
Clockwork Prince Quotes

Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Prince Quotes
"Each spake words of high disdain, And insult to his heart’s best brother: They parted—ne’er to meet again!" - Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Christabel"
"Friendship is one mind in two bodies." - Meng-tzu
"If it had been possible . . . that you could have returned the love of the man you see before yourself—flung away, wasted, drunken, poor creature of misuse as you know him to be—he would have been conscious this day and hour, in spite of his happiness, that he would bring you to misery, bring you to sorrow and repentance, blight you, disgrace you, pull you down with him—"
"There is no future for Sydney, is there, with or without love? He knows he cannot save himself without Lucie, but to let her near him would be to degrade her."
"Oh! by the Angel, Will, do be quiet," - Charlotte
"Mortality, behold and fear! What a change of flesh is here: Think how many royal bones Sleep within these heaps of stones."
"But whispering tongues can poison truth; And constancy lives in realms above; And life is thorny; and youth is vain; And to be wroth with one we love, Doth work like madness in the brain."
"The only alternative seems to be doing nothing, dearest Charlotte," he said. "And doing nothing, I find, rarely accomplishes anything."
"There once was a lass from New York / Who found herself hungry in York. / But the bread was like rocks, / The parsnips shaped like—"
"I’ve never swum naked in the Thames, but I know I wouldn’t like it."
"Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave."
"If one of us were to become a Downworlder or a mundane, then the binding is cut. And of course, if one of us were to die, the other would be free. But not to choose another parabatai. A single Shadowhunter cannot take part in the ritual more than once."
"You cannot be unmade," he said just as softly. "And Mortmain underestimates you."
"There is little of the yin fen left, and when it is gone, you will die."
"If you hold it away from yourself long enough, do you lose it entirely? If no one cares for you at all, do you even really exist?"
"They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite. Over. This is a fresh wound every day."
"Must I go bound while you go free Must I love a man who doesn’t love me."
"An orphan’s curse would drag to hell A spirit from on high; But oh! more horrible than that Is the curse in a dead man’s eye!"
"He will be all right. You know how he is. Sometimes he just wants to be alone."
"I am poison. Poison to them. Poison to anyone who loves me."
"I thought you needed me. There is a wall you have built about yourself, Will, and I have never asked you why. But no one should shoulder every burden alone. I thought you would let me inside if I became your parabatai, and then you would have at least someone to lean upon."
"You hurt everyone. Everyone whose life you touch."
"You are meant to be Maud, aren’t you? ‘Queen rose of the rosebud garden of girls’?"
"Jem is not well enough, but he will say he is. After last night I owe it to him to leave him out of this."
"I have always thought, if I had nothing else, I had Will. If I have done nothing else that made my life matter, I have always stood by him."
"No, you don’t," Tessa cried in frustration. "Do you think he cares about the danger? Do you? His whole life has been destroyed by this drug, this yin fen, and there you go off to a warlock den and drug yourself up as if it doesn’t even matter, as if it’s just a game to you."
"We are two people. Two people with a covenant between us."
"There is only one person, then, Sophie, whom we can go to. You do understand that?"
"You can’t never forgive me," Will said, hearing the panic tinging his own voice. "I’d be—"
"You will never know, sweet William / How many are the million / ways in which I love you."
"The child would be born dead. They always are. Stillborn, I mean. The offspring of a demon and a Shadowhunter parent is death."
"I am sure she is as dull and stupid now as she was then."
"It has been mine so long, I think, that what made it hers has evaporated, like water."
"I knew he was a liar, but I hoped he was telling the truth."
"I am weary of days and hours, / Blown buds of barren flowers, / Desires and dreams and powers / And everything but sleep."
"He said he knew there would never be another woman for him. And he promised that once he had enough money, I would have just the life I had always wanted."
"You cannot demand my faithfulness for eternity."
"You can't say it was a dreadful idea," said Will.
"Mortmain is the spider at the heart of the web," he said.
"I say we go to the Clave and report Benedict and Jessamine."
"She wasn’t lying," about what Jessamine said under the influence of the Mortal Sword.
"The man’s a strategist," said Will about Mortmain.
"If we go to the Clave and we’re wrong, then we’ve played into Mortmain’s hands."
"And there is no future for a Shadowhunter who dallies with warlocks," she said venomously.
"You have become boring to tease, Tess," said Will.
"I am not sure she cares about her life," said Tessa softly.
"Everyone cares," said Will. "Everyone wants to live."
"You are all in a lather, aren’t you?" he said.
"I would forgive Tessa anything," Jem said gravely.
"I am not your brother. Not even by half." - Nate
"You don’t know everything I’ve done, Tessie." - Nate
"There’s no forgiveness for—the kinds of things I’ve had to do." - Nate
"I forgive you," she whispered, not knowing, or caring, if it was true.
"He does not expect propriety of me. He assumes it would not be in my nature."
"Lies and secrets, Tessa, they are like a cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind."
"I’ve never minded it. Being lost, that is. I had always thought one could not be truly lost if one knew one’s own heart."
"You may not be precisely a Shadowhunter. But you are not a mundane either, nor provably a Downworlder. Your situation is unique."
"I want to be married to you, Tessa. I want it more than I have ever wanted anything else in my life."
"Demon pox, oh, demon pox, Just how is it acquired? One must go down to the bad part of town Until one is very tired."
"I am telling you now, I will witness against you at the Council. I will hold the Mortal Sword in my hands and I will tell Consul Wayland why I think Charlotte is a thousand times more fit than you are to run the Institute."
"But what he did—having improper relations with a demon, then infecting his wife, causing her death—is the knowing murder of another Shadowhunter."
"It is not for nothing that they say a man should never hang all his bells on one horse."
"I trust we will see you tomorrow, in the Council chamber, Benedict. I trust you will know what to do."
"It is as you said," Tessa said as they turned at the top of the stairs and made their way down the corridor. "Gideon’s in love with Sophie. People will do anything for love."
"I did it because I love you!" he half-shouted.
"When two souls are as one, they stay together on the Wheel. I was born into this world to love you, and I will love you in the next life, and the one after that."
"Henry and I are going to have a child. A boy. Brother Enoch told me."
"I am Cecily Herondale, you see. I have come to be trained as a Shadowhunter."