
Bad Intentions Quotes

Bad Intentions by Charleigh Rose

"SAME SHIT. Different day. Different climate. New start."
"We’re all flawed, selfish humans doing what it takes in order to survive."
"You’d think it would still be warm in October—granted, it’s practically November—but you’d be wrong."
"I won’t let him. Where we come from, it’s a rarity to even make it that far."
"I’m fucking freezing and Henry already lectured us not to turn the heat above sixty."
"I have to enroll Jesse in school, fight with him to get him there first, then apply to anywhere and everywhere in this one-horse town so I can pick up a job."
"Every single time he warned me about Eric, I brushed it off."
"I need to get this done as soon as possible."
"I know the chaos that surrounds your mother better than anyone, and you won’t find that here."
"This is his shot—our shot, and I can’t help but feel like it’s going to be ripped away from us at any moment."
"It’s like a little sister. An annoying sister, but a sister nonetheless."
"Fuck off. She’s just some chick who came in looking for a job."
"I prefer them to be tourists for a few reasons. They’re never here for long, therefore can’t, or shouldn’t, rather, expect anything long-term—but that’s not to say I don’t get the occasional clinger."
"I don’t like anyone knowing my business. Not even Kelley knows the extent of my past."
"Art is a generous way to put it. It was far from it when I first started, but now, it’s my lifeline."
"I’m too tired to sleep, as if that makes any fucking sense."
"After turning to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain, I turned to creating art."
"But I’m not angry anymore. I’m resigned. I know what I did, and I’ll pay for it every single day for the rest of my life."
"I haven’t fucked anyone lately, and it’s making me a moody son of a bitch."
"I push away thoughts of Logan and decide to shower."
"My stomach twists at the voice from the other line."
"That’s refreshing. Most girls’ phones are an extension of them."
"I’m powerless to this feeling, and I want to see where it leads."
"I have no business touching Logan, let alone dragging her off to my shop. But here I am."
"I’ve been Dare longer than I was ever Stefan, but somehow, it still feels like mine."
"You’re not getting shit. Consider it a sixty-dollar lesson not to buy drugs from a fucking high school kid."
"You don’t know that, Jake. I think he’s a good guy."
"Just…please, Jesse. Try. I don’t want to go back there. I can’t."
"I shake my dirty thoughts away, turning back to Jess."
"I’m lucky to have a job. It just might take me a little bit longer to save up for a new place."
"I hate this feeling. Helpless. Useless. Inadequate. But I’ll make it work. We always do."
"I want to ask him why he’s helping me, because I don’t buy that for a second. I don’t want pity."
"Men are territorial sons of bitches for one, and when more than one is interested in a colleague, shit gets ugly fast."
"This place means more to me than anything or anyone ever has."
"I don’t know how to do this shit. I don’t know how to be a friend."
"People spend so much time guessing what others are thinking instead of just fucking asking. Myself included."
"There is nothing more dangerous than a man with a bruised ego."
"I hate you," Jess says, but his lips are quirked up in a grin.
"Sometimes, I forget that he probably knows our mother better than we do."
"I’ve spent ten fucking years working on my self-control."
"I’m fluent in drug-induced ramblings, thanks to my mom."
"Fairytales are for princesses, I remind myself. Not ghetto girls from Oakland. But right now, in Dare’s arms, I can pretend. Even if only for a while."
""That’s why I had to live here. My house was nothing more than a shack when it went up for sale. It was a piece of shit and dirt cheap, but I wanted it. I added on and fixed it up. It’s taken me years, and it’s still not completely done."
"You don’t want them ending up like the Donner Party, do you?"
"I could stay here forever," I say, leaning my head back onto his shoulder.
"I love tickles," I say sleepily, as goosebumps pepper my skin.
"I don’t care about your past," I say truthfully, because, you know, glass houses and all that.
""I’ve been waiting a minute to fuck this fool up," Jess says, sounding almost excited."
"I’ll be Jack and you’ll be Sally," I joke, and she huffs out a reluctant laugh.
"I think he’s broken, Jess. He’s broken, but he still tries to save me every single day."
"I’m not worried about him, you idiot. I’m worried about you. This isn’t your mess."
"Things like that probably seem so trivial to most people, but it’s almost unfathomable to me that someone wants to share my load, to do something nice for nothing in return."
"I don’t know how many times I can fail before I just…give up."
"The obvious being that you’re my fucking girlfriend and you need a place to live."
"Don’t waste so much time worrying about the people who’ve wronged you that you don’t see the ones who’ve been there all along."
"Like we’re finally shedding all the bullshit and allowing ourselves to just be."
"Love. The words are on repeat in my head, over and over, as I try to bury myself so deep inside her that she’ll feel me forever."
"Another piece of ice melts away, and I’m no longer frozen, but liquid inside as I spill inside her."
"Add it to my list of sins, right next to murderer."
"The only reason you’re here is because your boyfriend is still behind bars and you have no one else."
"It was selfish of me to pretend they were mine. And yes, it was selfish of me to leave them to finally get the fuck away from your crazy ass."
"It’s been three weeks of fucking and laughing and eating and drinking and falling in love with Lo."
"What happens when fire meets ice? Fire wins. Every time."
"Because, since I’ve met you, you’ve been nothing but good to me. You became mine and Jess’s family when our lives were falling apart. You’re good, even if you can’t see it."
"I’ll sit with you in the dark. I’m not a fan of the sun anyway."
"The two things that bring me peace—my spot and my girl."
"I know that I delivered the kick that sent my brother, for all intents and purposes, into that water. I killed him. It’s a fact. There is no gray area here, so stop looking for one."
"It means we get to be together without any secrets between us."
"It's not like Ryan has ever seen a good example of it. Hell, neither have I. In his mind, he protects me, takes care of me, and he needs me. In a way, I need him, too."
"This—what we’re doing right this moment—is what the rest of my life would look like."
"Every girl wants to be good until a bad boy whisks her off her feet and corrupts her."
"It’s not like the attraction is not there. I had a major crush on him when I was younger. I thought he hung the moon and the stars, making everything brighter in my dull universe."
"I despise being dependent on anyone, but if there’s one thing I hate more, it’s mornings. Specifically, early mornings."