
Exit Strategy Quotes

Exit Strategy by Martha Wells

"Considering how much I’d been thinking about killing a bunch of humans, it was only fair."
"Deleting memories like that doesn’t work. I can delete things from my data storage, but not from the organic parts of my head."
"I like endless historical family drama serials, but in real life, ghosts are way more annoying."
"Possibly I was overthinking this. I do that; it’s the anxiety that comes with being a part-organic murderbot."
"Hard work really did make you improve; who knew?"
"But fooling the weapons scanners was so much easier now than it had been the first time I’d done it."
"I didn’t have a lot of choice. The team from Preservation must be here to negotiate for Mensah’s release."
"The idea of combining them all, and having a lot of clothing as a buffer between me and the outside world, was attractive."
"I don’t like things in general that can’t be downloaded via the entertainment feed."
"I might be wrong. I knew interpreting the emotional subtext in the speech and appearance of real humans was completely different from interpreting it in shows and serials."
"This is why humans shouldn’t do their own security."
"How humans decide what to do with their arms on a second-by-second basis, I still have no idea."
"I know, I could have contacted them by now... I just wasn’t sure."
"Okay, I was scared. Or nervous. Nervous-scared."
"But I want a lot of things—freedom, unlimited downloads, new episodes of Drama Sun Islands—most of which I wasn’t going to get."
"If GrayCris can’t make you disappear, they want to delay you."
"It probably wasn’t even in the top ten of terrible plans."
"The company is like an evil vending machine, you put money in and it does what you want, unless somebody else puts more money in and tells it to stop."
"It’s not like I knew what to do with me, either."
"I have extracted living clients from situations that were less than nine percent survivable."
"I wasn’t sulking or hiding. The lobby was a better strategic position."
"I’m not going to kill him. I know what I’m fucking doing."
"It was a really good thing that right then Mensah’s implant pinged."
"I hadn’t completely decided to crush Serrat’s windpipe, I was just entertaining the idea."
"I didn’t need to review it to know her nerves were stretched thin."
"I’m the security expert. You’re the humans who walk in the wrong place and get attacked by angry fauna."
"SecUnits are never allowed to sit down or use human furniture whether on or off duty, so I sat in one of the chairs."
"If I hadn’t been able to hide my feed activity from other SecUnits, I would have been spare parts a long time ago."
"I wasn’t keen on it, either. I was scanning for an empty carrier and found an idle one up toward the area of activity. I teased it out of the herd and told it to come to us."
"It wasn’t entirely awful. It was like when Tapan had slept next to me in the room at the hostel, or when Abene had leaned on me after I saved her; strange, but not as horrific as I would have thought."
"She nodded again. 'I see, right.' She hesitated. 'The GrayCris executives who questioned me about this said you destroyed some combat bots?' 'Three.' She took a sharp breath. 'Good.'"
"'It made me feel like a person.' Yeah, that last part shouldn’t have come out, but with all the security-feed monitoring I was doing, I was losing control of my output."
"I hate having emotions about real humans instead of fake ones, it just leads to stupid moments like this."
"'I’m not sure I’d go that far,' I said. My backburnered map-monitor alerted me and it was a relief. I’d had all the emotions I could handle right now."
"I hate that this happens, it makes me feel vulnerable."
"Security consultants don’t get their clients into unnecessary pitched battles for control of their rescue ship. Because that would be stupid."
"I don’t like planets. There’s dust and weather, and something always wants to eat the humans. And planets are much harder to escape from."
"It was very dramatic, like something out of a historical adventure serial. Also correct in every aspect except for all the facts, like something out of a historical adventure serial."
"Your grandparents were packed in the hold." I was skeptical. I’d been packed in a lot of holds and I hadn’t seen any humans in there."
"It’s very dramatic," Ratthi added. "The crew think you’re a special security agent who betrayed the company to save us."
"I had options, and I didn’t have to decide right away. Which was good, because I still didn’t know what I wanted."