
The Lake Quotes

The Lake by Natasha Preston

"I promise you, there is nothing scary in the woods."
"I want to write facts. There are still some news outlets that do that."
"You’re not saying goodbye right now, you’re only saying see you later."
"The first night is always like that. I assure you it won’t be the same tonight."
"I know what Ava saw wasn't really a person the way I know that I won't be instantly killed the second I turn off my light. But does that stop my imagination from trying to convince me otherwise? Nope."
"It's like my mind and I are separate entities sometimes. The battle of staying sane versus letting hysteria take over."
"You'll realize soon that the kids actively prevent themselves from starving, and drowning too."
"It's funny the psychology of being lost to post-lost."
"We need to think of something to do to them."
"You can't get lost in a city. I mean, you can lose someone, but you'll always be seen. Deep in the forest, you could live the rest of your life with only the birds and squirrels."
"Are you guilty because you didn't stop something from happening? Yes. We had the power that night to help and we didn’t do anything."
"All right, there's not a lot to do, I'll give you that. We're out of here soon and heading into town."
"I'm a total sucker for them. Pretty Woman is genius. And 27 Dresses."
"How much trouble could Kayla and I even get into over something that happened ten years ago?"
"Proper revenge is messing with someone’s head, ruining their life before the big reveal."
"I can sleep without knowing who’s been turning innocent pranks creepy."
"I didn’t sign up for some freak in the woods."
"There’s no reason to be alarmed. I’m sure people go on hikes all the time out here."
"What if the next flash reveals the person behind it?"
"We’re in a circle. I’d like to think that’s because we all want to be involved, but really, it has more to do with the fact that we have eyes in every direction around camp this way."
"What are the cops doing? Cora asks as he finishes explaining that they didn’t find anyone in the woods."
"I’m glad the cops don’t think the campers are in danger."
"It’s slightly exhausting, but I’m much better at helping other people with their problems than I am with my own."
"Everyone stays in their cabins tonight. Does anyone have any other questions?"
"We’re not about punishment, but the young person responsible has to understand that a prank like this won’t be tolerated."
"If I had a dollar for everyone I witnessed looking at the forest, I could buy a beach house in Malibu."
"We remain vigilant, stick together and make sure the children are safe."
"Sometimes you can tell more about a person by what they own than what they say."
"There has been a direct threat, and children are here. I think more can be done in this case."
"It’s likely teens from town getting their sick kicks from scaring us, but I don’t think it’s smart to ignore the possibility that one of us in particular is being targeted."
"Whatever happens, we have to keep them safe."
"I’d gladly expose my own secret before that happened."
"I’m Team Forest. Fewer humans to turn zombie and eat me."
"I can just about deal with two, not a whole group."
"You think they’ll show themselves? You said yourself that it doesn’t make sense to threaten us, then walk away."
"Which they wouldn’t use with the campers inside. They seem to have a conscience when it comes to that, at least."
"Andy will have a flashlight," Olly says. "Stay where I can see you."
"Five naked baby dolls, four with their eyes crossed out."
"Fab, I’ve had about an hour of sleep. Will this night never end?"
"The files are in here," Andy says, leading me into his office.
"That doesn’t mean we’re not to blame. We didn’t help Lillian."
"Kayla will always be my best friend, and I love her."
"This is the first time I’ve been threatened."
"We have to get ahead of her and turn this around."
"What we did that night was bad, but we don’t deserve this."