
Cibola Burn Quotes

Cibola Burn by James S.A. Corey

Cibola Burn Quotes
"We’re not from here. We’re making it that way, but it isn’t true yet."
"Nights on Ilus—he wouldn’t call it New Terra—were very dark."
"If I’d known how it would all play out, I’d have spent my rotations in the general clinics."
"There are about five more variables than that, but as a start, yes."
"We’re doing things humanity’s never done before."
"The universe was getting a little thick with his personal history."
"Humans, Havelock knew from long experience, were first and foremost social animals."
"We’re a city in the sky and a boat of pilgrims bound for Plymouth Rock and Darwin’s voyage on the Beagle all at the same time."
"If I’m going to see the first genuinely alien biosphere. I’m about to learn things about evolution that were literally impossible to know until now."
"Every time we breathe, we're taking in totally unknown microorganisms."
"We're all living in this massive Petri dish already."
"Ideally, we'd have a totally enclosed system here on the surface. Tight as a ship."
"We have the chance to create a new society, with untold riches beyond every gate."
"It reaches out it reaches out it reaches out it reaches out."
"We are the security team for this whole planet, right here in this room."
"I'm scared as hell. If they come for me too, I won't be able to stop them."
"I would kill for a sandwich. I really would. I'd kill for it."
"No way to fix the other things, but at least he could have thought to bring a light."
"At least she wanted him to come home. She left lights on to make it happen."
"We are looking at an expansion that is not one or two but three orders of magnitude more than we have had in the history of our species."
"That's how we got the inners off our asses in the Belt. If it's not economically viable to occupy us, they won't."
"No one lives here, but we're sure as shit going to play with the corpses."
"I'm so happy to know that the Basia I love is still in there."
"The thing I know about you, Captain Holden, is that you are not [violent]."
"I’ll put a monitor on your locker, and I’ll send out a general announcement that people need to cool it." - Havelock
"Choosing to stand by while people kill each other is also an action." - Naomi
"I think we’re about ready." - Chief Engineer Koenen
"My name’s Havelock. I’m acting security chief for the Edward Israel, and you have to come with me now." - Havelock
"Points for creativity, kid. That’d be difficult to pull off and less fun than you might expect." - Miller
"You can order the sun to come up if you time it right." - Miller
"I’ll set that up. Do you have a hand terminal?"
"I know, but I really don’t have time to get shot right now."
"We can let the scientists tell us if we’re supposed to freak out."
"Not all of them wake up. They don’t have to."
"Failure rates are usually low. So why aren’t we seeing a bunch of things waking up right?"
"A person can fail the people they love just by being who they are."
"I need you to make sure she gets some sleep."
"We have already sent our petition to the United Nations and Royal Charter Energy."
"I’m going to have to make a decision about whether she’s more important than keeping this place from devolving into a shooting war."
"What do you do when the planet you’re standing on tries to kill you?"
"It’s tricky and it’s hard, but everything’s going to be all right."
"We’re past us and them at this point. We’re just people in a bad place."
"Nothing points out shared humanity like a natural disaster. Or a disaster, anyway."
"This is a message for Captain James Holden, from Arturo Ramsey, lead counsel for Royal Charter Energy."
"The human mind could only take so much threat. Everyone had a different limit."
"It was less fun being the chosen one and prophet when the gods were violent and capricious."
"I am so far from giving a shit about your needs I can’t even see it from here."
"I’m saying you’re human, and humans take comfort from each other."
"It’s hard facing the fact that numbers are a kind of guesswork, isn’t it?"
"If there's anyone, anywhere that can get us out of this, it's you, and I would very much like to grow very, very old and decrepit and probably incontinent and senile in your company."
"I think of it as a minimum fallback position."
"If you’re looking at hundreds of people burning to death as a problem solving itself, that may be more evidence that you’re on the wrong side."
"If the invading organism followed the same growth curve as yeast…"
"This is the most important thing that’s happened to me in my life. I’m floating."
"I might get a new tumor before we starve. I might not. I’m okay with that."
"If there were no consequences—or if all the consequences were the same—then anything became possible."
"It’s all right," Havelock said, moving closer slowly, not making eye contact. He kept looking down the corridor, trying to shift the man’s attention there."
"Probably a good sign," she said, and a fresh round of shooting started.
"You know. Between the two of us, I always thought of myself as more along those lines."
"You need to get electricity to drive that cart," she said. "If I tell you how to do that, will you take me with you?"
"Okay," Havelock said. "It’s all right. We’re all on the same side here."
"It’s only the most complicated nav program I’ll have ever written, but I have a couple hours to do it in."
"You did your bit here," Miller continued. "Now you need to come with me and do the other thing. And I’m not sure how much time we’ve got. So, upsy daisy."
"If some of the people on the Israel had more degrees or specialties in which they outpaced her, Naomi could make it up in sheer, bloody-minded wildness."
"We’re working on fixing that," Holden replied, tossing the man’s hand terminal to the ground next to him.
"Now you know how it feels. Now you know how I feel."
"Civilization has a built-in lag time. Just like light delay."
"This is because you showed up too early. Come back after I’ve built a post office and we’ll talk."
"I’m not killing you. At least not until I’m sure about Amos."
"This isn’t something humanity can do halfway, it never has been."
"It’s what we’re hoping for. Now buckle up. We’re going to try and make up some lost time."
"You got the balls to finish this, boy? Or are you going to let gravity do it?"
"The chittering began again, even more overwhelming than before."
"Adrenaline more than conscious will lifted her up."
"Miller’s remaining claw fastened on the other robot’s wrist."
"Well, that could have gone better," Miller said.
"The thing on top of him rolled away and lay dead on its side."
"She was aware of the nerves that were firing in her brain as she became aware of the nerves firing in her brain."
"A calm electronic voice began a looped message: 'Warning. Warning.'"
"The drive energy core sat in the centre of the room."
"My suit reported catastrophic damage in too many places."
"Waking up again was always worse than dying."