
The Truth Quotes

The Truth by Terry Pratchett

"Lord Vetinari by habit rose so early that bedtime was merely an excuse to change his clothes."
"It was generally foggy, which made it hard to see the city, and for a few hours there was no sound but the occasional brief scream."
"I believe it is the right of every citizen of Ankh-Morpork to walk the streets unmolested."
"She wasn't just respectable, she was Respectable; it was a lifestyle, religion and hobby combined."
"I suppose you are right. Better something once-and-for-all, then."
"People like to be told what they already know. Remember that. They get uncomfortable when you tell them new things."
"It's in the paper. Oh, and send a message to that nice Mr de Worde, too. I will see him at nine thirty."
"New things... well, new things aren't what they expect."
"They like to know that, say, a dog will bite a man. That is what dogs do. They don't want to know that a man bites a dog, because the world is not supposed to happen like that."
"Lies can run round the world before the truth could get its boots on."
"The only thing more dangerous than a vampire crazed with blood lust was a vampire crazed with anything else."
"Truth was what he told. Honesty was sometimes not the same thing."
"You could feed it, but you could never fill it up."
"The truth hid in some unlikely places and had some strange handmaidens."
"Dealing with trouble is my job, it's what I'm paid for."
"Ordinary everyday people like me are responsible to other people."
"I'm just a copper. They don't tell me these things."
"We could get a drawing of the dog to you in an hour."
"I think his lordship is in enough trouble already, lad."
"The universe is just a cold soup of time, all time mixed up together."
"I buy and sell clerks when I need them, and you don't smell like a clerk to me."
"You've got the air about you of a man who'd scrabble through a ton o' shit to find a farthin'."
"I believe it is now pretending to be a very large budgerigar a long way away."
"I reckon that was it. The boy's a born muckraker."
"You want to see how --ing fast I can throw it?"
"Why don't we just --ing hit people until someone tells us where the dog is?"
"It's like the sound of a soft meringue melting gently on a warm plate."
"A lie will go round the world before the truth has got its boots on."
"What we've always been supposed to do is hang around until there's a war and do something really stupidly brave and then get killed."
"But what they are buying is the Inquirer. The news is more interesting."
"It's just that I seem to have had my head cut off, which you could say is a bit of a drawback."
"Vot? Oh, yes. Yes, I zink so. Mustn't grumble."
"You want us to be known as The Paper You Can Put Your Truss In?"
"He's going to invent new ways of being angry just so's he can try them out on you."
"A couple of thumbs and they're lords of bloody creation."
"How will this work?" said Sacharissa, trying to look intelligent.
"You vanted colour, I gif you colour," said Otto sulkily.
"It'd be quicker to go round to everyone's house and tell 'em the news," muttered Goodmountain.
"Zis is only the beginning," said Otto. "Ve vill get better."
"Then at least we'll go down with our colours flying," said Sacharissa.
"You're not going to attack anyone, are you?" she said, shocked.
"Well, someone did say that if you want a good story you have to dig and dig," said Boddony.
"The lads were... wondering about going in and having a look," said Goodmountain.
"If stories were food, what kind of food would Goldfish Eats Cat be?" asked Sacharissa.
"Can't arrest him for assaulting an officer, eh?" said Vimes.
"Then I'll ban him from doing it!" said Vimes.
"But he is technically--" "See this sign on my desk, captain? It says 'Commander Vimes'. That means the buck starts here."
"Don't you dare swear at me!" said Sacharissa. "How dare you swear in the presence of a lady!"
"Really? In that case let me retort!" said Mr Pin.
"Get out right now!" yelled William. "The tins!"
"Without things, people were just bright animals."
"A plot to illegally seize control of Ankh-Morpork was exposed last night after days of patient detective work by the Watch."
"I've got to find out what's really been happening."
"The truth has got its boots on. It's going to start kicking."
"I don't know if I do, but I do know I got that money a few hours ago off a man who tried to kill me."
"Small sums of money will be sent to you periodically."
"If you throw something into the air, don't you have to worry about where it bounces?"
"It's the only way to make progress. That and, of course, moving with the times."