
Burn For Me Quotes

Burn For Me by Ilona Andrews

"All men are liars. All women are liars, too."
"Life is a bumpy ride and they want to smooth it out as much as possible."
"If you cleaned him up, he would look almost angelic."
"You’re showing a ninety percent success rate with your cases. You have our complete confidence."
"Let me be perfectly clear: you do this or we will take your business."
"Yes, you will. Write an addendum to the contract that in the event of my death, my family can buy out the agency’s name for a dollar, and I will go after Pierce."
"If we failed, MII would call in the loan and take everything. We would literally walk out of our home with nothing but a black plastic bag filled with clothes and whatever toiletries each of us could carry."
"They would not do this to my family. They would not take everything I’d worked so hard to build. No. Just no."
"It’s a skiptrace. I had done skiptraces. This wasn’t my first rodeo."
"This mess, as my father used to say, was way above my pay grade."
"Every girl in my grade wanted to be Lenora when she grew up. She was incorruptible, powerful, and smart, she had no fear, and she didn’t take shit from anyone."
"If I did run into Pierce by some chance, I couldn’t dramatically bind him. I couldn’t make him do anything against his will either."
"Adam Pierce, the rebel. He didn’t like jail though."
"He would’ve burned that man to death over a candy bar. Adam takes what he wants, and if you tell him no, he will hurt you."
"I’ve never seen one who could do that. This was inhuman."
"We can’t tell Mom," I said. "Oh no, no, we really can’t."
"She who showed weakness to teenagers would be picked on to death. True fact of life."
"I have a family full of quirky people. Someone has to be sensible so all of you can enjoy being reckless weirdos."
"Sometimes I sit and think, if only my grandma had knitted me a hat or a scarf..."
"We live in Houston, Texas! You’d get heat stroke."
"If you can take what you want, you should be able to do so, and government and law enforcement shouldn’t be able to prevent you because they have no right to exist."
"A free man is he that, in those things which by his strength and wit he is able to do, is not hindered to do what he has a will to."
"My only chance was to be interesting. I had to catch his attention and hold it."
"I’m the woman you chained in your basement. I’m your captive. Your... victim."
"People lie too much, because it's easier. I don’t lie unless I have to."
"Because I don’t shoot unless I mean to kill."
"If I fire, I have to be prepared for the possibility of killing my target."
"I’m responsible. I didn’t tell. I didn’t tell anyone to this day, because I’m a coward."
"When I get into a fight, I know I can cause damage."
"I realized I was screaming and clamped my mouth shut."
"I love you too. If you think you need a level playing field, then go for it."
"I wasn’t planning on randomly buzzing people on the street with them."
"They’re pulling you down and you’re letting them."
"Don’t use this on anyone below Significant level, you hear me? You could kill somebody."
"I thought you might seriously hurt me. It made me scared and upset. I was in fear for my life."
"You do understand that you grabbed me off the street like some serial killer?"
"It seemed like the most expedient way to obtain the information."
"Your mother exaggerates. A third dead at most."
"Adam is volatile and chaotic. Every emotion is intense."
"Napalm B also burned for almost ten minutes and generated temperatures that beat even Adam Pierce's fire."
"This wasn’t a political statement. This was a theft, and the arson was just a cover-up."
"He isn’t done. Adam has an almost pathological need for attention."
"You’ve been employed to find Pierce, not Waller."
"I don’t have any reason to trust a word you say."
"I would have to start the investigation from scratch. If you die, it will be very inconvenient."
"Welcome to the anal sore of Houston. Have fun, kids."
"Bayous had their own primeval beauty, a kind of grim, timeless elegance, with dark, calm water and enormous cypresses, buttressing the shore with their bloated trunks."
"Magic was a funny thing. Almost a century and a half ago, when the serum that granted magic powers was first developed, some people took it and gained power, while others turned into monsters."
"The more information I have, the better I can anticipate your actions when it will matter."
"I’m in charge of you. I’m in charge of the guy next to you. I’m in charge of the ground you’re standing on."
"I don’t judge," he said. "You’re allowed your compassion."
"Why did you enlist in the Army? Simple question, but a complicated answer."
"Because it would be good for my House to have an heir and because my parents’ genes ticked the right set of boxes. You were probably conceived because your parents loved each other."
"Sometimes you cut your finger and you wrap the paper towel around it real tight, slap some duct tape on it, and good to go."
"Thank you for inviting me into your lovely home and offering me this delicious meal."
"People had different opinions on what the Keys actually did."
"If I’d been next to him right now and he’d reached for me, I would have let him do anything he wanted right there, on the hood of some tank."
"No, I’m sitting here talking to you assholes, Major excluded, because I’m a social butterfly and I just love y’all so much."
"You keep using that word. You realize it doesn’t make sense?"
"The first time I killed someone, and I mean an up close, personal kill where I watched the life fade out of his eyes, I waited."
"I was supposed to feel sick, throw up, and then deal with it. So I stood there, waiting, and I felt nothing."
"Power has a price. We don’t always want it, but we always end up paying."
"You can’t kill her, because it’s against the law."
"You can’t just kill people because they annoy you."
"You don’t understand. He’s... he’s Mad Rogan."
"That particular Range Rover was the one I liked best."
"If you’re too embarrassed, you can go wait by the fountain."
"Wind mages. They’re all fancy dancing until you drop something heavy on them."
"This is the lousiest circlework I’ve ever seen. Were you drawing with your eyes closed?"
"Good. As far as I was concerned, Mad Rogan could deal with them and leave me the hell alone."
"We don’t have to talk about the bus. We can talk about the cow instead."
"Figured. House Pierce wasn’t happy about Adam setting an office tower on fire, so they likely leaned on Augustine Montgomery, and now he would lean on me. Crap rolled downhill."
"My mother didn’t like him. She thought I was settling because Dad had died less than a year before and I wanted stable and normal."
"Programmer and cybermagician. We don’t join fraternities. We hide in our lairs in darkness and bloom under the glow of computer screens."
"Nobody knows what he actually found, because the powers that be seemed to have suppressed his investigation."
"The existence of amplification artifacts has been debated for years."
"You have no idea who you’re dealing with. This man is extremely dangerous."
"You play with people’s lives. When cops show up, you wave your hand and make them go away. Because you are Primes and the rest of us are, apparently, nothing."
"He might as well have brought me a fistful of rubies."
"I had all my sources. I worked for weeks. I had written a paper that would’ve made angels weep."
"It wasn’t a wildfire, high drama, heart-pounding-excitement kind of relationship."
"People like that just don’t come into your orbit that often."
"Are the two of you involved?" "No. No, we are not."
"I think Adam Pierce is planning to destroy Houston."
"If I’m right, we’re now responsible for this knowledge."
"If Adam burns an office building or two, it’s somewhat annoying."
"Nobody would do business with a House that can’t protect its own employees."
"Control, control . . . I gave Rogan my best business smile."
"I wanted him to touch me. I didn’t want him touching me."
"I want a human connection. I want to be in bed with someone who is worth being with."
"People don’t feel safe, law enforcement appears incompetent, and public sentiment toward the Houses plummets."
"Nobody is above the law, Rogan. Not even you."
"When I got into medicine, I did it to save lives."
"They expected me to fold, but I didn’t tuck my tail between my legs and slink away."
"I was paid a salary based on what they thought I would make."
"I sold my house, emptied all of my savings, and then I declared bankruptcy."
"If you do anything to hurt him, I will put a bullet in your brain."
"I saw his eyes, and his jaw, and the strong line of his neck, and the outline of a muscular chest under the T-shirt."
"This was now actively interfering with my ability to do my job."
"Magic is an analytical art and must be free of constraints of the heart."