
Dear Ava Quotes

Dear Ava by Ilsa Madden-Mills

"No matter the road you take, it doesn’t matter if it’s beautiful or ugly, hard or smooth, paved or pitted with ruts—it’s your road to take. What matters is how it ends."
"Piper rushes up and throws her arms around me. 'She’s back! My main girl is back! OMG, I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!'"
"With a cold expression on my face, one I’ve been practicing for a week, my eyes rove over the students, not lingering too long on faces."
"But inside, my words of encouragement feel hollow."
"I’ve sat in homeless shelters. I’ve watched Mama shoot needles in her arms, in between her toes, wherever she could to get that high. I’ve watched her suck down a bottle of vodka for breakfast."
"The very air around her seems lit with an aura of expectancy."
"Why can’t a devil want an angel? They were in love. Happy."
"I have perfect clarity on seeing him... Yet... It feels as if something big happened before they left."
"We’re going to focus on movies at least twenty years old. Some perhaps you’ve heard of. Some are iconic, some suck."
"I’d give my right boob to see Knox Grayson lose his cool."
"I don’t have to take by force what is offered to me on a daily basis."
"People die. Life is tenuous, and we get no clue as to when it’s going to be over."
"I’m not afraid to sit next to you. I’ve done self-defense training recently, and honestly, I can hurt you if I want to."
"Maybe it’s the way she smiles, just a little curve when she’s amused, her lips pouty and full."
"I can save myself. Been doing it all my life."
"I don’t want you to feel sorry for me, Knox. I have Tyler. He’s mine. He’s everything."
"We can’t tell anyone we slept in the same bed. You feel me?"
"She was in love with him and she knew it was the only way."
"My hard heart wants the glass heart in her. Obviously, I am out of my mind."
"You found me at the party and you were thinking about me when you played it so don’t pretend with me."
"I didn’t know…how bad it was for you. It never entered my head that—"
"The police here know who signs their paychecks, Ava. It’s a small community run by rich men. Liam’s dad is the mayor, my dad owns half the town, and you…you don’t matter to them, not when it comes to protecting the people here."
"I’m no one in this town, but the rest of you…ha. I’m no one. Just a nobody girl."
"Love dies. Then you’re at the end of my kaleidoscope, Broken, bright shiny pieces. Obviously, you can’t love me. And neither should I."
"I care for my brother. He’s all I care about."
"Less talking, more filling, Tulip. I came to help you and we’re gonna kick ass together, you feel me?"
"This isn’t a night you want to be shorthanded."
"Don’t be jumpy. I won’t let anyone hurt you. We got this, babe."
"Don’t call me babe, Shark. I’m the least babe girl there is in the whole world."
"Truth or dare, Tulip, and you can’t say dare."
"Last year, did you want me as much as I wanted you?"
"Scars serve as medals of honor, and the strongest hearts have the most."
"I’m not giving up Tulip. I like it very much."
"Please grab a mop, broom, or stray cat and put the building back together."
"You also drink and cuss like a sailor and take the Lord’s name in vain—"
"She’s a nun. It feels like she knows I don’t go to Mass."
"No one called me names today, I’m seeing Tyler, and Lou is terrified of nuns. It’s been a great day."
"True, but I can do it. It will just take some time."
"Carrot cake! It’s gonna go bad tomorrow so somebody’s gotta eat it!"
"You’ve done good, Ava. He’s happy. You’ve got friends. You’re gonna be okay, right?"
"Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can crawl back up."
"Don’t be mad at me, please. Just give me some time."
"Get to the stadium and scream your tits off!"
"I thought you had to be at least this tall to ride one of these football players."
"I didn’t plan on sending these, but when I saw them, they looked like they belonged in your hands."
"An unforgiving heart is like rat poison to the one who holds it."
"I’ve missed you and it killed me to leave you, but if I hadn’t, Cooper would have worked his way to you."
"I’m not stupid, Knox! He knows, and he told you, and you need time to breathe right after we have…a moment together that I thought meant something."
"I think about those sweet notes in my locker, the hugs and kisses after games."
"I still love you, you know. Can’t get you out of my head."
"I came back for vengeance, to show all of you that nothing in this goddamn world will ever hold me back from finding out who hurt me."
"I hate everything about this place. It makes me sick to walk in those doors everyday."
"Go and be sweet and especially kind to the next girl you love."
"You’re the most worthy, kind, wonderful, beautiful person I’ve ever met."
"I love you, so much that I’d do anything, even if it means saying goodbye."
"You’re just upset, and I can’t even imagine how emotional you must feel with everything hitting you like this."
"I’m saving myself for someone. Have been for a while."
"I love you till the end of time. I never stopped. I never gave up."
"I let you walk away. I could have chased after you and begged you to come back, but I stuffed everything down and carried on for my family."
"You’re my destiny. I’m yours. The universe fucking owes me, you feel me?"
"Today is the beginning of anything you want."
"It’s a really, really long story—and I should know it because my future dad likes to tell it, but it started with a love letter he put in my sister’s locker…"