
The Traitor's Wife Quotes

The Traitor's Wife by Allison Pataki

"Even the shadow of a fault tarnishes the luster of our finest achievements."
"The Congress will no doubt leak this letter, and news of my shame, to the papers."
"It would appear that no honor or loyalty remain, either in Congress or among the leaders of my beloved army."
"I wish they had simply ordered my execution, rather than have me live like this, with a blackened name."
"There is another way... A way back to honor, and fame... and fortune."
"My loyalty is to my husband alone. He may determine our politics."
"You demand too much. Money can be paid, but a title? That decision rests with the king alone."
"We shall withdraw our interest. Then they'll see what they have passed on."
"Circumstances have changed. If you could attain the post at West Point, we would be willing to discuss exact compensation with you."
"I refuse to accept the idea that your days of fighting under our flag on the battlefield are over. You are a true hero, a soldier, and a friend of mine."
"It’s like a delicate dance. And if anyone knows how to dance, it’s me."
"Believe me, if I could afford it, I’d keep you all until the day I died."
"We are servants. Without Peggy Shippen... I mean, Peggy Arnold, the likes of Hannah and me would be out on our bottoms."
"The true test of character comes when facing life’s harshest blows and disappointments. When things don’t turn out how you had hoped they would, do you grow bitter? Spiteful? Blame others and spread your misery? Or do you keep your head high and walk with grace, meeting the struggles which God has placed in your path?"
"I’ve always been an honest man. Even though it gets me into trouble."
"Life is short, and hard, but we’re all entitled to our own little slice of happiness."
"This thing called America—is all about, Clara. It’s a nation of people standing up and taking their own destinies in their hands. Saying, ‘I can live my life better than some king can tell me how.’"
"I thought you didn’t believe in lying, Clara Bell?"
"What’s the matter? We’re all of us mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"You can do the same, Clara. You don’t need to waste your life with Peggy Shippen. Aren’t there things you want?"
"It’s not Miss Peggy’s coach, but I hope you’ll manage."
"But you overlook a key point, Benny."
"There will be no denying us a title when we deliver Washington!"
"Imagine us, turning over the leader of the Continental Army."
"Good gracious, girl, what are you waiting for?"
"No, Clara thought to herself. But nearly as important."
"Then this time next year, we shall be dining with King George the Third, as Lord and Lady Arnold."
"Such a long journey to make twice in such a short time. The rowing must get very tiresome."
"It’s just a bat," Clara answered, attempting to quell her mistress’s skittishness.
"The only difference is in the clothing, really."
"I suppose you can pass for a lady, after all."
"Lord help me, this meal will never be ready."
"The general sends word that he has been delayed this morning."
"You’d think they could withhold these tedious errands for at least one day."
"Urgent message for Benedict Arnold from the south Hudson!"
"Aye." The messenger hung like a limp fish on the end of the line, dangling a few inches off the ground.
"Why did they not come to me?" Arnold demanded. "I am the commanding officer in these parts!"
"This is high treason, and we will react immediately."
"You see how well protected it is by its position atop that cliff?"
"General Washington, even more handsome in person."
"You are as white as snow, Clara Bell. Are you ill?"
"Clara, aren’t my flowers from Mr. Hamilton lovely?"
"But London will be so much more merry than this drab countryside."
"Because I possess all the means to undo your triumph, Peggy Arnold. To expose you for the traitor that you are."
"By telling the truth. The truth that only you and I know."
"Certain items you’ve kept over the years. Damning evidence."
"However, if I do go meet him, we will never breathe a word of your treachery."
"All I want, my lady, is to leave this place."
"Because you know that I love your son. And I would never want him to grow up motherless, as I have."
"I have no interest in exacting any abuse on you, Miss Peggy. Or even in ever speaking to you again after today. I hope you find happiness, and even peace."
"The river guided her north—toward Caleb, toward her new home, toward freedom."
"Never perhaps did any man suffer death with more justice, or deserve it less."