
Deep Kiss Of Winter Quotes

Deep Kiss Of Winter by Kresley Cole

"And a time shall come to pass that all immortal beings in the Lore, from the Valkyrie, vampire, Lykae, and demon factions to the phantoms, shifters, fey, and sirens... must fight and destroy each other."
"They say I’m as fickle as winter, as shy as frost, and as indifferent as a blizzard. It’s rumored my body is pure as driven snow. Nobody imagines that I might be full of fire."
"Women are like bottles of liquor. They should be sampled, savored, then discarded. Matrimony is for men who can’t handle their liquor."
"But after that, nothing. Once the poison had begun working its way from her system, she’d blanked."
"Even after all these centuries, she was surprised by the degree of pain involved with skin to skin contact."
"Considering the still unpacked duffel bag and sparse furnishings—this definitely wasn’t a permanent home."
"If not for him, she would have died. The poison would have taken hold until even her immortality couldn’t have saved her. He had saved her."
"No Valkyrie was better at getting men to do her bidding."
"Two millennia of stark loneliness did not a discerning Valkyrie make."
"Her ears were twitching. A warning? But why?"
"And if Nikolai was a fraction as thoughtful and gentle as his brother..."
"Valkyrie hated his kind. This one would not be pleased by this development."
"He’d demanded to be a general in the Forbearer army, refusing to take orders from anyone but Kristoff himself."
"No matter how much he warned them that he would never settle down."
"His gaze was transfixed on her neck, his voice a snarl as he said, 'I’m about to throw you to the ground. Take your blood in a frenzy.'"
"Yet even now, he didn’t know how to proceed."
"And now he was free to use those sensual lips to kiss another woman, could use that magnificent body to pleasure others."
"Most of her half sisters were fiercely independent—many were legendary warriors or love-’em-and-leave-’em jet-setters. Danii was just... Danii."
"I'm the Valkyrie who most wants to be held—and I never can be."
"I'd rather not have had a glimpse of what I've been missing."
"He had sworn fealty to Kristoff and his Forbearer order, but he was loyal to Nikolai above all others."
"History was difficult for Murdoch to forget."
"The king often acted in ways that were incomprehensible."
"Once Kristoff had grown old enough to seek his birthright, he'd had no army, so he'd started making one, siring troops of turned human warriors."
"One of the worst crimes in their order were treason and drinking living blood straight from the flesh."
"Ivo the Cruel was a leader in the Horde, and their armies had battled in the past."
"You protect me if we encounter any more Icere—"
"If glass is heated evenly, it just gets hot. But when it's heated unevenly, it cracks."
"Women always think men bed virgins because of the conquest."
"I always knew I’d be remembered—not as the first, but as the best."
"The more word got around that he was a skilled lover, the more women dallied with him."
"I was generous with my attentions. And I was always in complete control of myself, able to go as long as I needed to go . . ."
"I don’t want you to believe that I shirked my duties. I dug in just as doggedly to protect our people. And I always came through when it counted."
"You said the ice feels wicked against your skin. Were you hinting to me?"
"Would you like to do that? I’m going to install myself—a female—in one of your properties. And I’m going to decorate it as I see fit."
"I must reclaim my throne. I’m a queen from a long line of queens. And one day you will be, too."
"He knew from experience that he could have that woman with little more than a crook of his finger."
"The dream had been so realistic, she could almost feel the weight of that crown on her head."
"He felt as if he was waging a losing battle, and in his life, he’d bloody had enough of those."
"Could the reason he’d never committed to a woman be that he’d been waiting for her all his life?"
"I thought that bringing flowers to a woman one desires was a timeless gesture."
"You have to understand that I’m not like the women you knew. This world is not like you thought."
"I’m angry because you’ve finally seen what’s been just before you all along. But you’ve seen it too late."
"Murdoch drew his sword in a flash, swung it at the closest demon. The male laughed as he easily dodged the blow."
"Realization dawned. I’m about to die. And all he could think about was how he wanted to see Daniela just one last time."
"I’ve only known you a short while, but I know men. I’ve witnessed the entire spans of their lives."
"Now I fear that... I think that this... matters. You matter. To me."
"I’m more afraid of missing this with you."
"The first time in centuries the four of us have been in the same room."
"Three hundred years of this," Conrad hissed, his red eyes blazing with hate.
"Let's just say we're all glad to be immortal," he muttered.
"We might have other options," Murdoch said cryptically.
"Leave me!" Conrad bellowed, straining against his bonds so hard the manacles cut into his wrists.
"How could you, Murdoch?" Her pupils were huge with shock. "You vowed to me."
"You're my queen," he’d said simply. "One who'll be crowned in three days, if that's acceptable to you."
"I'll vow ... that I'll never engage you or your army."
"Love her. So much it pains me. Have to find her."
"There was something unnaturally calming about his presence, as if he could slink inside a person’s psyche and wash away her fears."
"If by kill you mean seduce, then yeah," Jaxon replied. "You’re right."
"She couldn’t concentrate worth a damn. What was wrong with her?"
"An open wound will bleed and that will spread their infection."
"Never in all her twenty-six years had she seen anyone move so swiftly."
"Despite the direness of their circumstances, the agents continued to fight, and Aleaha was utterly proud of them."
"She’d never used a knife on anyone but herself, and the thought of slicing into someone else’s flesh... You can do it."
"I told you I’d shoot you, and I never lie." Of course, that was a lie. Her entire life was a lie."
"Never is a long time. Perhaps we should negotiate."
"The time for pain is over, Macy. Now you’re going to kiss me and make me better."
"In the end, AIR would catch him. They always caught their targets."
"Would that be so bad? You can’t take over yet another person’s life."
"Hell, she lost more and more of herself every day, causing despair to blend with that guilt."
"Your fate was sealed the moment I spotted you."
"An AIR agent would already have cut off his balls, used them as earrings, and danced around his lifeless form."
"I am proud of you. Surrender is unacceptable."
"Fairness is an idea most often touted by the defeated."
"Any injury I can take upon myself, rather than inflict upon you, I will, I swear it."
"I plan to win a kiss from you. Get used to it."
"We're going to marry rich husbands, Bride had told her one day. We'll never have to worry about anything ever again."
"The neighborhood itself was meant for New Chicago's elite. That much she knew without looking. The air just smelled cleaner, wealthier, as if everyone scrubbed their windows with pine-scented hundred-dollar bills rather than cloth."