
I'm With The Band: Confessions Of A Groupie Quotes

I'm With The Band: Confessions Of A Groupie by Pamela Des Barres

I'm With The Band: Confessions Of A Groupie Quotes
"All my girlfriends had siblings they had to share with, and since I had two rooms of my own, my house was where everyone wanted to bring their Barbie dolls."
"Being an adored only child, my mom let me keep the eyesore on the wall for two years."
"Compared to getting my period, the first shave initiated me into the elementary stage of womanhood with a much more exciting sense of adventure."
"I began to associate the Top 10 with events and boys of the moment."
"I had a shrine to Dion on my dresser, and I wore a locket around my neck with his picture."
"I guess he was just pissed off at her when he wrote 'Runaround Sue.'"
"Breathing, sweating MEN, with shiny black pompadours and guitars, were playing rock and roll right outside my bedroom window!!"
"I’ll never forget this: He cupped my chin in his hand and pulled my face up to his lips, opened up my mouth with his tongue and slid it right in!"
"I was the first girl I was ever attracted to and the concept was astonishing."
"We all waited for Godot to come back, but Szou had a girl and named her Groovee Nipple."
"The funny thing is, I didn’t see a single one of them sitting cross-legged in the middle of Sunset, and believe me, I would have noticed Neil Young or Stephen Stills waving a sign to the right or left of me."
"I was of two minds about my behavior, but I could not, would not, stop myself."
"Does every young person go through big fire to reach a little brook?"
"What makes me walk up to the stage and boldly touch Daryl’s private parts?"
"It was such a relief to know you weren’t alone with those humongous unprecedented ideas."
"I had some profound revelation that death shouldn’t be mourned as I bounced down the street carrying balloons."
"I had never read the book, but I knew it was soft-core, sex-ridden stuff, and I was delighted to be thought of in those terms by the author."
"I was freefreefree, loosening any phony ties that might bind."
"I knew I was on the threshold of freeing my spirit, so I took my place among the maniacs and joined forces with the freaks."
"It was all over, even though Vito had sanctioned the relationship as 'very groovy.'"
"He offered me some pot, but I said no thanks. He probably thinks I’m a twerp."
"I was alive and alert, and on edge with excitement as I met him on the gigantic steps of the gigantic studio."
"I’m just put in a set of surroundings and I create my world."
"When a soul is born, it never dies; it is ETERNAL, traveling like the earth around the sun."
"My needs are so simple; love between a man and a woman."
"There's a lot to do out there, and many ways to do it."
"I pray to Him inside, and He hears me just as clear as if I were shouting."
"Every time I get any confidence, it’s shattered."
"Even though I'm miserable, I'm always thankful that I'm living in these times and that I appreciate what I appreciate."
"I felt strong because I had called to Jimmy like a cavewoman deep down inside myself, and it had worked."
"Why did he even bother to call me? At least I wouldn’t have heard his sweet voice, and the hurt would be healing instead of fresh blood still flowing."
"I can’t bear to hear about other scenes you’ve had, I don’t know why, P, it’s never happened to me before."
"What am I doing with myself? What a complete dunce, on my way to being 30 with nothing to show for it."
"I’m not up to my expectations, I mean, somehow I’m limiting myself; not living up to my fullest potential."
"Does it matter what someone does, or rather who he IS?"
"Nothing should ever bore me. There is always something to look at, something to think of, or another position to put your body in, or something to feel."
"You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need."
"I’ve shed so many tears, my eyes are blind with sorrow."
"God be with me and help me to better just one person’s life."
"Feeling amazing on the full moon, Sandy and I have an amazing affinity; beautiful eyes looking at me, soft touching and gentle trust."
"I want to be with Sandy forever, I’ve certainly been with him in another life; spiritually, heavenly, cosmically, simply, somewhere over the rainbow, or maybe right here."
"I pour onto you / The waters of my soul / May you no longer thirst."
"November 27 . . . I keep thinking of backing out, but after last night, it’s doubtful."
"I’m going to have to leave, and will I regret leaving here also? If I do, too bad."
"January 15 . . . In the air . . . 'Dazed and confused,' I write at twenty thousand feet."
"I had just descended from the top of a Christmas tree."
"I wanted to be what he wanted me to be: perfect."
"Bye-bye love. Bye-bye happiness. Hello loneliness. I think I’m gonna die."
"I was an all-day sucker for it, and after several evenings of verbal foreplay and a few slobbery make-out sessions, I accepted the inevitable and kicked my shoes off."
"He was a silent, pleading devotee, his wounded big brown eyes begging for entry."
"I had seen a lot more of Gail Zappa since 200 Motels, and she always put the universe into perspective for me."
"I’m going to create a strainer inside my head to clean out some of the conditioned crud that has piled up there, and that continues to enter every second."
"I was an avid minimama groupie-doopie news-hen, and even though I was petrified, Frank liked what I was doing."
"We had wild, sloppy sex for hours and then went to the movies, where I cuddled into the crick of his arm and watched Liza Minnelli become a legend."
"My mind is such a clutter. I must just let myself be."
"Meditation is the emptying of the mind so that one can see clearly."
"I don’t see things the way they really are because they go through a process of distortion first."
"I’ve been telling myself, 'Time to take out the garbage, Pamela!'"
"He invited me to Boulder, but I would have had to hover in the background while he fought with his wife."
"I had waited for seven and a half years to hear him say, 'I think you really know who I am.'"
"I vowed to scrub my third-eye area with a scouring pad to get rid of all the layers of gooey negative substances."
"The universe rolled out in front of me like one of those magic carpets."
"And the big Answer to my big Question was 'Stop trying.'"
"I floated down from my trip and felt like a lizard shedding old see-through skin."
"I stepped out of my fuzzy cocoon and into the light."
"Being apart so often made us insane with nerves, lust, and tactile neglect."
"The smell of him made me want to shed every stitch of clothing right there."
"I was right, he didn’t want me to know because he thought I’d leave him."
"He left everything behind, including his address book, intending to forget his former life."
"He arrived with five dollars in his pocket and his hair dryer in a paper bag."