
Super Sad True Love Story Quotes

Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart

"I am never going to die. Others will die around me. They will be nullified."
"Don’t let them tell you life’s a journey. A journey is when you end up somewhere."
"Utter nonsense. The children are our future only in the most narrow, transitive sense."
"Nullified. Did you know that each peaceful, natural death at age eighty-one is a tragedy without compare?"
"I am never going to die, caro diario. Never, never, never, never."
"In the taxi, I sat apart from her, engaging in very idle chatter indeed."
"Develop a sense of nostalgia for something, or you’ll never figure out what’s important."
"During the taxi ride to the airport, I felt the triple pangs of being happy and lonely and needy all at once."
"Why is it so hard to be a grown-up man in this world?"
"The mother did not have any data, she belonged solely to the home."
"I watched their AlliedWasteCVSCitigroup account rise and fall like the chest of a living, breathing animal."
"This is how it is. This is who my parents are. And I should just accept my limitations and do the best I can with what God gave me."
"And then we’ll all feel a little better as a family maybe."
"No one but me still cares about you. But I’m going to keep you with me forever. And one day I’ll make you important again."
"And if I may speculate, summer love. Even from a distance of a hundred feet, I can sometimes hear the pained love-cries their residents make behind their tattered Puerto Rican flags, and sometimes their violent screams."
"Maybe I hated all the old people in my building, and wished them to disappear already so that I could focus on my own struggle with mortality."
"How long would it be before these kids retreated into the dense clickety-clack äppärät world of their absorbed mothers and missing fathers?"
"I felt the perfunctory liberal chill at seeing entire races of human beings so summarily reduced and stereotyped."
"What kind of person couldn’t be found on this earth?"
"I am still a facsimile of my early childhood."
"I am still looking for a loving dad to lift me up and brush the sand off my ass and to hear English, calm and hurtless, fall off his lips."
"My generation’s belief that each one of us matters more than you or anyone else would think."
"Life only happens once. Enjoy it while you can!"
"I'm really glad you're here, Eunice. I really missed you. I mean, it's kind of weird... I missed you too, nerd-face."
"What a day it was! The middle of June, the trees coming into their own, the boughs filling abundantly."
"We watched the silhouettes of oil tankers, guessing at the warmth of their holds."
"Every returning New Yorker asks the question: Is this still my city? I have a ready answer, cloaked in obstinate despair: It is."
"And if it’s not, I will love it all the more. I will love it to the point where it becomes mine again."
"As I hugged each boy and patted him on the shoulder, I noticed that we were surreptitiously sniffing one another for signs of decay."
"Nothing on Grand could offer me solace. Nothing could make me Celebrate What I Have (Point No. 6)."
"I projected 'The Noah Weinberg Show!' again, listened to my friend making fun of our armed forces’ latest defeat in Venezuela, but I couldn’t follow the intricacies."
"It’s just death. Happens to everybody, Paco."
"I really needed to figure out what this LIBOR thing was and why it was falling by fifty-seven basis points. But, honestly, how little I cared about all these difficult economic details!"
"Everything I touch turns to shit," she said, shaking her head, her whole face suddenly older and unforgiving.
"You're so beauticious. You're so smart. And giving. So unlike anyone I've met. So you."
"It was the first time a woman had risen to defend me, had given me the inkling of an idea that I should actually be defended."
"Here was the end product of our deep moral exhaustion."
"The word 'sir' felt like a broken weapon at my feet."
"Could he really be collaborating with the ARA, as Vishnu had suggested? If so, could he help me right now?"
"Do you deny the existence of our conversation and imply consent?"
"I know my kokiri isn’t some deviant criminal."
"Father means I have to love him, have to listen to him, can't offend him, can't hurt him, can't bring him to task for past wrongs."
"The only thing that floats her boat is Politics."
"We absorbed the Images and as a group of like-incomed people felt the short bursts of existential fear."
"That fear was temporarily replaced by a surge of empathy for those who were nominally our fellow New Yorkers."
"Finally, the fear and the empathy were replaced by a different knowledge. The knowledge that it wouldn’t happen to us."
"The knowledge that it wouldn’t happen to us."
"I wondered about the excitement in his voice: What if Noah was secretly pleased that all this was happening?"
"I felt the horror too, but I wondered, for instance, what were these Secure Screening Facilities that Noah always talked about?"
"I tried to picture the words 'real action' leaving Nettie’s careful, intelligent lips."
"I wanted nothing to separate me from my sweetheart."
"We know summer is the height of being alive."
"Otherwise, how would you know that you have lived your summertime best?"
"The truth of my existence and the truth of my demise."
"But one thing I knew: I would never follow Nettie’s advice."
"I felt scared, not because of the military operation outside, but because I knew that I could never leave her."
"Success would come when neither of us knew where one ended and the other began."
"It’s like being a saint is HER territory and I just want her to think of me as the protector of our family."
"When will the Bipartisans realize that killing Low Net Worth Individuals will not reverse this country’s trade deficit or cure our balance-of-payment problems?"
"We have to remember that our primary obligation is to our clients."
"Because we are the last, best hope for this nation’s future."
"The dollar has been grossly, fantastically mismanaged."
"Loss of prestige for the country. Loss of tourist yuan. Loss of face for our leadership, as if they had any face to lose."
"I would press their emotional panic buttons with the briskness I reserve for entering my bank code."
"Despite the importance of what Joshie was saying... I felt proud at being a part of this creative economy."
"The awful thing was: They were beautiful words."
"Throw away your shame! Throw away your modesty! Throw away your ancestors! Throw away your fathers and the self-appointed fathers that claim to be stewards of God."
"Accept your thoughts! Accept your desires! Accept the truth! And if there is more than one truth, then learn to do the difficult work—learn to choose."
"We are better than this angry man. We are better than Jesus Christ."
"Because I knew she was too small in body and spirit, too worshipful of her family and the idea of her family, to accept this kind of hurt alone."
"I wanted to get up and address the audience. 'You have nothing to be ashamed of,' I would say. 'You are decent people. You are trying. Life is very difficult.'"
"It may surprise you to know that Eunice is actually a great speaker of sentences."
"I am a man, and this is my money, and here is my future wife, and this is my charmed life."
"Speaking of the light, I had one luminous moment with Eunice this week."
"Life with Euny has been okay. Exciting, sometimes upsetting. We argued daily."
"This is how a human being is forged after an unhappy early life."
"I felt both jealous of their youth and scared for their future."
"If only beauty could explain the world away."
"Here was the anxiety of choice, the pain of living without history, the pain of some higher need."
"It’s about comfort. It’s about feeling and acting like a thirty-nine-year-old."
"Among the three of us in the room, I was the one who was proactively dying."
"I felt like being born again. It felt like Eunice had resurrected me on a bed of cotton and wool."
"I love you with all I’ve got. Let’s get married."
"You’re the one I want, kokiri. You’re the only one."
"The idea of the two of them—alive and deathless—creating something together, made me feel sorry for myself."
"I wondered, heretically, if he would ever miss being older, if his body would ever long for a history."
"The fact that she was suspicious of me, the fact that she cared—that pleased me too."
"I wondered what he would do if I just threw my arms around him."
"I miss you more and more each day we’re apart."
"In unity there is power! Take back our city! No justice! No peace!"
"If there could still be marches like this, then maybe we weren’t finished as a nation just yet."
"Consistency. Day-to-day. Moving on. Taking stock. Never exploding."
"Keeping it away from the children, that’s all I’m going to say."
"How far I had come from my parents, born in a country built on corpses, how far I had come from their endless anxiety—oh, the blind luck of it all!"
"Eunice, Eunice, Eunice. Why must you break my heart, again and again?"
"We have to be competitive. That means doing more with less. Balancing our ledgers."
"Secure Screening Facilities Upstate. Yeah, right. Rubenstein’s government couldn’t organize a clambake on a mussel shoal."
"This isn’t some stupid äppärät app. This is eternity. This is the heart of the creative economy."
"The parameters of the world moving sixty degrees to the left and then buzzing into stillness."
"I suppose the memory of the first paternal slap surfaced somewhere in the back pocket of my soul."