
Nightwork Quotes

Nightwork by Nora Roberts

Nightwork Quotes
"Young Harry Booth equated stealing with surviving."
"Everybody wanted their money, and they added more money onto it if you didn’t pay up on time."
"He knew how to pick pockets. His crazy aunt Mags had spent a couple of years on the carny circuit and learned a few tricks."
"The right and wrong his mom had so carefully taught him didn’t mean much either when she was puking in the bathroom after her chemo."
"He stood, a tall boy now after that longed-for growth spurt, staring out the wide windows at the moonlight spearing across the lake."
"For the next three years, life hit normal. He still picked pockets. He shoplifted—very carefully."
"He understood the market for the electronics, for the silver, for the jewelry—though the good jewelry would be locked up."
"He’d never seen an actual girl’s actual breasts. And they were amazing."
"He felt Mags’s cool sidelong gaze on him as she washed the glass deck doors and he polished the stainless steel appliances."
"He wrapped both arms around her, pulled her closer. "Best mom in the history of moms.""
"She squeezed his hands hard. "Six months. Eight or nine, maybe, with more treatments. I’d go through it a hundred times, Harry, if it meant I could watch you grow into a man."
"His acceptance letter from Northwestern and the scholarship perked her up."
"After he took the first long swipe—almost straight down the middle—and the thick waves fell, he had to bend over from the waist, clutch the vanity."
"He sat with her, reading out loud from what they called their C-Day book."
"He liked his hair. Actually put off haircuts as long as he could get away with it because they always cut it shorter than he liked."
"He was even seeing a new girl. Alyson. Science nerd, but totally cute. Nothing serious; he didn’t want serious before he started college."
"She said every day was a gift, and he tried to see it her way."
"He stopped, heart hammering, as a buck crossed his path."
"And realized something else. How his mother must feel when she looked in the mirror."
"He stopped again as day faded toward twilight, and this time took the small bottle from his backpack."
"Sometimes, we look ahead and don’t see what waits and wants right in front of us."
"You see the woman with the lion—you have many women in your spread."
"It’s like nowhere else. I felt steady there, easy there, when everything went rocky. You should go sometime. It’s not just a place. It’s an experience."
"Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift."
"I think you just have to know how to tell a story your way. I don’t have that—what you said—that spark."
"No, not remotely. Phil’s a great guy, smart, funny, athletic—starting quarterback this year. And he’s crushing pretty hard on this grad student right now. Chad."
"‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio.’ We went to Stonehenge when we were in England, and this—much smaller, but incredible—stone circle in Ireland. If you didn’t feel the ‘more’ there, you’d never feel it."
"I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you, if you haven’t figured that out."
"You read what you want, and turn in a report on it."
"She made him think almost as much as she made him want."
"I’d like to start one, if I join the staff here."
"I’m going to light the fire. What time is it?"
"I don’t break anything. No violence against people or property. Major rule."
"I never planned on staying more than a couple years, but I’m going to be sorry to leave."
"I have other sources of income. Family money."
"In Europe they started calling me the Chameleon."
"I could finish out the school year. You may not believe it, but that’s important to me."
"I’m going to think about everything you’ve told me."
"He could run... But this time around, he wouldn’t do the sensible."
"I am. You know, I went straight from college into marriage. Never once lived on my own. I’m enjoying the independence more than I ever imagined."
"And how do you feel about Deborah going with him?"
"It’s magic without the crowds, and the guards, the motion detectors, the cameras. It’s entirely different, and it’s magic."
"I know you had a point the other night. I’ve never known that kind of loss, I’ve never had to worry about where or how I’d live."
"I think you owe me. I think you want to make it up to me for dimming those colors."
"Because that’s not how it works, not for me. Knowing I could was the magic."
"I’m not looking for romance, relationship, or happy-ever-after."
"Every actor brings something of themselves to a part."
"I don’t give a rat fuck if you consider me rude."
"No stealing for profit in this case, as I didn’t think my own moral code was quite that squishy. Simply a vehicle to right wrongs."
"He couldn’t respond until he found the breath she’d knocked out of him."
"There’s nothing like it in the world. It’s the only one of its kind."
"It’s pure, Miranda. It’s a legend. If you read into that legend, you know it’s said that anyone who’s planned to or attempted to cut it met with one of those untimely ends."
"I’d opt for the museum. I think—and you can hold the amused laugh—I think she wants to be seen, admired, respected."
"I think she could do anything she wanted to do."
"We love you, Mr. B, oh yes we do. We love you, Mr. B, and we’ll be true."
"You’re not just going to take the stage, you’re going to take the night."
"All who live in a house leave something of themselves behind."
"You could look at it that way. Or you could look at it another. You’re not stuck in that dump of a house for the next two months, give or take, and with an asshole like Cannery."
"I’ve got to finish mowing the back. I’ll deal with the front tomorrow."
"Mais non! I am Dubeck. How else would I travel?"
"I never steal from a client. This is the exception and why Dubeck will retire."
"When she’s fulfilled it, she belongs to the world. No more hiding."
"We’re righting wrongs with this one. I’m not going to claim that’s what I always do, even mostly do. But that’s what this is."
"It’s what it felt like. I couldn’t get my breath, and my ears started ringing when I picked her up."
"I think you were waiting," he murmured as he went down the stairs. "And I hope I’m taking you where you want to go."
"I think she’s always been your answer. She waits for you."
"It looks the same as the fake," Miranda said after a moment. "But it doesn’t feel the same."
"Timing, he thought, and one piece dovetailing into the next. One by one."
"Relax, he ordered himself, and managed a smile."
"You’re perfect as you are," Jacques told her. "But this is for the play."
"I haven’t turned you in. He took from me, too, and you know how I feel about it."
"It’s beautiful—it’s exotic and primitive at the same time."
"I’ve made it my damn mission to know absolutely everything about him over the last dozen years."
"I make my own decisions, too, and decided my own fate a long time ago."
"If you love someone, you love them, and that’s it."
"I don’t need that when I have you. The empty spaces, the lost places, you fill them up."
"It’s always been you, Booth. Just you. No empty or lost for either of us now."