
Demon Thief Quotes

Demon Thief by Darren Shan

Demon Thief Quotes
"I've seen [lights] all my life. Strange, multicolored patches of light swirling through the air."
"When I was younger I didn’t know the lights were strange. I thought everybody saw them."
"I think some parents shouldn’t be allowed to name their kids."
"I roar automatically when I’m fighting, which isn’t good news for bullies who don’t want to attract attention!"
"I’ve always been able to play with the lights."
"I like making weird shapes, like Picasso paintings."
"I can feel a strange tingling sensation, like pins and needles."
"I sometimes hover at the edge of a group, ignored, and pretend I’m part of it."
"You chance death every time you face a demon. That’s nothing new."
"You can’t kill a demon by physical force alone."
"Our bodies must work differently in this universe. It is a place of magic, and you can do many incredible things with magic."
"I sleep soundly — on those rare occasions when I sleep — because I know I’m doing the task that the universe charged me with."
"I have no time for decency. I’m a demon killer. That’s my sole purpose in life."
"If we turn our backs on our responsibility, the entire world will fall to the Demonata."
"You’re the most remarkable human I’ve met in centuries!"
"I never said I hated the Demonata. And I never claimed to be anything other than — as you say — ruthless and monstrous. That’s how I need to be to fight them."
"A castle of webs, set amidst a cluster of extra thick strands. It looks like a medieval castle, except ten times bigger."
"No demon can set foot here without Lord Loss’s permission," Beranabus says.
"Only his familiars and those he chooses to shelter are welcome."
"He’s not like other demons. He prefers suffering to execution — he feeds on the misery of the living rather than the bodies of the dead."
"You never told us you could fly," Shark grunts.
"In some I can. In others I can’t," Beranabus says.
"You should recognize this. It was yours once."
"There is a price to pay for coming into this universe. If it is the loss of five or six years... what of it?"
"I’d have happily waited a few more centuries."
"Do not be foolish, my swift-footed friend," Lord Loss says without warmth.
"It’s pleasing to see you again after all these years, Beranabus," Lord Loss finally says.
"Kernel!" Dervish roars. "We’ve come to rescue you. Stop fighting. We can get you out of here."
"I thought it was lost forever, deep beneath the earth."
"The very first chess board, given to humans by ancient beings who came to Earth from the stars."
"The important thing is that we return with your brother. Yes?"
"Don’t start with ‘buts,’" Dervish warns me. "You’ll be ‘but’ting all night if you do."
"Remember how I gave Cadaver a mouth with which to speak? I could just as easily remove yours, robbing you of your chance to name the thief."
"Delay it...run... and the chance will never come again."
"But he never had a brother," Shark says. "It was a sham, a cuckoo’s child."
"What now?" Beranabus asks, businesslike, no longer interested in the mystery of the theft or the illusion. "Are we free to leave?"
"I’m the thief," I mutter, still not sure how that can be true.
"I could try!" I cry. "If I can change his shape, why not his heart?"
"Then good luck to you. Just don’t call on my Disciples when the bodies start mounting up."
"So I never had a brother," I whisper. "It was all a lie."
"I’ve lived and seen enough to know how difficult it is to settle for a small life when you’re destined for greatness."