
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? Quotes

Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick

"If you set the surge up high enough, you'll be glad you're awake; that's the whole point."
"I can't dial a setting that stimulates my cerebral cortex into wanting to dial!"
"My schedule for today lists a six-hour self-accusatory depression."
"I think that's a reasonable amount of time to feel hopeless about everything."
"Despair like that, about total reality, is self-perpetuating."
"A 481. Awareness of the manifold possibilities open to me in the future; new hope that —"
"The silence of the world could not rein back its greed."
"Empathy, evidently, existed only within the human community."
"An android, no matter how gifted as to pure intellectual capacity, could make no sense out of the fusion which took place routinely among the followers of Mercerism."
"An escaped humanoid robot, which had killed its master, which had been equipped with an intelligence greater than that of many human beings, which had no regard for animals, which possessed no ability to feel emphatic joy for another life form's success or grief at its defeat — that, for him, epitomized The Killers."
"But now you've got six that he intended to retire himself — one of which managed to get him first."
"All we had to do was simply go along with your test results, either way."
"We produced what the colonists wanted. We followed the time-honored principle underlying every commercial venture."
"When nobody's around, kipple reproduces itself. For instance, if you go to bed leaving any kipple around your apartment, when you wake up the next morning there's twice as much of it."
"No one can win against kipple," he said, "except temporarily and maybe in one spot."
"The entire universe is moving toward a final state of total, absolute kippleization."
"But an empathy box," he said, stammering in his excitement, "is the most personal possession you have! It's an extension of your body; it's the way you touch other humans, it's the way you stop being alone."
"As far as I'm concerned," the girl said, "you can count that as a major objection to Mercerism."
"Some other time," the girl said, and moved back toward her apartment door.
"You told me who you work for." She had stopped briefly at her door; pushing it open she said, "Some incredible person named Hannibal Sloat, who I'm sure doesn't exist outside your imagination."
"Could you maybe fix dinner for us? If I brought home the ingredients?"
"I want to t-t-talk to you about your c-c-c-c-c-c — " He broke off, rubbed his chin tic-wise. "Your cat."
"You don't really mean it," Rachael said. "You'll never call me. You don't realize how agile an illegal escaped Nexus-6 is, how impossible it'll be for you."
"It's necessary." He got out the Voigt-Kampff instruments, began setting them up.
"An android," he said, "doesn't care what happens to any other android. That's one of the indications we look for."
"Maybe there was once a human who looked like you, and somewhere along the line you killed him and took his place."
"Wouldn't that be more fair? Then I could be sure of you."
"Oh, how strange. Do they still exist? I've never seen one."
"You're not human. No more than I am: you're an android, too."
"There's something very strange and touching about humans. An android would never have done that."
"If you have a down payment of three thou, I can make you owner of something a lot better than a pair of rabbits. What about a goat?"
"The distinct advantage of a goat is that it can be taught to butt anyone who tries to steal it."
"A goat is loyal. And it has a free, natural soul which no cage can chain up."
"'My life is love and pleasure.' An old, old song by Josef Strauss. Remember? When we first met."
"Now we can admit to everybody that the sheep's false."
"It's a dream!" Once more she stood on tiptoe, leaning and nimbly kissing him; her breath, eager and erratic, tickled his neck.
"Let's just sit and look at her and maybe feed the goat something."
"Physical pain but spiritually together; I felt everyone else, all over the world, all who had fused at the same time."
"We won't really lose what we feel, not if we keep it clearly in mind."
"To show you that you aren't alone. I am here with you and always will be. Go and do your task, even though you know it's wrong."
"It is the basic condition of life, to be required to violate your own identity."
"Maybe I'll be born again when the Rosen Association stamps out its next unit of my subtype."
"We are machines, stamped out like bottle caps."
"Do you know what the lifespan of a humanoid robot such as myself is?"
"That goat. You love the goat more than you love your wife, probably."
"Life, for J. R. Isidore, had definitely taken an upswing."
"Don't mutilate it," he said wheezingly. Imploringly.
"The 'moon' is painted; in the enlargements, one of which you see now on your screen, brushstrokes show."
"We've at last managed, Mr. Friendly, to track down a former Hollywood special-effects man, a Mr. Wade Cortot."
"Pris had now cut three legs from the spider, which crept about miserably on the kitchen table, seeking a way out, a path to freedom. It found none."
"Everything is true," he said. "Everything anybody has ever thought."
"Mercer isn't a fake," he said. "Unless reality is a fake."