
Black Sheep Quotes

Black Sheep by Georgette Heyer

Black Sheep Quotes
"I think it doubtful, even, that he would continue to allow her to receive any part of the income accruing from her fortune."
"You know, fiddle-faddle about families and close relatives is so much humbug!"
"What a subject for a roaring farce! History repeats itself – with a vengeance!"
"You shock me, Miss Abigail Wendover! – you know, I do like that name!"
"I have fallen in and out of love a dozen times, I daresay."
"I was never used to think so – you see, I was myself – we all were! – brought up in such subjection that I vowed I wouldn't allow Fanny to be crushed as we were."
"I am more than eight-and-twenty, Mr Calverleigh!"
"My dear ma'am, how can you ask? I am naturally cast into the greatest agitation by the very thought of having so onerous a burden thrust upon me!"
"Then I collect she is at the cotillion-ball?"
"The melancholy truth is that one's first love very rarely bears the least resemblance to one's last, and most enduring love!"
"An unwilling bride would be the very devil, you know."
"It was All for Love, or the World Well Lost."
"Respectability! Oh, how much I have detested that – that god of my father's idolatry!"
"I haven't any duty to Stacy, and I don't suppose I should do it if I had."
"I like the way your eyes sparkle when you're angry."
"It is intolerable that we should be obliged to stoop to subterfuge: I feel it as acutely as you do, beloved!"
"How can I talk to you at a concert, or in a ballroom? And talk to you I must!"
"You must be mistaken! Oliver has no such expectations! Indeed, he feels that he has miserably disappointed his uncle."
"Oh, I can be far more odious than that! And if I have any more wit and liveliness from you, Miss Abigail Wendover, I'll give you proof of it!"
"It's not at all the thing, and in London, waltzes, and quadrilles too, are extensively danced."
"I shan't ask you how you do, ma'am: to enquire after a lady's health implies that she is not in her best looks."
"I like your eyes too, particularly when they laugh. But that's not it. What you have in abundance is charm!"
"Why don't you sell it? You told me you hated it!"
"I suspect that your aunt is contemplating doing so already. If that were to happen, our tale would be told!"
"What do I care for rout-parties? Our happiness is at stake!"
"Only – ! When every hour that I am apart from you seems a week, and every week a year!"
"It's not as easy to elope at dead of night as you might think."
"No one will notice it, if you slip out of the room."
"I daresay it would take us two or three days to reach the Border! You can't have considered!"
"But I will not press you. If your courage fails you – if you cannot trust me enough – tell me!"
"It's no more than I expected, miss. Yes, I said to myself, 'That's the influenza.'"
"It's not my house! I have a place in Berkshire: my family has owned it for generations."
"The bulk of the nursing had fallen to Abby's lot, for Fanny could scarcely endure Mrs Grimston's brisk ministrations."
"It's no use expecting me to bring you back into fashion if you don't adonise yourself a trifle."
"I never was one of your dapper-dogs, and it's too late to change my habits."
"I suddenly thought how much Miles Calverleigh would enjoy hearing you talk such fustian."
"You always were a care-for-nobody, and you always will be!"
"Lord, how it takes me back, seeing you again! Those were the days!"
"I was coming to see Fanny, just to bring her this book! Oh, and, Fanny, take care how you open it! There's an acrostic in it, from Oliver!"
"I am afraid we were not very discreet, Miles, for she told Cornelia that I was encouraging your advances."
"I told him you would never dream of marrying Mr Calverleigh."
"It was because I was cross! That was why you said you would marry him, wasn't it?"
"You are very much mistaken, my dear sister! I am aware that you fancy yourself to be awake upon every suit, but in my humble opinion you are as big a wet-goose as Selina!"
"I can think of only one reason: that you don't love me enough."
"What in the world made him come all the way from London only for one night?"
"You always were a care-for-nobody, and you always will be! I wish you may succeed with your Abigail."
"I had to look twice at you, too. You're as fat as a flawn, Naffy!"
"Oh, he was a regular rabshackle! I never liked him above half, but he was full of juice, and I'm bound to say he bled very freely."