
Under The Lights Quotes

Under The Lights by Abbi Glines

"If there was a wrong decision to be made, I managed to make it."
"The guilt and regret would be my companions throughout my life."
"I never once blamed my mother for cheating on him."
"Love wasn’t real. It was a fleeting emotion that confused you, then destroyed you in the end."
"I knew I could always trust myself. That was all I needed."
"No woman would ever touch my heart. I was too damn smart for that."
"I had lived through six months with girls who deserved to be in a correctional facility. That had been truly terrifying."
"I was required to go to the counselor every Tuesday and Friday during my last-period class to discuss how I was feeling."
"I don’t want to be my parents. I don’t want their life."
"Escaping into books had been my only relief in life since that night my world changed."
"She hadn’t talked to me. I was letting her make the move to say something."
"It felt good to want to smile again. I was doing it more and more since my arrival in Lawton."
"I had read anything I could get my hands on while in the correctional facility."
"My life would always have the shadow of pain, guilt, regret, and loss."
"Willa was a fantasy they hadn’t worn out yet."
"She hadn’t come to draw attention to herself."
"It’s not exactly safe to be walking out at night."
"No one wants the truth when it doesn’t suit."
"This place will turn on you without question."
"I didn’t think chicken and dumplings could heal that."
"I know pain, and I recognize it when I see it in someone else’s gaze."
"Life would be easier if I’d never had to return to this town."
"I wasn’t offering you a beer. We have water and sodas too."
"I’m not here for that. I’m here . . . I don’t want that."
"I wondered if he even believed what he’d just said."
"Life is short. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow—as cliché as it sounds, it’s very true."
"Riley was nice, and she didn’t do or say anything bad about y’all. I liked her."
"People make mistakes, and some are lucky enough to walk away without lasting marks, while others live a lifetime with the choice they made."
"Tragedy strikes us all at one point in our life."
"I miss reading to you. Have you been keeping up your own reading?"
"You’ll love her. I remember how fascinated I was with you and how your crying didn’t bother me so much because when you were happy and laughing, you were the cutest baby I’d ever seen."
"I understood football and the need to win, but I didn’t think Gunner really had to go to practice today."
"You know you’re welcome at my house any time you want. I’ve got two beds up in that attic room of mine. One is yours if you need it. Just say the word. Mom would love to stuff you with cookies."
"Life for Gunner had mostly always sucked at home. He had never had it good there."
"I was lucky in ways Gunner would never experience. Money wasn’t everything in the world."
"I wanted to be all she needed, but I couldn’t be. I was too broken myself."
"Let’s see that play, and I’ll give you my opinion."
"Well fuck all that. It wasn’t perfect, and my life sucked. I wasn’t pretending like being a Lawton was a good thing."
"She needed a Brady Higgens, dammit. Why wasn’t he taking advantage of this?"
"Facing that now was the only thing I could do."
"Thanks, I told her. 'Anytime' was her response."
"Yes, I know, and from the looks of things, you pissing him off is stupid."
"You were given what I never got. Our parents love."
"Then he's lucky. I'd hate to know he had a chance of turning out like you."
"My plans for the future had just taken a massive turn."
"I'm a multimillionaire. We can do whatever the fuck I want."