
L.A. Candy Quotes

L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad

L.A. Candy Quotes
"I think I got it. I just wanted to say again how happy I am to be here. This is what I’ve always wanted to do. So thanks again for having me."
"You are not Maryanne’s daughter. You are just Jane. Do we understand each other?"
"I’m not really interested in guys who are technically old enough to father us."
"The only way to belong is to act like you belong. Or to not give a shit whether you belong or not, which works for me."
"You can front all the confidence you want, but you don’t fool me."
"Remember, it’s always better to be the dumper than the dumpee."
"It’s not that we were avoiding you, it’s that we were shy about our bad Klingon accents."
"I don’t think sororities are my thing, Cammy."
"I’m really excited to meet more people. Everyone here seems so interesting."
"The camera light was intense and bright, and it made it difficult to see Dana’s and Wendell’s faces."
"Why had she said this? Why hadn’t she said that instead?"
"You’re probably wondering why I called you in here today."
"I have a great family. I grew up in a beautiful place."
"I came to L.A. to get out of my comfort zone and do something different."
"I think Scar’s actually kind of into the idea now that she knows it’s totally legit."
"The most important thing is, do you want to be on this show?"
"I don’t know. They said I did great. But I’m not sure they really liked me."
"Jane, I love the color of your nails. Where did you get them done?"
"You know what Catherine McKinnon would have to say about this crap?"
"You have no idea how it’s going to happen fast."
"I don’t have anything to hide either. It’s just weird knowing that so many people will be watching."
"We could use some fresh meat. Things are getting a little boring around here."
"I don’t know. I’ve had a few jobs, and now, I’m thinking about school."
"My childhood was all about benefit balls and society pages."
"I don’t want to turn into some spoiled brat who spends all her time shopping and partying."
"I want to do something, you know? I want to have something that I accomplished all on my own."
"If I’m on any reality show, it’ll be harder for me to get parts."
"It was supposed to be small. It’s Jesse’s fault. He always does this."
"Just make sure there’s a lot of booze at the party."
"Well, everyone watched last night. And it’s just beginning."
"I didn’t come to Hollywood to be a celebrity."
"I used to think in terms of Monday through Sunday, but now it's from one scheduling phone call to the next."
"I don’t trust just any stylists doing my hair and makeup. They never get it right."
"Here’s to all four of us getting insanely rich and famous!"
"I make jokes about wanting to be famous, but I didn’t come to Hollywood to be a celebrity."
"I want to have something that I accomplished all on my own."
"My family’s not insanely rich like yours, but we were pretty well off."
"I wanted to get away from that for a while, move to a whole new coast, and figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life."
"I guess that’s the only way, then I guess I’ll just have to deal."
"It was all Veronica Bliss’s fault, anyway. If she hadn’t been such a smug, awful bitch that morning, Madison wouldn’t have changed her mind about using the photos."
"You just have to be patient," he counseled. "I’m sure Fiona will come to her senses eventually and realize that you’re great and give you real stuff to do."
"And on Friday night after Arclight, when he’d dropped her off at her apartment, he’d whispered in her ear that she was different from any other girl he’d ever met. He’d said she was special."
"Jane hesitated. 'Was?' Jesse looked down. 'Yeah. She died last year. She was fourteen. I was gonna get another dog. But I can’t replace Sam, ya know?'"
"I’m just really worried about Jane right now. I’m not sure what to do. She’s upset about what happened last Saturday at Jesse’s birthday party, and I think they’re kinda not seeing each other anymore, but she won’t talk to any of us."
"What do you mean? They’re real? You and Braden didn’t—" "We did. Just once. I didn’t mean for it to happen. But when he came over that night…" Jane covered her face with her hands and began crying harder.
"If nothing else, she was the queen of timing."
"I’m so sorry, Jane," he whispered. "I know," Jane said, hugging him back. She was so confused. She had just been with Braden. And now she was with Jesse. She had feelings for both of them.