
A Conspiracy Of Bones Quotes

A Conspiracy Of Bones by Kathy Reichs

A Conspiracy Of Bones Quotes
"Reactions to pressure vary. Some people are ductile, able to stretch. Others are brittle, powerless to bend."
"Nerves on edge, I got up and crossed to the window."
"I didn’t tell Mama about the nighttime visitations."
"It didn’t take Freud to recognize I was in a bad place."
"My life was a hazardous-waste dump of doubt, distress, and unanswered questions."
"Tonight, new topics had entered in, queries inspired by my current fiasco."
"The screaming silence when the pinging stopped."
"The tiny pond was a dark void, woolly where the water met the bank."
"Heavner’s morality has been hijacked by a need for fame and public adulation."
"The air was heavy with the scent of wet bark, damp earth, and my own perspiration."
"My fellow townsmen love to make lists of the Queen City’s finest."
"The air was hot and still and smelled faintly of skunk."
"The room was a collision of shadows sharpening at the edges."
"I need to know if something had wriggled through that torn seam."
"Under Project MKUltra, experiments were done on human subjects in order to develop more effective interrogation and torture techniques."
"The dude had spells when he was terrified of being buried alive."
"I keep a sort of diary. Been doing it since high school. Nothing fancy, just random ideas strike my fancy."
"The program operated using front organizations, although top officials at some institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement."
"He believed the government was trying to get him."
"I barely saw him. Don’t know if he actually slept here. Just sayin’."
"We know he dialed my mobile the week before he died."
"I’m lousy with auditory cues—names, verbal instructions, lyrics. But give me a visual—a map, a crime scene, a face, a photo—and my mind logs data with uncanny precision."
"The day I buy it, the cops’ll know exactly who’s gone down."
"Those are most desirous of honor and glory who cry out the loudest of its abuse and the vanity of the world."
"When governance fails—the politicians, judges, educators, and religious leaders—it is the duty of individual citizens to protect themselves and their families."
"The only sound was an undulating hum coming from inside the trailer. I guessed an oscillating fan."
"I refuse to contribute to the 50 million plastic bottles discarded in the U.S. daily."
"It’s a sick feeling being an exile, unable to go home."
"A low-level headache sent feelers up the back of my skull."
"Self-analysis is not a game I enjoy or one at which I excel."
"The only thing cold in this case is the stiff."
"It’s been ten days. If you had cause of death, you’d have staged another of your alpha-dog performances."
"I hope he stays behind bars till his dick falls off."
"I dare to get this man identified. I dare to pursue even the faintest glimmer of a lead."
"I am seeking advice concerning legal action against you."
"Are you engaging a board-certified anthropologist other than myself?"
"Your actions were unauthorized and may have compromised an official death investigation."
"I have no obligation to disclose this to you."
"I wasn’t in Charlotte when the child disappeared."
"Viewing images does not equate to hurting children."
"Visits to this location are by invitation only."
"I regularly do stories for the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Daily Beast."
"I thought I was explicit in asking that you refrain from interfering in cases assigned to my office."
"You and your sources can take a flying fuck off my backyard fence."
"We’d spoken early Thursday, agreed it was just a bump on the head and that Ryan should remain in France."
"I test hypotheses based on items I can observe, measure, weigh, and photograph."
"His eyes remained stubbornly fixed on the windshield."
"Anyone else attending this little freak show?"
"Why have people I questioned about you left town or stopped talking?"
"No one fully understands how the sucker works."
"We’ll find the proper combo of meds and lifestyle adjustments."