
The Guilt Trip Quotes

The Guilt Trip by Sandie Jones

The Guilt Trip Quotes
"I can’t find it," says Ali, with a slightly hysterical lilt to her voice as she rummages through her bag for the third time.
"When I asked you in the car if you had everything, you said yes," says Rachel, careful to keep her tone light. "You checked off everything, including your passport."
"I’m sure it was here," she says, as tears of frustration pool in her eyes. "I’m sure I saw it—I just don’t understand."
"What time does check-in close?" Rachel asks the bemused British Airways clerk. "Forty minutes before the departure time."
"But I need to take more things than you do," she’d replied, without much conviction because she knew she was going to get her own way.
"You can’t choose your family…" Rachel goes on.
"If that girl has a do, I swear to God…" says Noah, smiling.
"But you know what men are like," Paige goes on, as Noah’s mimicking her behind her back. "They’re completely oblivious to it all."
"You don’t make a mountain out of every molehill, like she does."
"She thinks she’s heard some glass breaking," said Rachel.
"The only problem Ali will have is trying to keep up with Will's wanderlust."
"It's as if your brain goes into overdrive, questioning your whole existence."
"If you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear."
"It's all about looking forward now. The future's exciting."
"The downside of us having a platonic relationship for as long as we did was that I knew how you operated with the opposite sex."
"I don’t feel like I’ll ever forgive myself if I don’t at least give it a try."
"I can deal with nostalgia tangling itself into looking like a missed opportunity. But what I’m not prepared for is the here and now."
"To preserve her own sanity, Rachel has to assume that Ali saw and heard nothing."
"I’d rather just know what Ali knows, and what she’s intending to do with the knowledge, than be blindsided when Jack no doubt confronts her."
"How will he feel to be told that those three nights he spent on a boys-only camping trip with Josh when he was ten might not have been the father–son bonding experience he’d thought it was?"
"Josh is Jack’s world and the thought of Ali having the power to turn it upside down makes Rachel’s insides feel like they’re being pulled out of her."
"I had a lot of people to talk to," he says abruptly.
"Her head is such a jumble that she can’t remember who knows what, who accused whom, whether she saw Jack and Noah arguing at the bar before Noah tried to kiss her or after."
"Rachel can’t help but feel appeased that he does. It means that they’re okay; that he doesn’t know anything she doesn’t want him to know."
"Rachel knows she should turn away, but she can’t help but look, desperate to know that Ali is just the same as her."
"And why should they? Would you, if you were with someone like Ali?"
"What is she supposed to do? Ignore it and play right into Ali’s hands by showing her how much their last conversation has unnerved her?"
"His eyes drink her in, his gaze so intense that it could set a person alight."
"The thought makes her feel sick and if she had a knife right now, she’d fancy shoving it right between his twitching shoulder blades."
"I can't believe I get to call this incredible woman my wife."
"I honestly don’t know whether she’s referring to today’s proceedings or harping back to her own wedding day."
"Don’t we all, pipes up Paige from behind them."
"If you ever do that again, I swear to God, I’ll..."
"But until then, let’s get this party started!"
"I remember that you cut off all communication while I was away."
"She might not always go about it the right way."
"You know what she’s like. You’ve seen it with your own eyes. She can’t stop herself."
"I’m not sticking up for her," says Rachel. "I’m just trying to understand what’s happening here."
"That bitch over there has been harassing me for nigh on three years," says Jack.
"Yet the selfless act of looking after her mother only makes her a better person," Rachel shakes her head.
"She’s the biggest exaggerator I know," says Kimberley.
"So, have you ever felt that she... That she embellishes the truth a little?" Rachel asks Kimberley.
"I've only ever wanted you to be happy," he says.
"It's not like that," she says again, though with little conviction.
"I'm sorry," says Rachel. "I don't understand."
"It's not you," says Kimberley. "It's just the situation."
"Their weakness made you strong," he says in between kissing her.
"I can't even look at you right now," cries Ali.
"It's okay," says her mum. "It's going to be okay."
"So, you’re planning to leave your wife?" asks Da Silva.