
These Broken Stars Quotes

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman

These Broken Stars Quotes
"For all their trendy Victorian tricks, there’s no hiding where we are."
"I’d give anything for a laid-back evening joking around with my platoon, instead of being stuck here in this imitation scene from a historical novel."
"The military look good, the rich people look good, and it gives the poor people something to aspire to."
"What they call heroics, I call a tragic debacle."
"I’m trained to notice the thing that doesn’t fit, and in this sea of surgically perfected faces, his is a beacon."
"I can feel that low, stabbing pain at the base of my skull that promises to explode into a fully fledged headache."
"Handy thing to know, though. Plenty of dark hallways on this ship, if I’m going to have rivals waiting around corners."
"My promotions were made in the field. Theirs, behind a desk."
"We’re trained to work with solid information."
"Sit tight and hope. There was nothing to do except wait."
"I’m not doing much at all. I might as well be a rag doll."
"It smells like coffee and leather and garbage—nothing like the sweet, homogenous earth in the holo-gardens on Corinth."
"I wish he’d kept being an ass. Dislike is so much easier to handle than sympathy."
"Only an idiot would patronize you, Miss LaRoux."
"He can read this place like I read the tiny shifts in a crowd."
"I’ll never have to see this soldier again, never have to feel so incapable."
"I was with Miss LaRoux. I imagined she’d be their top priority."
"We wanted nothing more than to get out of there."
"If that’s what you call reason, then hell, no."
"I’ve been in nature before, but then, all it took was the flick of a switch."
"I could shake her. I could kiss her. I can’t let myself do either."
"There’s no rules for me to learn, no points to be scored, no bluffs to be called. This is a hell I’ve never imagined."
"I don’t know how you’ve walked so far without decent shoes, but that, at least, can change now."
"My mother’s a poet, my father’s a history teacher. I grew up surrounded by sonnets."
"I nearly killed it when I fell off the roof and landed in the middle of it, but it was tougher than it looked. Kind of like another Lilac I know."
"I’ve never seen anything so immense as this, such a vast sweep of empty land."
"I’m hungry enough that I’ll eat them, but that doesn’t mean I want to watch him gut them."
"This is a wilderness waiting to swallow me; I’d barely make a dent trying to fight it."
"I’m afraid to ask, but my lips form the question anyway."
"I sound like a soldier. I feel my cheeks beginning to heat."
"Wounded pride and bruised confidence keep me from saying what I wish I could say."
"Surely he can see my face burning even in the darkness."
"My family wasn’t on the planet with me. I don’t see a need to discuss them."
"I want nothing more than to lie down in the mud."
"I try not to shiver at his touch, at the heat of his palm on the chilled skin exposed by my idiotic dress."
"I’m grateful for the darkness, that he can’t see my face."
"If you hadn’t been on that escape pod when it jammed, I wouldn’t be here at all."
"I had to learn to use it over the years. And maybe I'm cruel because it's easy, and because it's something… something I can be good at."
"You think I have any burning desire to get out of bed today?"
"I'm not sure you're right, Miss LaRoux. I am beneath you."
"We'll wait until there's good light, when we're sure we're ready. Tomorrow."
"Though I suppose not having a bed hasn't really been a problem for us so far."
"Don't be silly. I did this all the time when I was a kid, my father never knew."
"I know how to take a hit. How to drop and protect myself in an explosion."
"But I won’t need to do that, because I know what I’m doing."
"It’s a simple risk-reward analysis," I murmur. "You taught me that."
"Lilac, if something happened to you," he murmurs, "I would be anything but fine."
"Maybe being rescued isn’t my top priority anymore."
"I thought I’d seen the last of this dress. I threw away the pieces."
"Are you all right, Major? Your throat seems a little dry."
"This is insane. You’re the one who imagines I’m being less than truthful, then you want me to explain why?"
"I’m saying I don’t think it’s as simple as either of us would like it to be."
"You think you could have talked me out of it? You didn’t stand a chance."
"If something did go wrong, if something happened to you, I’d last a grand total of ten seconds out here by myself."
"You’ll have your fair share," she tells me. "You’re the one who saved the life of Roderick LaRoux’s only daughter."
"They’re the power source, I hear her voice echo. And they’re running out."
"Why would anyone choose this? Living in limbo, in constant fear that you’ll crumble away?"
"I just want to sleep," she whispers, eyes dark in her white face, transformed by her longing. "I wish it—because you’d be heartbroken, and you’d mourn, but you’d—you’d heal."
"Whatever they’ve done to me, Tarver, whatever I am—I love you. Don’t forget that."
"We are thought. We are power. In our world, we are all that is."
"For a moment I saw them. All of them. They were once all part of each other in a way we could never…it was beautiful, Tarver. I wish you could’ve seen it."
"You’ll lose me forever. And you’ll have no one left."