
Can't Look Away Quotes

Can't Look Away by Carola Lovering

Can't Look Away Quotes
"I always forget how much I like tequila." - Molly
"This girl is my smartest friend." - Nina about Molly
"It’s Saturday night, and we’re Danner Lane, and we’re gonna play some music." - Jake Danner
"I can’t believe people are still playing that fucking song." - Molly on hearing 'Molly’s Song'
"I’ve got to get to your class one of these days." - Meredith to Molly
"I know. Some days, I think we’d all be better off if that’s the way it was." - Jake's mother about him
"Are you wearing bras?" - Stella to Molly and Sabrina
"There was nothing more miraculous than a baby, a new life, and perhaps that was what we needed to solidify our love, to get back to the place we’d been before."
"I realized this first in my gut, then my heart, and luckily the rest of my body wasn’t far behind."
"My heart felt like a balloon, inflating inside her chest."
"Molly was certain they loved each other—she knew musicians didn’t write songs about girls just because—even though it would’ve been crazy to say it after only six weeks."
"Trust was relationship oxygen. Without it, she and Jake wouldn’t survive."
"Obsession has always interested me. The best artists, the most brilliant innovators, they’ve all been driven by it."
"Never put up with a man who puts you second."
"She hadn’t expected the anger that rose inside her, unyielding and lucid."
"The city never let you get too caught up in your own problems; it was always reminding you that there was something more, something bigger than yourself."
"But it wasn’t the whole picture. That wasn’t the reason she’d been a wreck for the entire month."
"I stopped prioritizing her. I didn’t call her when I said I would—I fell off the face of the earth. I made and then broke all these promises. And I don’t know why. There’s something wrong with me, Sam."
"We’re opening at MSG on Saturday. It won’t mean anything unless you’re there."
"Playing music with Sam and Hale, all that not-so-great stuff about life fell away, and there was only the guitar and the steady beat and the way that it made his heart feel to sing."
"I don’t understand why Bella is this heavily involved in the editing process."
"I was trying to keep a seven-minute mile, and I’m just not there yet."
"We drank too much. I don’t think any of us knew it would be like that."
"I knew that we are meant to create more; I feel this in my gut, in my bones."
"Everything is about money, Danner. Whether or not we like to admit it."
"I’m sorry, Jake repeated as he left the studio, not sure at all that he meant it."
"It didn’t matter that Jake tried to be a good man; clearly, he was hardwired to hurt, to disappoint, to miss the moral mark."
"What Molly had begun to realize was that Liz didn’t like it when Molly got too happy—it knocked her off balance."
"Molly was the struggling writer who fell for duds like Darby and Cameron."
"You’re using your daughter, no doubt, to make your husband feel more comfortable."
"I hate that he had the ability to do that. To suck the life out of her just by being who he was."
"I can’t believe he ended up here, in our town. I mean, what are the chances, Molly?"
"I need to talk to you about what happened a few weeks ago. Whenever you have ten minutes, can you give me a call?"
"I’m so sorry. Look, I know I messed up, but please just cut me a break."
"You think you’re in any kind of position to have kids?"
"I’m not coming tomorrow. Please just accept that. There isn’t anything you can do to change my mind."
"The world is not black and white. Don’t make this personal."
"It’s gonna be a long life together if you lay into me this hard every time I make a mistake."
"This baby—whoever they are—will be so loved."
"Maybe happiness is what you surrender to, not what you fight for."
"I thought you wanted a family. And I thought when the time was right, we would try for one."
"The doctors said it could have been much worse. You've got a concussion and a few bruised ribs. But, Moo… the baby..."
"I can’t imagine giving up this baby—but Jake can’t be a dad right now."
"It's a completely personal decision. No one can make it but you."
"You cheated on me—you haven’t even mentioned that—and I’m still here, trying to help you."
"I want all of you, Moll. Whatever that means."
"I know it sounds insane, Moll. It is insane. But I realized it wasn’t fair to Blair to keep going on the way we were."
"She's beautiful, isn't she? The most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"I loved you too much. And I didn’t tell you because ... I didn’t want you to give up music."
"It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known."
"I liked her, more than I liked any woman I’d met in Flynn Cove."
"I don’t think I’m cut out to be anyone’s father. I think I’d be pretty terrible at it."
"You’re not a coward, Moll. And it’s never too late to chase your dreams."
"I understand. That’s what it was like for me with music for a while. Without you there, I just couldn’t do it."