
The Hunter Quotes

The Hunter by Richard Stark

"When a fresh-faced guy in a Chevy offered him a lift, Parker told him to go to hell."
"The 8 a.m. traffic went mmmmmm mmmmmm, all on this side, headed for the city."
"Office women in passing cars looked at him and felt vibrations above their nylons."
"His hands, swinging curve-fingered at his sides, looked like they were molded of brown clay by a sculptor who thought big and liked veins."
"He felt it shivering under his feet, and he got mad."
"Parker spat in the right-hand lane, lit his last cigarette, and walked across the George Washington Bridge."
"The office men drove by, clutching their steering wheels, and hardly noticed him."
"His face was a chipped chunk of concrete, with eyes of flawed onyx."
"He twisted off the filter, threw it on the floor, and stuck the cigarette between his bloodless lips."
"He didn't look like any Rockefeller, but he didn't look like a bum either."
"She's in the morgue. All right, let's go back. You can drop me off at the subway."
"He got out the driver's license one last time and dropped it on the floor."
"They knew he was a bastard, they knew his big hands were born to slap with."
"He stood only because he wanted to stand, not because it was possible."
"His fifth month on the farm, he wrote a careful letter to a guy he knew in Chicago, asking for information about Mal in a roundabout way."
"He wasn't a petty thief or a hobo. He didn't have the background or the training or the temperament for it."
"They had already decided on the split. Chester, as the man who had made the job possible, was to get a third: thirty thousand dollars."
"She smiled again. 'Help me off with my stockings, will you, Mal?'"
"I suppose we ought to go to the bedroom now," she said softly.
"To have had that, and only for those few seconds, that was bitter."
"He awoke to find the nightstand lamp still burning, and her asleep beside him."
"He woke her, and she reacted at once, her arms coming around him, her body responding to him."
"LIKE A MACHINE, he felt a click and it was nine months ago."
"Somebody's going to die in there. It's you or Parker. Take your pick."
"He'd know better than that. I'd find him – you better believe it – and he knows that."
"She was giving her husband a grand send-off."
"I hadn't wanted her dead. That was the last thing in the world he wanted."
"It was working out fine, detail after detail, he was getting everything he wanted."
"Because she'd been thinking about it all evening and getting madder and madder, and finally she'd decided to call."
"Go on if you're going," she said, suddenly weary. "I've got to pack."
"Don't thank me," she said. "I didn't do it out of any love for you."
"You're a pro. Keep your mouth shut, you'll walk out of here."
"Forty-five thousand dollars, Mal, that's what you owe me."
"You owe me forty-five thousand dollars, Mal."
"All right, Parker, allow me to give you the facts of life."
"I'm not asking you to call," he repeated. "I'm telling you to call."
"You're as big as the Post Office. So you've got the assets, you can pay me back my money with no trouble at all."
"The organization would certainly decline to-"
"You people have forty-five thousand dollars of my money. You'll give it to me."
"Keep talking big. Just tell me where to make the drop on your crummy forty-five thousand."
"It won't do any good, Parker. He let Carter die and he'll let me die too."
"And if he says no, I'll kill you and go after him."
"No, I don't think so. He's hard, that's all. Hard and determined and don't give a damn."
"Mal gave you money that didn't belong to him. It belonged to me. You know that now, so you can give it back."
"I've worked my particular line for the last eighteen years."
"I'll get my money from you people, personally."
"In Omaha, maybe Joe could set him up with a woman."
"You've got to give a cop a background," said Parker. "You tell him you're just drifting, he pulls you in on general principles."
"I don't mind at all," said the detective. "Because then you'll tell me what it's all about. A man interested in narcotics, like you."