
Falling Into Place Quotes

Falling Into Place by Amy Zhang

"She makes herself listen to the entire thing one more time, breathe, and when it ends and the nightmare doesn’t, she turns and runs."
"It wasn’t thе aloneness that Liz minded. It was the silence. It echoed. It bounced off the walls of the Emerson's oversized house. It filled the corners and the closets and the shadows."
"In reality, Liz’s mom wasn’t gone as often as it seemed to Liz, but the silence magnified everything."
"Liz was afraid of silence, and she kept her fears clenched so tightly in her fists that they grew and grew and swallowed her whole."
"Once upon a time, Liz had loved that her mother traveled. It was like magic, like a fairy tale, to have a mother who crossed oceans and knew the sky."
"The problem with Monica’s brief and imminently ending motherhood is that it was always her greatest fear, being a parent."
"Liz was curled in a ball in the middle of the foyer when the numbness faded and the tears came, and she sobbed with her face pressed against the hardwood."
"Liz knew which group she would be in when she moved to Meridian. She was certain that she knew how to be happy."
"Popularity, Kennie decides, has a lot to do with confidence. And to Kennie, Liz has more confidence than the rest of Meridian put together."
"But today, with a missing spleen and a broken leg and a shattered hand and a ruptured lung and too much internal bruising to document, it seems unlikely that Liz Emerson will attend school."
"Breathing it is like breathing January air—it stings with each inhale, freezes inside each lung."
"The only reason Liz is still alive is because a machine is moving her lungs."
"She once liked being Liz Emerson and she liked showing it."
"Liz Emerson had failed physics so utterly that she couldn’t even crash her car right."
"She found comfort in being reckless, careless, stupid."
"It seems unlikely that Liz will ever get her physics grade back up."
"The teachers who cry: Ms. Hamilton, who teaches psychology and cries at everything; Mrs. Haas, who teaches world history and was actually worried out of her mind; and Mr. Eliezer, Liz’s physics teacher."
"Stop acting like she is dead. Until I have been notified that she is, indeed, destined for a coffin, I refuse to believe that she is."
"Liz was supposed to take it during her sophomore year, but due to scheduling conflicts and an extraordinarily unhelpful counselor, she is stuck taking both chemistry and physics during her junior year."
"It was the logic of balanced equations, the certainty that when element A mixed with element B, compound C would appear."
"Most of all, it was being: of having to be so careful with the hydrochloric acid, of accidentally burning herself while lighting a match, of discovering."
"Liz Emerson will never donate her organs, because they are destroyed."
"The world held its breath and everything fit, and she stood in the middle of it all, knowing."
"Then she got into her car, and on her way home, it struck her that she hadn’t signed up as an organ donor."
"And my heart will beat for someone who deserves it."
"A tear slides down Julia’s nose and falls onto Liz’s hand. Julia watches her face for a sign of life. For anything."
"But Liz is motionless, a girl of wax and shadows."
"The rain was warm and smelled of beginnings."
"There was something eloquent in the sound of rain and footsteps."
"She just ran, and there was something eloquent in the sound of rain and footsteps."
"Maybe she was too numb to be content, but six days before she crashed her car, Liz Emerson was no unhappier than usual."
"Gravity pulled at her more aggressively than usual."
"If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain."
"Some people died because the world did not deserve them."
"It’s never too late to change. Every day is a blank page, and your story has yet to be written."
"You can’t just leave us behind. Forever means, like, forever."