
Surviving The Applewhites Quotes

Surviving The Applewhites by Stephanie S. Tolan

"My name is not Edie. It's E.D. E period, D period."
"A radiant light being, that's what you are. A radiant light being!"
"Education is an adventurous quest for the meaning of life, involving an ability to think things through."
"The most important thing you're going to learn while you're here is who you are and what you're made of."
"We don't watch much television. We have better things to do with our time."
"Human beings are almost infinitely adaptable. This is all going to work out brilliantly!"
"If God had wanted humans to be vegetarians, He’d have given them cow’s teeth and an extra stomach."
"Independence. That’s what the Creative Academy is all about. Independence! Remember that."
"You’re very lucky to be invited to participate in this amazing educational opportunity."
"Nobody cared. The only Applewhite who even noticed his hair anymore was Destiny."
"I’ll bet you never went to a school before where the teachers were too busy to hang out in the classroom with the students."
"The truth was he was getting tired of doing this every day. It was one thing to go to so much trouble when people took notice, when it got him something he wanted. But here it didn’t get him anything at all."
"It wasn’t hard to think things through this time. The choice was clear. One way or another, he was going to have to make this work."
"Nothing he’d done before to show people who he was and what he stood for worked here."
"It wasn’t the sort of feeling Jake was used to."
"The Jake he knew, the Jake he had always been, was disappearing."
"Everybody got used to Destiny. You couldn’t survive in this family otherwise."
"The music kept playing over and over in her mind."
"This was almost as bad as ending with a hole on the chart."
"That’s what he got for trying to be nice. Well, he wouldn’t let it happen again!"
"You, Edith Wharton Applewhite, have talent. Very real, very important talent."
"Acting was what he’d been doing all his life."
"It wasn’t something she could do by hard work. It was totally out of her control."
"She was beginning to have a strong premonition of catastrophe."
"There is no place in a Randolph Applewhite production for amateurs who behave like amateurs."
"But the prospect of being on national television had settled them right down."
"Once you know that, you will know what you want from an education and you’ll be able to set your own program."
"This is a different way—a better way—to do the Teaching Opportunity. Destiny can see the whole process of metamorphosis—in real life."
"It’s October. The leaves are turning. The air is cooling off. Day after day we have sunshine and blue sky. But it’s all too fleeting."
"Passion is necessary to all of life. All of life. Meditating, working, cooking, eating. Especially eating!"
"What can possibly be wrong in the present moment? Ask yourself that and you’ll find the answer."
"You don’t want to sit at a computer now. It’s October. The leaves are turning. The air is cooling off. Day after day we have sunshine and blue sky. But it’s all too fleeting. The rainy season’s on its way. Go out now, while the world is still perfect. Smell it. Listen to it. Take it in before it goes."
"Plot! That’s the whole trouble. I keep writing plot. I actually killed a character off yesterday morning. I couldn’t help myself. My masterpiece is turning inexorably into a Petunia Grantham mystery!"
"But yell ‘Fire’ and they come like bats out of hell, intent on saving their own skins."
"Passion, that was it. What the Applewhites did they did with passion."
"Everything works for the highest good. Always this is so."
"We could do two productions a year. One in the fall and one in the spring. I’m considering the possibility."
"No point pretending. Petunia Grantham is in your blood."
"The intriguing choice to use an accordion rather than an orchestra gave the production an air of Tyrolean folk authenticity that was entirely new."
"After the initial surprise of seeing an African American playing Maria, the audience lost all awareness of skin color—an important lesson for us all."
"The use of candles to light the last scene set the final rendition of 'Climb Ev'ry Mountain' apart and provided a powerful metaphor."
"Mature performance from a promising teen in a small but pivotal role."
"With commanding stage presence, Jake Semple turned in a performance equal to any in this impressive production."
"An adventurous quest for the meaning of life, involving the ability to think things through."
"One step at a time, out of the darkness, into the light."
"O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"
"Associate producer doesn’t mean much of anything anyway."
"Whatever else he could say about the way the Applewhites lived, it certainly was an adventurous quest."