
More Than Words Quotes

More Than Words by Jill Santopolo

"Sometimes Nina Gregory got lost in the elasticity of time."
"Deciphering them reminded her of the rebus puzzles the two of them used to solve together as kids."
"He wanted everyone to feel valued, no matter their job."
"The Daily News had written about Rafael’s smile twice, calling it 'high-wattage' and 'compelling'."
"Every moment of every day she tried to forget that her father was sick."
"The squeeze in her chest became a sting in her eyes."
"She closed her eyes, tilted her head back as if gravity could keep her tears at bay."
"Rafael had made it very clear during his first meeting with his senior staff that he wanted to know the name of every single person he came in contact with."
"Nina looked up at Tim. He probably did know everything about her."
"Nina hadn’t been interested in the fun things Tim had suggested they do."
"‘We’ll get down the mountain, Nina,’ he said."
"Nina wished, for probably the millionth time in her life, that her mother were still alive."
"The blocks around her father’s apartment seemed like a small village."
"‘My careful Nina,’ her father replied. ‘You should face your fears, though.’"
"‘Whatever comes,’ he said, ‘I hope you’ll remember that.’"
"Isn’t it nice to eat at a counter? I just put in a breakfast bar in my apartment."
"It's my own theory, but it makes me feel better about things."
"Your father's poem is coming to an end, but that doesn't make it any less beautiful or worthwhile or important."
"Even you," he answered, looking directly at her, his dark eyes sparkling.
"I think of people like poems," he said. "Maybe someone's a haiku, or a villanelle, or a cinquain, a sonnet—our length and form are predestined, but our content isn’t."
"The whole city was slightly calmer during rush hour."
"I love you, Dad," she said to him. "So much that it hurts sometimes."
"Everything you do, it's not just for you. It's to honor me, to honor your grandfather."
"You want a big wedding, don’t you," he said. "The dress, the ballroom, the dancing—the publicity for the hotels."
"Without the facts, there’s no way to create a solid path."
"I didn’t want you to know," he said. He took her hand and laced their fingers together.
"I just wish I’d had more time with your mother. I wish—"
"Long courtships are for people who haven’t been best friends their whole lives," Tim said.
"But we can do that after. Do something small now, for your dad. And do something bigger later, for everyone else."
"I guess I was hoping for a proposal that was more about us than about my dad."
"I know it doesn’t seem like your life will ever be okay again, but it will. I promise."
"It's nothing, Sweetheart," he said. "Sitting up’s not as comfortable as lying down."
"I'm so, so sorry. I didn’t realize you’d stopped walking."
"The panic snapped from synapse to synapse, filling her brain, her body."
"At the moment of death, the man lost three quarters of an ounce."
"Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone."
"Even if he’s gone, he is your father. He doesn’t stop being your father just because he’s not here anymore."
"The measure of a man is what he does with power."
"You okay?" It was what he asked her every time they spoke now. Every time they saw each other. Nina felt like she was letting him down every time she said Not really.
"I just don’t understand," Nina kept saying as she drove her father’s Mercedes up the Hudson. "My father didn’t mention this house for more than two decades. Seriously. Who keeps a house hidden for more than two decades?"
"We used to all come up here," Tim said after a moment. "Do you remember? I haven’t thought about it in forever."
"The last time Nina ever saw her mother was Christmas morning. She and her parents were still in their pajamas, even though Maeve, the au pair, was fully dressed. Nina’s mom was wearing red silk pajama pants with a matching top."
"You know, Ballerina, you’re not just a Gregory. You’re a Lukas, too," her mother told her that summer.
"I’ve never loved anyone else the way I love you. When I dated other women, I was always looking for what we have, the closeness, the comfort, the unconditional support."
"Everything’s going to be better from here," Tim said.
"It was 3:22 A.M. and Nina was still awake. Her thoughts kept spiraling through her mother’s death and her father’s death and marrying Tim."
"I brought muffins," he said, placing a bag on the counter in front of him. "Apple cranberry’s your favorite, right?"
"I’m not selling," she said immediately. "That’s my family’s company. That’s my name. No one else can have it."
"Whether or not running the Gregory Corporation was something she wanted to do, it was something she was going to do, and at least for now, that was enough."
"I felt like I was living in a house of mirrors, where up was down and left was right."
"I think a lot of fathers are a little intense."
"It's part of your DNA. It's part of your blood. But it takes work to make it part of who you are, I think."
"I wasn’t cheating on me, but it sure as hell looks like you were."
"Everything's going to be better soon. Once we get married."
"I like it. It makes you seem multilayered. More than you appear at first glance."
"Just because I did something one way once doesn’t mean I want to do it that way forever."
"It’s not that I didn’t trust you. I just didn’t really know me. Not until now."
"My political ambitions don’t trump my happiness."
"You’re smarter than that. And she was. But sometimes it wasn’t about intelligence. Not when the heart got involved."
"We can do whatever feels right. We don’t have to worry about how things will look up here—there’s no one but us."
"Remember that thing you were worried about? Truly no need to worry about that ever again."
"I'm actually worried that I'll disappoint you."
"It's been a long time since anyone wanted me like this."
"The two things Caro valued most had come crashing down around her."
"I love you more than anything, but I still loved Tim, too."