
Cold Waters Quotes

Cold Waters by Debbie Herbert

"I couldn’t leave him alone with her. He hadn’t been a great father, but he was still my dad."
"Give me the rest of the summer, Delaney. I need to make arrangements. I need to draw a few paychecks. Then I promise I’ll leave here and never come back."
"Yes," I answered, the single syllable strangling my lungs.
"You’d serve a year or two at some treatment facility, and then you wouldn’t have this hanging over your head anymore."
"We both know that’s a lie. You got into an argument with Ainsley, and you killed her."
"This is about me, not you and Dad. I’m the one they’ll gossip about."
"No person in their right mind lives like this."
"It do get a mite lonely out here," Stedmyer agreed in a small voice.
"It would all be for the best," Delaney insisted.
"My therapist told me that coming home, where the trauma occurred, might help jog my memories."
"You mean you could move on with me locked up and out of your hair."
"I know everything that happens around Normal. Most people do. It’s how a small town operates."
"I have to feed my birds," I said abruptly, striding to the corner of my bedroom.
"You’re an embarrassment to me. Always have been."
"Secrets and lies would always catch up to you, no matter how hard you worked to keep them hidden in darkness."
"I didn’t care. I didn’t want Eddie’s name or devotion, only the monthly check he deposited into my bank account."
"You owe me everything. We both know you murdered Ainsley."
"I was kindness itself when it came to little Kenny."
"Help yourself to a few things if you'd like."
"It meant I was still attractive and powerful. A force to be reckoned with."
"What I lacked in natural beauty I artfully compensated for with careful attention to my hairstyle, makeup, and wardrobe."
"We don’t own the moments of our lives, but we can shape them into a narrative that gives us meaning."
"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements."
"Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear."
"I’m not taking any chances. I have a career here, a family to think of. Not everyone can just pick up and run away from their responsibilities."
"And I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat. Thanks to me, Violet can leave this horrible town and live a comfortable life with me overseas, where no one knows her past."
"Maybe you should have kept better tabs on her whereabouts. After all, you’re her mother."
"Money doesn’t solve everything. And I bet she has no desire to live with you. Not after what you’ve done."
"Violet wouldn’t hurt her sister. Besides, there're too many variables in that scenario."
"It was better this way. For both of us. I was miserable and scared, trapped in a horrible marriage, trapped in this small town."
"I’m alive, Violet. I wasn’t in that car when it burned."
"You killed Ainsley and then tried to blame my Violet."
"Your shady past is bad enough; don’t add incompetence to the list."
"How did you get Ainsley’s bracelet and necklace?"
"I was depressed, honey. I couldn’t live with Parker anymore."
"The least I can do for you now is tell you the truth about that night."
"I feel bad about the guy they arrested, though."
"You always were a sucker for a good ghost tale."
"Goodbye, my friend. You’ll always be my best friend."