
Beyond The Shadows Quotes

Beyond The Shadows by Brent Weeks

Beyond The Shadows Quotes
"An oath is the measure of the man who gives it."
"Don't give me that horseshit, Terah. You think you're going to manipulate me?"
"No. But this is the man I am. I am my father's son."
"Some things are worth more than my happiness. Some things only I can do."
"I dreamed of living in a small town like that Torras Bend."
"You swore fealty to me this morning under less than ideal circumstances."
"My main army should be almost through the mountains. You and I are going."
"It's time to kill some wytches, men! Let’s go! Now!"
"What kind of a person would claim to be such an enemy and such a friend?"
"I’ve always loved fire. I want to remember it as I die."
"They call me Halfman, but I am Dorian Ursuul, first acknowledged son and heir to Garoth Ursuul."
"Love at first sight was bad enough, but finding out that it wasn’t mutual... well, he would have thought her a flighty girl if she’d thrown herself at him, wouldn’t he?"
"By the way, in case you’re ever interested, I do have a penis."
"You really don’t understand this? You? A man of flesh and blood and spirit, could not remain a mild-mannered herbalist for two months."
"I’ve got a plan, but it won’t be ready for five days, and everything depends on getting through the pass to Cenaria before the snow flies and the passes close."
"The north is a brutal mistress, Your Highness. No one leaves her without scars."
"Finding Jenine was finding something better than I ever dared to dream."
"I did this. I lured them here so they’d fall into the Ceurans’ trap instead of you. These souls are on my tab."
"I’m going to write a book defining all the words in our language. I’m calling it a dictionary."
"You have a chance. The next Godking might claim you."
"Could you use your magic to bring me warm food?"
"Your secret is your most important possession. You’re more important than I ever was, kid."
"It’s snowing. The passes will be closed. We’re trapped."
"It has been years since anyone died during initiation, but it is a possibility."
"The last one died ten years ago. If this one really is a Tofusin, there’ll be all sorts of hell to pay."
"Every time he trained me, it was all mockery and bruises and humiliation."
"I know a man who volunteered to snort guri pepper sauce. It didn’t make it a good idea."
"So the new Lord General manages to cull his bravest citizens and ensure a crushing defeat, all at once. Brilliant."
"Sometimes, Kylar couldn’t help but pity the bastards."
"You expect me to believe you didn’t sleep with all those lords?"
"If I asked you, would you kill Terah Graesin?"
"The only thing I’d ever felt close to this was when I’d kissed Elene for half an hour and then spooned behind her."
"Politics is the art of the possible, and you know it."
"Only the black ka’kari could make such a cut. Kylar had done this."
"In the coming days, I will reward you appropriately."
"My father was monster enough in life, I'll not make him one in death."
"We won, but the victory cost us. I can never go south again."
"I loved you once, Solon. When you left again, I was devastated."
"You walk through life like a dancer, all strength and beauty and grace."
"There are three reasons glamours should be used sparingly."
"Terah Graesin was dead. She just didn't know it yet."
"The tongue is a flame, child. We who speak to use magic learn to control it, else it burns us."
"Sometimes talking with you is like trying to master the Vengarizian Weave."
"The Night Angels keep their word. A Night Angel will be there, I promise."
"A slut cannot be tolerated, Kaede. A whore dishonors us all."
"The Night Angel is the spirit of retribution. No one orders me to do anything, not even you."
"I am an accomplished liar. I guess it doesn’t matter. You’ve already established that I’m not a Stern, and that I killed the queen, so let’s finish this."
"I wouldn’t have killed Terah Graesin if my betters had followed the law rather than their cocks and their coin purses."
"That depends on what you see. Do you see crime, or sin, or simply feelings of guilt?"
"Sometimes to love is easy, but to accept love is hard."
"If you wish to answer the mystery by positing a God, you can, or you can say that it just is—and either way, be glad for it, for it is a gift."
"You’re a man in love with death, Night Angel. See you on the other side."
"I mean to make this mean something. I mean to destroy you Sa’kagé."
"Our first strike will have to be sharp. Seizure of funds, arrests, making legitimate employment available. Large carrots, large sticks."
"It’s not the ka’kari that kills anyone. It’s us."
"What we are is Night Angels, of an order ancient when I joined it."
"I won wars in such a way that I don’t have to fight them twice."
"Every place I’ve turned left, you’ve turned right, and now you want me to tell you your destiny?"
"Godking Wanhope became aware of the stares of his meisters. He smiled and completed the gesture to Hopper. 'Let our wedding commence,' the god said."
"I am but a man. A man who loves you, my queen."
"I’m responsible for the lives of the women in my care, and the caretaker of the legacy of a thousand years of learning and freedom."
"I am Sa’kagé, a lord of shadows. I claim the shadows that the Shadow may not. I am the strong arm of deliverance. I am Shadowstrider. I am the Scales of Justice. I am He-Who-Guards-Unseen. I am Shadowslayer. I am Nameless. The coranti shall not go unpunished. My way is hard, but I serve unbroken. In ignobility, nobility. In shame, honor. In darkness, light. I will do justice and love mercy. Until the king returns, I shall not lay my burden down."
"My love, I won’t give your death my blessing."
"I do love you. I just—it’s just hard to be an adult all the time. You’ve trusted me to be your queen, and I still keep acting like a little girl. I’m sorry for being such a disappointment."
"What have I done? What have you done? Breaking in here and treating my Sisters like this? How dare you!"
"A man serving in ignobility saw wrongs that were hidden from those in power. No one bothered to hide anything from Durzo Blint—except their fear of him."
"I need your advice, Vi. You know how Kylar’s gift works, and you also know how his mind works. I’m afraid he’ll try to do something stupid to save me, if . . ."
"What would happen if someone threw a war and nobody came?"
"My love, do not worry. It's going to be fine."
"The greatest red gives dragon’s heart and head."
"A kingdom is lost or won in a single moment's decision."
"The heart's memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good."
"True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of each day as it goes by."
"To simply do good, whether or not anyone ever knew, whether or not it was enough."
"The madness he had feared and fought for so long would come, and it would stay, forever."
"The world will have need of you again. You are not a man to fade into oblivion, Kylar Stern."
"My death then would have accomplished nothing. Now I can do something no one else can."
"But I can’t kill them without killing you," he said.