
Beauty Is A Wound Quotes

Beauty Is A Wound by Eka Kurniawan

Beauty Is A Wound Quotes
"If every woman took a vow like that, humans would go extinct like the dinosaurs."
"There’s no way, I haven’t been Catholic either, not for quite a long time."
"I am on a treasure hunt and I don’t want to share."
"But you can take your photos with you if you want, and I won’t charge you for them."
"Then I’ll come back and whore for you to pay off my debt."
"They won’t become prostitutes, unless that’s really truly what they want."
"Just like circumstance makes somebody a prophet or a king."
"To be a whore you have to love everybody, everything, all of it: penises, fingers, and cow’s hooves."
"But don’t expect too much in return, because expectation has nothing to do with love."
"It’s as if this entire war was completely meaningless."
"There’s no difference between war and business. Both must be conducted with extraordinary cunning."
"Every outfit gives you a new clown role to play."
"This pitiful country. Not even its soldiers know how to hunt pigs."
"It’s not good for a young woman to be roaming around at night all by herself."
"Don’t be stupid, Shodancho, I’m roaming around with all the hundreds of other people here tonight."
"Is there a guerrilla strategy to defeat love?"
"Me, and you, and everybody else was born here, in this city, Halimunda. Here we have returned."
"As long as I can stay in this city, next to the girl whose name you told me, I’ll become anyone or anything—even if it means I have to turn into a dog."
"Even if he does become a communist, I want him to be a happy communist."
"The world is hell, and our task is to create our own heaven."
"I am a true communist and not afraid to die."
"Don’t be silly. You are a general and your place is next to the president."
"Even if I have to tell you, revolution is nothing more than a collective running amok, organized by one particular party."
"I’d rather go to hell, because I have spent my whole life trying to eliminate any man’s superiority over other men."
"I’m only taking off the cap because I’ve been awake for a long time and now I want to get some sleep."
"I like men, but I like to see them cry from heartbreak even more."
"In times of peace, you have made many men line up and pay to sleep with you, and I’ve made many boys cry from a broken heart."
"You would be a good match for a girl like that."
"In five years, we will meet again under this almond tree."
"In the future, individual fishermen would slowly go extinct; big fishing vessels that could match the catch of fifty fishermen would replace these boats."
"A man and a woman must love each other if they are to get married."
"Love is like a devil, more terrifying than satisfying."
"But don’t think you are a lucky man just because you won this battle."
"For years, Shodancho, we have caught only as much fish as we need for the day."
"It’s more than just unhealthy competition, they have stolen our fish."
"Making love always builds up a good appetite."
"If you want to get married too, just say the word."
"I’m the loneliest fucking person in this tumultuous world."
"I want to live like other people. I want to love and be loved."
"But you know full well there is no way I can marry them."
"I guess you still have a good reputation with the ladies, Comrade."
"Waiting for newspapers that will never come."
"There’s no woman who can get pregnant without getting fucked, unless you believe in the Virgin Mary."
"I just hope their children aren’t as foolish as you."
"Losing a child is more horrifying than meeting a demon, but giving my love to you would be more horrifying than losing twenty children."
"Every time a man takes a concubine, he’s probably breaking the heart of that concubine’s beloved. So a love is destroyed and lives are torn apart. But if he visits a prostitute, he only hurts a wife, who is clearly already married and who clearly has already done something wrong to make her husband go to a whorehouse in the first place."
"There’s no one kinder than gravediggers. They graciously serve people who no longer need to be served."
"It’s pointless to be jealous of a dead man," said Kamino.
"You can rough him up a bit, but I repeat, do not kill him. At seven o’clock this morning he must be set free."
"Because they knew that death would bring me too much pleasure."
"If a man goes to see prostitutes, it means that he doesn’t have to take a concubine."
"He is in fact remarkably sane, what’s crazy is the world he’ll be facing."
"Their love was destroyed, just as their lives were destroyed, because of the unbridled greed and lust of a Dutchman,"
"That was his son. Born in a grave, premature, but seemingly quite healthy."
"I will recite the mantra and I will give you my love, if you will guarantee that the man will live."
"The only sin dogs are guilty of is barking too much."
"If you love someone, you would never do that, not even if the opportunity arose."
"It's better to live in shame than to lose my daughter."
"Black magic is not useful at all. It gives you a pseudopower that is false, artificial, and of course evil."
"Everyone knows that Kinkin wasn’t in the toilet that day."
"You are never going to find the killer in this house."
"If no one knows who killed her, then that must mean the entire city is responsible for her death."