
Hell's Corner Quotes

Hell's Corner by David Baldacci

"Oliver Stone was counting seconds, an exercise that had always calmed him."
"For better or worse, much of him belonged to this town, even with all the pain it had caused."
"No debate was allowed, no negotiation suffered through, no chance of any compromise."
"War was Darwinism at its most efficient and the rules were innately commonsensical, kill or be killed chief among them."
"The presidency would suck up every ounce of energy and intellectual curiosity one cared to give the job."
"Illegal drug sales are one of the leading exports from Russia."
"The last time I was here I told you some things and intimated other things."
"You have to turn down what you don’t deserve."
"No trigger slips please, gentlemen. I like my brain right where it is."
"Then I was offered the Medal of Honor. And you turned it down, Brennan said sharply. A first, I believe."
"Burn in hell, Carter, thought Stone as the door closed behind him."
"His tooth was sticking in my head until the doctors removed it. You can get a dental match on that, and possibly a DNA hit."
"I lived in London for two years. It was a long time ago."
"When I was here earlier I lifted a set of your prints from a glass in your loo when I went to take a pee."
"I pulled some professional strings, with the PM's blessing."
"Friends and enemies closer," corrected McElroy.
"Not to worry, I don't have any security clearances, so as soon as I look at them they'll be immediately declassified."
"The Great Gatsby, arguably his greatest achievement, and certainly his most well-known work."
"My God, Annabelle, where have you been all these years?"
"Why do you think the bomb was in the hole in the first place?" "Apart from the location of the damage?"
"When you smack the water with your fist, a certain amount of water shoots up on both sides of the hand. Simple concept of volume displacement."
"I just don’t see how anyone could have managed that."
"Once they find a method that works, they don’t change it."
"I think I’m clearly old enough to make that decision for myself."
"You’re not going to make me feel guilty about this, Oliver, so don’t even try."
"It was hard to tell at night and because of the trees in the way, but at least that’s where it seemed to be."
"You defended yourself using a technique that I had only seen once before."
"He love this country," she said. "We only recently come here. Me for the medicos to help with my legs. Uncle Freddy he come with me. My parents are dead. He get job. It not pay much, but he was doing the best he could."
"Carmen, this is greatest country on earth. A person he can do anything here."
"I have a lot of regrets," Stone said finally.
"I don’t think I can ever make amends, Agent Chapman."
"I know this is a really bad time, but can you think of any reason why your uncle would have wanted to take a walk through Lafayette Park that night?"
"I see what happened. The bomb. Uncle Freddy, he is dead?"
"When you’re trying to control a potential hostile situation and you have one potential bomber in your presence, you don’t really have time to yak on your phone."
"I would tell them that her husband and their father died fighting. As a hero. That’s what I would tell them."
"I don’t care about his history. I’m only concerned with the present."
"I don’t know how it is across the pond, but this is America. Here we have accountability for our actions."
"If you want to drive yourself nuts spend a couple days zooming around country roads with Mr. Speedy while he drones on and on about some dead writer no one but him has ever heard of."
"Right now he has everyone against him. He needs us. We’re all he has left."
"The Camel Club. The most important thing in my life."
"I’ve dealt with worse. Got on the wrong side of the queen once."
"I do want a target. And you seemed like a very handy one."
"I'm not sure you actually did anything wrong. I interviewed the state cops. They said you probably saved their lives."
"I honestly thought the dangerous part would be at Kravitz's place, not the tree farm."
"I've probably had a bit more experience than they have in those types of situations."
"All trust has limits. And it has to be constantly earned."
"We’re doing the best we can under very difficult circumstances."
"Nanobots are the next generation of nanorobotics. They occur at the molecular level and have a lot of potential uses."
"It's not necessarily how large your military is, but how big your bank account is."
"I'm not looking for inspiration, just answers."
"We’re trying to get Friedman to put some pressure on him."
"I’ve always seen that status as temporary. You, on the other hand, are a lifer."
"Arrogant bastards. The Cold War never really ended." - Weaver
"You didn’t require reading in, until now." - Weaver
"I believe that occurred more by accident than intent. If they’d hit us I don’t think they would have cared." - Stone
"Your country certainly didn’t think that back then. Revolutionaries and even terrorists, they were called." - Chapman
"After a couple hundred years even the thorniest differences can be overcome." - Stone
"I’m not sure, actually. I did all the right things. Went to all the right schools. Then I detoured to Harvard Law." - Friedman
"I’ve lived so many years of my life as someone I’m really not." - Friedman
"I’ve never met anyone like me. That is, until I met you." - Friedman
"Outside, perhaps. Inside it's a different matter."
"The most unbelievable parts I found the most believable for some reason."
"You're more than a legend, John Carr. You're more like a myth."
"I'm actually flesh and blood. That's been very apparent to me from the start."
"All the guys that are hiring people like me used to work on the government side. They need to stay in their good graces. I'm persona non grata."
"Everyone has choices. You make them and then you live with the consequences."
"We just have to keep believing that he will come out of this."
"Their job is to dampen hopes, not heighten expectations."
"If you hadn’t acted as you did, the nation would be mourning its president."
"All we can do is hope and pray, Annabelle. That’s all."
"We can never get on without him, Annabelle. All we can do is just survive each day as it comes."
"I’ll have no problem with it. She’s not worth screwing my life over."
"If she tries to harm anyone of my team I’ll do my best to kill her."
"You know how to show a girl a good time, I’ll give you that."
"Be careful, Harry. These guys know what they’re doing."
"You can leave right now. No one’s stopping you."
"You are good. She said you would probably figure it out."
"The place where it all began for me. And now where it will all end."
"He’s John Carr. And quite frankly he’s got resources you lot don’t have either."
"They weren’t very good. And I think that was intentional."
"She pays us big to come here, stay in an old building, walk around, be seen. No fighting. Easiest gig I’ve ever been on."
"I’ll tell that to my friends when I find their bodies."
"But there was something else nagging at Stone. Mere revenge didn’t seem enough motivation for someone as intelligent and ambitious as Marisa Friedman."
"All the men in Triple Six had been lean, nothing but gristle and muscle."
"The way the Agency used to do things during the Cold War."
"No place on earth had ever humbled him like the lab at Murder Mountain."
"But how would she accomplish that last part?"
"We'll find one, Annabelle," he said. "And being outside the mountain is better than being inside it."
"No one gets left behind," he said. "We either all stay here or we all keep going."
"It's always a mistake to reveal anything true about yourself that can later be used against you."
"You always have a plan B, because plan A doesn't always work."
"We're more alike than you'll ever be willing to admit, John Carr."
"It's good to have you back, Alex," he said in a faltering tone.