
Drown Her Sorrows Quotes

Drown Her Sorrows by Melinda Leigh

"Avoidance had always been her preferred coping mechanism."
"If compartmentalizing were an Olympic event, Bree would be the gold medalist."
"I wouldn’t call Shannon unless you put a gun to my head, although I guess I’ll have to now."
"This is just a temporary thing. Once her mom’s situation passed, we’d be fine again."
"I shouldn’t have yelled at her. I should have been more patient and understanding."
"Seems cruel that he has to go through this again when Holly’s ID is verified."
"My brother is on his way. He’ll be here soon."
"If I don’t get my run in early, it doesn’t happen."
"I’m not running, but I have nothing to say to you."
"Don’t you mean our child, the one you killed with your carelessness?"
"But weren't we entitled to some pleasure in life?"
"Everyone complains about work, and no one always gets along with their coworkers all the time, but I don't remember anything serious."
"It doesn't matter how old they get; your baby is your baby."
"I never thought I'd outlive one of my girls."
"I don't care about much these days—except my children."
"If life wanted to kick me in the teeth one last time, this was the only way to do it."
"You could make a case that asking her to keep fighting is cruel."
"People find all sorts of reasons to kill each other."
"I haven't experienced the same losses that you have."
"She didn’t die by suicide," Bree said. "She was murdered."
"I’d like to ask you a few questions," Bree said.
"Our part-time help is young. One of them is always late, and she dresses very inappropriately for a place of business."
"But there’s nothing serious. Our part-time help is young. One of them is always late, and she dresses very inappropriately for a place of business."
"Don’t get too comfortable. I don’t have much time for bullshit this morning."
"People do their damned jobs, or they find another place to work."
"I got the hell out of there before either of them saw me."
"Every moment of happiness was a gift to be appreciated."
"I’ll be OK in a couple of days. I just need to keep busy."
"I need to face that house. I just wish it wasn’t taking me so long to work up the nerve."
"I see him." She squinted. "Next to the Maserati."
"Clear," Oscar called out as he holstered his weapon.
"He was shot while we were watching the house from down the road."
"Not many places to hide out here," Bree said. "Not until you hit the woods."
"Let’s go outside." Bree led the way back out into the warm evening.
"I know," she said in a wry tone. "I promised Kayla I’d rest this morning."
"Let them see how much you’re sacrificing. Everyone rallies behind a wounded hero."
"Then you have to stay ahead of those cagey bastards that control our budget."
"I haven’t decided if I’m dropping the Beckett yet. I hate the name now, but it’s my boys’ name so . . ."
"I haven’t had a piece of candy in . . . I don’t even know how long."
"The only thing he truly loved was his company."
"They were both on the high school tennis team. They’re natural athletes."
"I had to tell them about their father’s death over the phone too. That was awful for them."
"Paul thought I was too soft on the boys. Maybe he was right."
"I decided to give our relationship one last try."
"There are so many places I want to see, but we’ve always been too busy."
"I need to do something meaningful. Playing tennis isn’t enough."
"I guess I’ll have to contact an estate attorney."
"I didn’t want him dead. I wanted him to pay."
"I didn’t want to know the details. Paul was clearly not in a relationship. He was whoring around."
"I can see why I’d be a suspect, since Paul and I were in the middle of a divorce."
"But I wouldn’t have hurt Holly. It wasn’t her fault."
"Whoever killed Paul used the same method to break into Shannon’s house. But why did Holly’s killer leave that doll floating in the sink?"
"I keep thinking I’ll feel less sad tomorrow."
"Holly was seen at Paul’s house. There was also a late-night call between them."
"She always went back. As much as they fought, when they were together, they were really together."
"Rescues, especially nervous ones, can take months to adjust to their new homes."
"Your scars are part of you. You’re a survivor."
"I strongly encouraged him to leave Cady alone."
"No time to plan an escape. She’d have to play dead."
"Every second she delayed a physical confrontation, her chances of survival increased."
"You’re going to spend the rest of your life in prison."