition that's gonna be doable for them in the long term and be gonna maximize their long-term health."
"Short-term gains versus long-term future: taking care of health makes more sense."
"Natural stuff do help fight against certain kinds of inflammation in your body when you are not suffering from certain things. That means it prevents you in the long run."
"You can eat till you're full and you can have a satisfying lifestyle for the rest of your life."
"Metabolic health is a lifestyle, it's not a diet."
"By just changing one small minor adjustment in the way you eat you could be losing 10 pounds in a year without even realizing it."
"Ultimately, finding what works best for you and sustainable long term is what's going to be the best diet model for staying lean."
"If mom gives you a microbe, you're likely to have it for months to years or a lifetime."
"The present study shows the beneficial effects of a long-term ketogenic diet."
"Think of it as a lifestyle, you're not just doing this for a quick fix."
"Whole 30 wasn't invented to be like a 30-day cleanse; it's about the rest of your life."
"If your goal is to lose fat and keep it off long term, fast weight loss is one of the worst ways to get there."
"If we can make the changes directed at insulin resistance early in life those effects are going to be extremely powerful."
"Beating diabetes is still beating diabetes, and the principles that work in 2023 will work in five years, ten years from now, even a hundred years from now."
"It takes a high nutrient diet to heal from the years of damage done to your organs and tissues."
"It's not just about building muscle, it also keeps you injury free and maximizes your performance in the long term."
"Build your foundation now so that when you are 35, 40, 50, you don't look like a typical 50-year-old."
"You can't really get that fat on fruit long term."
"You have to be proactive about your health if you want to keep running your business for the next 10, 20, 30 years."
"It's about consistency because the only thing that's relevant here is something you can stick with for years."
"When you specialized early and you're doing the same repetitive movements over and over again, your risk of injury later in life starts to increase."
"But that's real key to reinforce to your patients it's not gonna help you lose a lot of weight quickly the exercise it helps you keep that weight off for long term."
"...making sure that once you've made that transition that it is something that you can continue for Life uh that is what's so important..."
"Eating unhealthy food is always going to be of a much higher cost long term."
"We're going to have a universal flu vaccine at some point which means you get it maybe once every ten years."
"The moral of the story is try to source things locally, do what feels good in the long term and health."
"A lifestyle of physical activity has a good long-term effect."
"We're promoting boxing on different platforms, but we're all interested in the health of the sport long term."
"My doctor says if I stick to my diet I can go decades before I even have to start to consider needing dialysis."
"I want to be able to climb the mountain in my 80s."
"Find something that feels healthy and sustainable that you can do for the long haul."
"Self-care is more of a long-term way to manage your stress and anxiety."
"Smaller trees are establishing much better and they end up oftentimes healthier trees in the long run."
"This workout can keep me young for decades to come."
"Exercise is important but navigating your diet using a calorie density approach is going to be more effective for you in the long term."
"The scientific community already knows exactly what to do to lose weight today and to keep it off in the long term."
"It's going to take you a long way in your practice and your health long term."
"Be accountable, be responsible for yourself, and that's gonna help you in the long term better than any medication."
"Reducing the muscle building signal a little bit naturally, with the trade-off of having lower systemic inflammation and lower rates of oxidative stress and damage, you're probably better off in the long term."
"If I leave the Health Care System more connected to my body rather than less, I'm going to take care of it better over time."
"This, I think, is concretely a sustainable lifestyle that can be maintained, maybe even for life."
"I try to keep up with exercise because it'll make me feel better, especially in the long run."
"We think about this as a 401k for your body."
"You want your health to be great in the long run."
"Research has found that even ten years later, people who completed a diabetes prevention lifestyle change program are one-third less likely to develop type 2 diabetes."
"This is my big fear for these people, if you do it for a month and you lose 20 pounds and you feel better, great, but 20 years from now your risk of heart disease and cancer and other medical problems are going to be very significant."
"Self-care is actually about what makes you good in the long run."
"Make the foundation of your routine strength training. It speeds up the metabolism, organizes your hormones well, and sets you up better on long term."
"The chronic benefits of exercise are well-established; you may reduce that risk over time."
"You should find lifestyle interventions and rely on those in the long term."
"You want to be healthy later in life, you want to feel like all the hard work that you did in your 20s and your 30s and your 40s, that you can be healthy and vibrant and do things when you're in your 50s and 60s."
"Evolve is not a quick fix for a flatter stomach or bigger biceps; it's about feeling better and performing effectively in life."