
Marilla Of Green Gables Quotes

Marilla Of Green Gables by Sarah McCoy

"The steady momentum they shared carried them toward the future."
"Tomorrow would come unpredictably, as was predictable."
"A young girl needs as much time to dream as possible."
"Soon enough you’ll be all grown up and there will be no time but the doing."
"You’ve got to be able to take care of yourself, Marilla."
"Though I know not what you are. Twinkle, twinkle, little star."
"It seemed Clara was even forgetting her only daughter."
"The Johnsons’ Red Currant Wine is now Marilla Cuthbert’s Red Currant Wine!"
"You could nearly hear spring whispering hello."
"It's selfish of a person to take what's given without knowing if it's even what they want."
"Greatness can be found anywhere. It doesn’t need grandeur. There’s greatness in the ordinary."
"Peppermint is such a wholesome treat. I close my eyes when I’m enjoying a piece. Makes you feel bright, like you’ve swallowed a winter star."
"What if you haven’t siblings? Well, I suppose that’s why God gave us friends."
"A man with many friends comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
"Handsome is as handsome does. What a person says and thinks are what count."
"You must go, or we won’t have a harvest to feed any of us."
"No danger will come to the Gables. We'll keep you safe."
"Courting isn’t anything more than getting to know a person."
"You don’t have to know from the start. You can’t help falling in love any more than you can help breathing. It’ll come naturally enough."
"Admiration and indulgence are not to be confused, child."
"Hard to imagine growing up without knowing from where you come."
"The shawls are beautiful. Our girls will love them. What gracious friends we have on Prince Edward Island."
"A charitable heart is the truest reflection of our Heavenly Father. Our Avonlea friends are a continual blessing."
"Well now, such a day of blessing! To the givers and the receivers as our Lord Christ exemplified."
"We'll make you the most beguiling dress, my dear."
"They say the god Glooscap made our island by mixing all the colors of the earth and stroking the ocean with his paintbrush."
"It’s the cows. Dung does wonders for the crops."
"I've come to ask you a question, Miss Cuthbert."
"I thought... well, I hoped I might put them on my May Picnic dress."
"The outfitting of your little lambs is my new calling."
"The wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever."
"I’ll miss you most of all, my pretty flower."
"Grief can make a heart hard for a time. I understand, Marilla. I’m not going anywhere."
"The world goes unsteady when you're standing aboard a steamship crossing the Northumberland Strait."
"I understand, Mr. Murdock, but I've spoken with Rachel White, who has been on home study for a number of years. She says you are allowing her to take the exit exam when she pleases."
"Truthfully, she didn’t understand. Since her mother’s passing, all she could focus on were the particulars of the here and now: get out of bed in the morning, wash her face, plait her hair, put on her apron, grind the grist, beat the eggs, flip, fry, stew, serve, wash, and repeat."
"As you can see, my back-row pupils are small in number, and only they are prepared for the exits."
"Nobody knows everything, Marilla. Not even you. They just expect us to know enough to pass."
"You made me see the place I’ve always been like I never knew it. That takes greater skill."
"She hadn’t the energy to plait her hair, so she pulled it neatly into a bun. She wanted to prove to Mr. Murdock that she was more mature than her years and thus capable of passing the exam early."
"Maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with you, Matthew. Maybe something happened at the Andrewses’, or maybe it’s just an upset inside Johanna."
"Every day John took the back way from Avonlea School, over the meadow that bloomed a purple sea, through the spruce woods made sappy by the sunshine, and down the lane leading to Green Gables."
"The warmer season finally arrived in full form. Gone were the night frosts and blustering winds."
"So she wrapped the remaining pie in paper, washed her hands with lye soap, and rubbed a vanilla bean on her wrists to hide any leftover tang."
"Rachel’s head swiveled like a sparrow eyeing two worms. 'Like I told you, I’m going by Green Gables on my way home.'"
"Her empty hands yearned to grasp something solid."
"She curled her fingernails into her palm until crescent moons formed."
"The distant forest was a blind spot in the nightscape, with Green Gables hidden somewhere in the folds between."
"Politics is a young man’s fancy. I’m set in my ways."
"Sometimes you just have to act. On a feeling."
"Best behavior was the masquerade of the moment."
"A man can’t change his tastes any more than he can change his name."
"Age had come on quick and quiet like a leaf bud on a branch."
"You must learn that impudence has consequence."
"It's a choice we make every minute. What truths are important enough to say aloud and what ones are important just to know."
"You can change your mind anytime you want, but you can’t take words back. Not ever."
"Change is happening. The Tories are for unification, and Lord Durham supports the responsible government."
"Justice is mine, sayeth the Lord. Let the men of politics rage against each other, spill blood, and live in enmity. It’s our duty to love the poor, the orphaned, the weary and burdened."
"The world is too large and too diverse for us to stay rooted in social convention when it no longer strengthens the people for whom it was created."
"So instead of wishing for what she did not have, she was grateful that she’d not suffered like Rachel, or paid the ultimate price like her mother."
"Life didn’t stop grinding time, even when their mill wheels slowed."
""You’ve got to eat," he’d said, his eyes as swollen as her own."
""Everyone’s gone but us," he’d said. "You’re the only Cuthbert on earth with me now.""
"A name is too important a thing. It belongs to the mother and father."
""I dunno, it’s different. You’re my sister who just happens to be a woman," he’d explained."
"She understood that more than she understood love."
""You don’t got to see eye to eye with people to love them.""
""Must you?" "Yes, Matthew will be waiting up for me.""
"Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is bright."
"Tears were the body’s way of cleansing the overflow of emotions, from sorrow to joy and so many others that couldn’t be described."
""Sleep in heavenly peace, Mother," she whispered to Matthew’s tune. "Sleep in heavenly peace, Father.""
""Discord doesn’t end at a line in the dirt.""
""Let the Americans handle their own business, and we’ll handle ours.""
""That line is the Northumberland Strait, I don’t see why not," she said."
"For all her talk and advocacy, Marilla had never had a black man as a guest in her home, and she wondered why ever not."
"His tone was so warm, Marilla found herself leaning in like a potted geranium toward the window."
"Marilla’s heart stammered at the sight of what her mother would’ve been."
"You’ve aged about as many days as I have—which I count as none!"
"So much," he whispered back to his brother. "Like a sand pit, only softer and cold."
"Snows be like dandelion seeds in the harvest time, moving with the wind. Not like this—staying in one place and piling."
"Don’t look behind us or we’ll turn to pillars of ice!" said Izzy.
"You’re welcome to stay as long as you need," she said.
"The heart was a limitless territory if one was willing to risk it all."
"For the first time in many years, Marilla could think of no chores to be done. She was happy just to be."
"Father Christmas knows where every child dwells."
"Everything looks better with a full stomach."
"It’s the eve of our Savior’s birth. Let’s leave it at that. My heart’s full of peace and joy to be here."
"You should tell each other happy memories of her. That keeps a person with you no matter how far away or how long it’s been since you saw each other. Not even the grave can take that from you."
"I’ve provided accommodations for my aunt’s butler, a free black man with papers."
"Absolutely none," she said, meeting his gaze with narrowed determination.
"A person was a fool, not for being forlorn, but for not having the good sense to take a bite when the fruit was in her hand."
"No memory of the past. No worries of the future. Just the stroke of the seconds: now, now, now."
"It’s all right," he whispered. His breath fanned across her forehead. "Come on, let’s get you inside before you catch ill."
"She moved only because he moved, her body tethered to his."
"You have been the truest ... the dearest friend of my life."
"Nature’s tracks don’t deceive. They lead to life. Where there are hearts beating, there is love. Keep yourself open to unexpected blessings, dear."
"It isn’t Hope River, but it’ll do." She closed her eyes a beat, then flung one of the rocks into the white pasture. It slid across the snow and stood like a dot of ink from a paused pen.
"It would be nice to know the love of a child one day."
"This novel is my answer to that. It is my invention of Marilla Cuthbert and the foundation of Green Gables before Anne Shirley arrived with her whimsical free spirit."
"Imagine it like an infinity symbol, weaving around and through time and place, real and fictional, season upon season. Art imitating life."