
Blue Moon Quotes

Blue Moon by Alyson Noel

"Close your eyes and picture it. Can you see it?"
"Believe it exists right before you. Feel it, see it, touch it, taste it, accept it, manifest it!"
"You were supposed to think of an orange. This isn't even close."
"Once something is done it can't be undone. There's no rewind. No going back."
"You're perfect just as you are, and it pains me to see you going through this."
"You never really stop missing someone—you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence."
"We're all very happy that Damen's back in school, that you've found each other again, and will most likely live happily ever after."
"All that delving into the past, exploring all those long-ago places and dates, examining the lives of people who lived centuries before and bear absolutely no relevance now—that doesn't bother you? Or bore you to death?"
"Just knowing we have an infinite number of days to spend side by side provides more happiness than I can bear."
"Though that doesn't mean I was willing to accept it. It was bad enough dealing with the barrage of psychic abilities brought on by my NDE, and how I started hearing other people's thoughts, getting their life stories by touch, talking to the dead, and more."
"Though no matter how hard I try, I can't summon our past."
"What're you thinking?" he asks, his fingers smoothing the curve of my cheek, leaving a trail of warmth in their path."
"I pull away, my lips reluctantly leaving his as I gaze into his eyes—the same eyes I've gazed into for four hundred years."
"It's not fair that you get all the details while I'm left out here in the dark."
"I mean, what's the point of reincarnating if you're forced to relive the same kind of painful moments all over again?"
"He cradles my face in his hands, his fingers emitting such tenderness, such reverence, such delicious warm tingle."
"And now that Drina is gone, there's nothing that can stand in our way, nothing that can keep us from moving forward—except me."
"But what could be more normal than two hormonal teens, ditching school and getting an early start on the weekend?"
"I mean, it's so amazing to think that out of all of those incarnations, out of all the times we met and fell in love, we never once managed to seal the deal."
"Tonight we bury the past and move toward the future of our eternal love."
"Refusing to believe he's not here. Refusing to believe that he ditched me."
"His being so psychically off limits made me feel normal."
"I'm stronger than I used to be, so strong that if I really wanted, I could take him down with one swing."
"Hating requires caring. In which case, I couldn't possibly hate you."
"His eyes slowly rake over my body, lingering on my legs, my waist, and my chest—with an unmistakable gleam."
"I need to find Damen. I need to find out what happened to him."
"You can't manifest another person. Or at least not for very long."
"I miss her so much it's like a physical ache."
"The one thing that once seemed so appealing is now the very thing that's working against me."
"But even though I don't have any proof, I just know in my gut that something's gone terribly wrong."
"And don't you think that's just a tad insecure?"
"Most minds are a jumble of beats, a rush of words, a swirl of pictures, a cacophony of sounds all tumbling together like the most disjointed jazz."
"After all, this is Summerland, anything is possible here!"
"You can manifest anything you want, you just have to be patient."
"Now, whenever I want to hear someone's thoughts I just surf over to their energy field and hit select."
"Like will always seek like and that's just the way it is."
"It's my fault they're no longer living their lives, it's my fault their bright shiny futures were cut so tragically short."
"Either way you look at it, it leads back to me."
"I'd do anything to go back. Anything if it meant I could return and put it all back to the way it once was."
"And I'm afraid you'll just have to trust me on that."
"I've got much bigger things at stake than square footage and the seeming implausibility of a seventeen-year-old who's neither a pop star nor a member of a hit TV show owning such a place."
"You don't need to call anyone, we're leaving right now."
"I'm so sorry," she said, clasping her hands in her lap, looking at me in a way that proved her sincerity. "I feel responsible."
"I shall remain innocent until proven guilty."
"You're running out of time," he says, his voice as soft and soothing as a lover's embrace. "It's all moving rather quickly now, wouldn't you agree?"
"You've underestimated me. If I were you, I'd be a little more cautious about celebrating so soon."
"I'm through with school. Done with subjecting myself to that unbearable gauntlet of torture each day."
"But tomorrow! Ever, can you leave that soon?"
"You're doing the right thing. And you're lucky. Not many people get the chance to go back."
"I've no plans to drop out of society and move there full time. It's just nice to have the access when I need a little escape."
"Just be careful not to visit too much," I tell her. "Summerland's addictive."
"Don't worry. I've no idea how to thank you," I murmur, my throat feeling tight.
"I mean, what's the point of going when I'm getting nowhere with Damen, taunted by Roman, and lectured by teachers and pseudo well-meaning ex-friends?"
"Images and information just appear in my head."
"You shouldn't give up on your book because it's going to be published someday."
"You shouldn't be afraid to talk to her. Seriously. Just suck it up and approach her already."
"You're the only one I've ever loved—and nothing Roman or anyone else does can ever change that."
"Why waste your time? He's old, feeble, practically decrepit."
"The elusive motive I've needed all this time."
"The center of jealousy, envy, and the irrational desire to possess."
"She wanted me out of the way so she could have Damen to herself."
"Everything around us completely shut out as I focus on Damen, my one true soul mate, my eternal partner, my only love."
"So, the way I see it, you eliminate me, you eliminate any hope of the two of you ever being together."