
Vampire Mine Quotes

Vampire Mine by Kerrelyn Sparks

Vampire Mine Quotes
"No, to be brutally honest with himself, it was the shorter nights he was looking forward to. That meant longer days and more death-sleep. More time spent in utter oblivion."
"He was nearing his five hundredth birthday, and apparently, hitting that mid-millennium marker could plunge the most stalwart of Vamps into a mid-life crisis."
"No, he was fine with being a coldhearted old bastard. He was good at it."
"Most of the men had succumbed to the silken trap of love."
"Ignorance was bliss, Connor supposed. They didn’t see the risk."
"How could they remain single for centuries, then out of the blue, one after another, plummet off the cliff like a dazed herd of sheep?"
"I can tell when a man is in need of confession."
"He let himself into the security office and scanned the wall of surveillance monitors. Parking lot clear. Corridors empty. Cafeteria empty. Heart empty."
"I won’t scare me away. I will fight for you."
"How long had it been? Thirty years? Fifty? Too damned long if he couldn’t even remember."
"I’ve never seen anything like that on a human."
"I’m not sure what to do. I think we’d better call Father Andrew."
"I’m not very good at following orders, not when they don’t make sense to me."
"You could come to Mass with your friends and take Holy Communion."
"I doona want to die when I’d go straight to hell."
"You are all important in the eyes of the Lord."
"Her heart expanded in her chest. He understood. He approved of her even when heaven had rejected her."
"You’re so naïve. You have no idea what kind of parasite is clinging to you, do you?"
"You don’t want to get into a battle with me, angel. You know you’ll lose."
"Let me know when you’re ready to take a bite."
"Ye’re innocent in the ways of the flesh. I took advantage of that."
"That was you who blasted me into a damned tree earlier?"
"The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn."
"Good morning. Or rather, evening. It’s confusing—agh!"
"Lass, ye should never wake a sleeping vampire."
"I don’t care about the Three-Step Rule. I’m not giving you a blow job."
"And what were ye thinking? Ye never close yerself up with a waking vampire! I could have bitten you!"
"A Vamp’s hunger is verra powerful when he first awakens. It has a way of triggering lust."
"Ye’re still thinking like ye’re in heaven. This is Earth, and humans will believe it is their sacred duty to kill us."
"Then ye must stay away from me until I’ve had my first bottle of blood. I could be dangerous."
"I thought ye were beautiful the minute I saw you."
"I won’t have you talking that way about yourself. You’re a good, noble man."
"If I hadn’t stopped you, you would have kept going?"
"’Tis merely an expression, I dinna mean to imply . . ."
"I’ve never known how difficult it was to be human."
"Do you really worry so much about me?" - Marielle
"I'm trying not to think about it right now." - Marielle
"Then let's talk about things we hate about men." - Brynley
"I can see why Connor likes you. You’re not just beautiful. You’re very loving, and . . . I think he needs that." - Vanda
"Daybreak had always been her favorite time, a time filled with the hope and promise of a new day."
"You’re forgetting something. Angels make terrible liars." - Connor
"I’d like to get started. In this century." - Connor
"Rest in peace," he murmured and drank a toast in their honor.
"I know how to open a bloody can. See you later."
"Do ye have any idea how beautiful ye are?" he asked softly.
"You’ve hated yourself more than enough. I won’t add to it."
"I’m afraid of losing yer love. Yer respect. I could bear anything but that."
"I’m no’ worthy of you. Ye know that. Ye’ve already figured out the terrible things I’ve done."
"I was thirty years old, proud to have my own land and a lovely young wife."
"It’s Saturday night, and there’s no Mass. What will we do without Father Andrew?"