
Rescue Me Quotes

Rescue Me by Rachel Gibson

"Everyone knew the higher the hair, the closer to God."
"A good woman could always teach a man the difference. It just mattered that he could afford to buy both."
"Everyone agreed that she was practically a saint."
"I’ve been driving all day, so I’m already annoyed."
"The only true gentlemen in the world were purebred nerds who were gentlemen in the hopes of someday getting laid."
"She liked not having roots. She liked the freedom of packing up and moving whenever she felt like it."
"It wasn’t even necessarily the town itself that made her antsy, but the last time she’d been home, she’d been in Lovett for less than ten minutes before she’d felt like a loser."
"Even for a contrary and notional girl with flat hair?"
"No one saw much of Sadie after that. Not even her poor daddy."
"And as far as anyone knew, she’d never married. Which was just plain sad and incomprehensible because really, how hard was it to get a man?"
"She’d always had a hard time doing and saying what she’d been told."
"Sometimes smart women were just as easy as dumb, but he’d guess not."
"Women like Sadie always wanted a relationship. Even when they said they didn’t."
"A dumb woman wouldn’t phone in his ID like he was a serial killer before she let him in her car."
"What was she going to do when he was gone? What about the JH?"
"Business came first, come rain or shine, holiday or homecoming."
"Forgiveness wasn’t easy for him. It was something he had to work at."
"Deep down, he knew that it was best for the SOB to step up to the plate and be a good father."
"He had no problem with his anger. Even when it crawled across his skin and threatened to blow, he could control it."
"A vacuum he hadn’t felt since he’d left the teams. A vacuum that he’d been trying to fill with driving across the country visiting buddies who understood."
"Some sort of homicidal maniac, or worse. A Democrat."
"Simple, but it was always shocking how many guys weren’t that great at knocking boots. Which was just baffling. Wasn’t sex their number one job? Even above actually having a job?"
"He’d been beautiful, with sun-kissed hair and clear blue eyes. A true Texan, he’d played football and had been clean-cut, like a someday senator."
"I don’t need a man for his money. I need him for things I can’t do for myself like lift heavy objects and knock boots."
"Tuckered out? Lord, I hadn’t used, or even thought of, that expression in a raccoon’s age. Maybe a raccoon and a half even."
"A girl could do worse than a lesbian with a dental plan."
"I’m not all that dressed up, and I owed you."
"I prefer a glass of wine and the entire Housewives franchise to relax me."
"If just for a little while, but she had more sense and a lot to do in the morning."
"He’d known she’d be trouble. He just hadn’t figured her for a dick tease. Not after she’d shoved her body against his chest on the dance floor."
"Why do men go for easy women? Because some women are a sure thing and don’t play games. You know what she wants, and it isn’t dinner and a movie."
"That’s exactly the point. Emotionally shallow sex. You get in, you get out, and no one gets hurt."
"Why not find one of your girlfriends? I’ll go find one of them if you’d like."
"I want them maimed and mangled and I have a hankering to run them over with my uncle Henry Joe’s Peterbilt!"
"The quicker she got out of Texas, the better."
"I’m here, Daddy," she said as he pulled at the restraints holding his wrists. "It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay," she lied.
"Suck it up, Sadie. Big girls didn’t cry, not even when it would have been so easy."
"You’re still as pretty as a Sunday sermon. I always had a crush on you, you know."
"Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledgehammer."
"It's easy to kill an enemy, but much more difficult to get intel from a corpse."
"It's been a while, but yeah. Along with manners and charm, and all the many, many classes I've taken in my life, I've taken a few cooking classes."
"You try singing, dancing, and sparkling and shining all at the same time. You think being a SEAL is tough? You think terrorists are hard-core? Piece of cake compared to the pageant circuit."
"I guess it was horrible of me to be more worried about my dress than his head."
"The only time I feel like I’m never good enough is when I’m here."
"Except the wiener roller. That thing has to go. Luraleen calls it ‘seasoned.’ I call it a lawsuit waiting to be filed."
"I can’t tell you who to hire, but I can tell you who works on Miller time."
"Right now she’s in Vegas spending the money I paid her for this place."
"The velvet sofa in her house is from the seventies and all her music is on cassette tapes."
"What kind of asshole doesn’t ask about his own goddamn daughter and grandson?"
"Sometimes a person needs forgiveness so they can move on and forgive themselves."
"I’m not what I used to be. Even before the accident, my bones hurt."
"She didn’t love him, but she loved what he did to her."
"He wasn’t the least bit tired. After they’d left the Gas and Go, he’d grabbed a pizza from Lovett Pizza and Pasta and met her at the ranch."
"You’re like me. I’m a Hollowell. Like my daddy and granddaddy and great-granddaddy. Hollowell men have always been cattlemen."
"I worked the hell out of selling those dresses."
"She’s like the Martha Stewart of clothes and accessories."
"I met with him and listened to him and his problems."
"I’m okay. I can’t do it. Not yet. Not until after I know everything."
"I didn’t lose my virginity until I went away to college."
"I’ve had relationships, but no one’s ever put a ring on it."
"Apparently I have a disconnect with deep emotions."
"I date emotionally unavailable men, like my dad, and try and make them love me."
"He’d been her anchor when she hadn’t even known she needed one."
"Loved him with a deep, soul-devastating ache."
"Every time the silence pushed her close to the edge, his voice drew her back."
"Talking never came easy to me. I loved your mama and I loved you."
"He’d helped her gather her father’s things, then driven her to the funeral home the next day."
"She’d been surrounded by a crowd of people all day. Hardly alone, but with Vince she felt alive."
"When you lock everything down tight so that the pain can’t get out, you also keep good stuff from getting in."
"It's not where you live, it's who you live with."
"For the first time in my dealings with women, I did give a shit about what that said about me."
"She didn’t feel trapped or tied down. Okay, maybe a little, but her future was wide open and that allowed her to breathe when her chest got tight."
"She loved the JH, but hated cattle. Stupid, smelly animals only good for T-bones, shoes, and really good handbags."
"Each time she worked up to a full head of anger at him, and it wasn’t hard for her to do, the image of him naked, pulling air into his lungs, and staring at things only he could see, entered her head, and her heart broke all over again."
"All those years of never earning a degree in anything was kind of paying off."
"A man should take care of a woman. Not the other way around."
"I’m sorry. People who step on my foot say they’re sorry. You stomped on my heart and that’s all you can say? You’re sorry?"
"I love you, and it scares the hell out of me."