
From Ashes Quotes

From Ashes by Molly McAdams

From Ashes Quotes
"Do you even know anyone who’s going to be there, Ty?"
"Thank God none were visible right now unless I stripped down to my skivvies."
"I grumbled to myself. I wasn’t the best at making friends."
"I was not one for running, and the only time I was involved with sports was watching it on Ty’s TV."
"We butterfly-bandaged almost all the cuts, but three times he forced me to get stitches."
"The only guy I’d ever had feelings for was too old for me."
"What with Tyler’s possessiveness and all, no one even attempted to get close enough to me."
"I’d never experienced jealousy until I met Gage last night."
"Gage’s laugh bounced back off the walls, and I felt my body relax just listening to it."
"The only thing offsetting the masculinity were his boyish deep dimples, which had me hooked."
"I knew when he was in the same room with me now; the hairs on the back of my neck would stand up before I could even hear him."
"I thought girls start planning their weddings when they’re little, and have crazy dreams like being an actress or a singer."
"I wasn’t lying to you, I really haven’t ever thought about what I wanted to do with my life. I, uh . . . I never thought I’d live long enough to be able to move out of that house, so it seemed pointless to think about the future."
"Everyone thinks about their future, but if you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine, I get it."
"Do you have any idea how frustrating you are?"
"If you’re sure you want her, then you gotta fight for her."
"I’ve wanted this for so long, I’m just happy you’re finally giving us a chance."
"I’m not going to lie, I’m gonna hate not sharing a room with you, but you did good. This screams Cassi."
"I wanted to forget her, forget the way her small frame felt beneath me and curled up in my arms."
"Please don't go, Cass. I want you here, with me."
"We're being kind of quiet about it right now because of Ty, so—"
"I'm not going to do this here with you. You deserve better than that."
"You are out of your damn mind if you think I have a date with some chick tonight."
"I'll never have to watch her run to you again. Thank God."
"She loves you, Gage. She’ll come back to you."
"You’re not his type, but I’m sure if you ask real nice, Gage will give you either my Monday- or Wednesday-night slot."
"I have never told another girl that I loved them. Only you, Cassidy, it’s only ever been you."
"I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel, Detective Green."
"That house held memories that haunt my every thought; those people are what made those memories into nightmares."
"I’m not a violent person, Detective Green, so much so that I can’t stand to even watch movies where there’s violence."
"I know you don’t give a shit about me, so drop the act!"
"She killed herself and him. Burned that godforsaken house to the ground and took them with it."
"You’re incredibly beautiful, Cassidy—God, you’re so beautiful."
"I’ve been thinking about you nonstop since we first left the Bradley house last Saturday."
"I thought your beauty was only skin-deep when I saw you the morning of the fire, when I figured out your past."
"Cassidy, you've got to stop scaring the shit outta me like this. We've had enough trips to the ER this year, all right?"
"You always telling her what to do too? You’re the one who called to tell me to stay away, even after what she told you about us. What about what she wanted?"
"I don’t appreciate people touching what’s mine."
"Then I just need to know one more thing, darlin’. When can I marry you?"
"You weren’t going into anaphylactic shock, you just had a really bad allergic reaction. Your doctor said with already being weak and having a shot immune system from having the flu, it just made your allergic reaction that much worse for you and your body shut down to protect itself from the reaction."
"Cass, I love you, she wouldn’t have walked out my door."
"She’s my everything; don’t you understand that?"
"None of what has ever happened is on you; all you’ve ever done is take care of me."
"I’ve hated Tyler for almost letting you die, but, Cassidy, I could’ve killed you by being careless."
"How you’re even able to twist it around so that it is is just beyond me."
"Cassidy, you don’t know what you mean to me. I can’t—I can’t lose you."