
Run Quotes

Run by Ann Patchett

Run Quotes
"Bernadette had been dead two weeks when her sisters showed up in Doyle's living room asking for the statue back."
"I can't give it to you," Doyle said. "It's in the little boys' room, on the dresser. Tip and Teddy say a prayer to it at night."
"It's art," she said. "It's me. Pretend that she's naked."
"Things go downhill from here," Bernadette said. "There's no redemption."
"She had been good her whole life without any thought of reward and yet a reward had come to her."
"She rolled her dark red hair around one hand and then stuck a pencil from her back pocket through the knot to secure it to her head."
"Happiness compresses time, makes it dense and bright, pocketsized."
"We are Democrats," Jackson said urgently from the stage. "We have a responsibility."
"Suffering breeds character," Jackson said from the stage, "character breeds faith. In the end, faith will not disappoint."
"What's her name?" the ambulance driver said to Teddy. "Tennessee," he said. "Like the state," Kenya said.
"Shouldn't you call your dad?" "Nope," she said.
"Do you have a friend from school you can call?" "It's too late," she said.
"If they make me leave I'll go home with you."
"You don't know us," Teddy said. "I don't think your mother would let you."
"She has been through a great ordeal, your mother."
"And my mother?" "Your mother we are planning to keep, but you may come and see her before you go home."
"Now is the time to make real the promises of Democracy."
"Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice."
"Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all God's children."
"It was better to have done something, to have stood for something great and gotten shot for it than it was to never stand up for anything and die like everybody else."
"She had thought there would be plenty of time, that she would go back and finish college and how people would respect her for that."
"Life itself had been holy. We had been brought forth from nothing to see the face of God and in his life Father Sullivan had seen it miraculously for eighty-eight years."
"What a shame it would have been to miss God while waiting for Him."
"In the course of his lifetime, God and Father Sullivan had changed together."
"What could be greater than the armchair, the window, the snow?"
"I always drove. She would have been sleeping. If it was dark and we were in the car, then Natalie was sleeping."
"I'm going to put every blanket in the house on my bed and go to sleep and dream of Africa."
"Mothers always turn out to be right about these things."
"It's not as if they don't have a mother, after all."
"Just tell me where they go and I'll do it myself."
"Don't joke," she said. "You could have died."
"I think you can even keep your leg up if you work to steer the second one yourself."
"Lepomis macrochirus, immature bluegills," Tip told her when she asked.
"You've got to wonder what this guy looked like when he was still swimming."
"Are you going there? Don't you want to find your own fish?"
"She waited a long time, rocking the fish back and forth, knowing that it was something important."
"How can there still be fish swimming around that nobody's even seen yet?"
"I thought it was done," Kenya said, her voice sounding slightly panicked.
"I tried to sleep," he said, his voice exhausted. "It didn't stick."
"Can't you at least use a priest who's in better health than the patient?"
"You never should have been in here in the first place."
"She didn't shake them the way a child would, she simply reanimated them."
"We've got someplace we have to be in a little while."