
A New Dawn Quotes

A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller

A New Dawn Quotes
"Little did I know that before the final prequel film was released, I would move to Northern California and begin work on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, right alongside "the Maker" George Lucas."
"So how do we move forward? And how do we make sure we get it right? Very simply, we trust in the Force, and we trust one another."
"More important, the old concept of what is canon and what isn’t is gone, and from this point forward our stories and characters all exist in the same universe."
"There are still countless worlds to visit, countless aliens to meet, and with the incredible talent we have coming to work at Lucasfilm the way forward looks clear."
"Thank you for your dedication to and passion for the Star Wars galaxy. Because of fans like you around the world, the Force will be with us, always."
"I felt like I had won some Star Wars lottery, but I also felt a tremendous responsibility to all the people I knew who loved Star Wars to make sure that I "got it right.""
"We came together as a group and found the best talent: people who, like you and me, love Star Wars and want to make it great."
"The truth, my young friends, is I simply don’t know. I could tell you of the many times over the course of the history of the Order when Jedi have been called back to Coruscant to deal with one threat or another."
"I know the reasons you’d call them back," Caleb finally said. "Unexpected reasons!"
"Travel light, and death will never find you."
"Cynda’s lesser gravity made the cases somewhat lighter than they had been on Gorse but no less bulky—or hazardous—to carry."
"The Empire had defiled the place, but it could hardly resist."
"It was a hard place to leave. But he would. The day job was wearing on him."
""Look, Lal, all you have to do is suspend blasting past Zone Forty-Two. You and the other firms, just for a while. Long enough for me to test my—""
"I forgot. All you guild outfits are the same. Out for yourselves …"
"I don’t mess with the Empire—and it doesn’t mess with me."
"Leapt, as he hadn’t in nearly a decade, farther than any mortal normally could."
"Let go with his mind, and listened as a mountain, denied, found the space where he had landed."
"The Force was a mysterious energy field that sprang from life itself."
"Watching us, watching everyone! Well, go ahead and review all you want."
"Never make a life-changing decision on an empty stomach."
"The Jedi had always preached against forming connections, to prevent their acolytes from putting too much value in any one relationship."
"Prospective Padawans tended to get plucked from their families very young."
"A fully armed Besalisk defending his business was a great equalizer."
"Some were villages; Ultimatum was a great metropolis."
"A little revenge did wonders for the healing process."
"Action against the Empire would have to be carefully measured—now, especially."
"Political activism drew more than its share of crackpots."
"Detecting them before they detected her: That would be her edge, she thought."
"Anyone who hassles me goes to the morgue. That is all."
"One can only surmise the involvement of a woman."
"I'm just another customer visiting a cantina. You should pay me no mind."
"You help people. I’ve seen you do it before."
"I remember too much. I remember how it was—and how it got worse, even before the Empire."
"If you have to ask, you’re not ready to know."
"I’ve got a lot of experience avoiding stormtroopers."
"Recriminations were a waste of valuable time."
"But in the bar—beyond his romantic interest, which she had decided to find amusing—she’d seen him act with subtlety and cunning."
"The secret to Denetrius Vidian’s efficiency is murder."
"It’s like a space slug, whose only function is to stay alive. It’s got to consume, and consume, and consume."
"Everything that goes into thorilide—all the security—and here we’ve just driven off with a truckload."
"Being evil doesn’t stop you with the Empire. It helps."
"This is ridiculous! Vidian’s leaving. What more do you need to know?"
"I travel alone. But I think you’re fun, when you’re not running off doing something outlandish."
"The way to control your fear of being on a ledge is not to think about it until you are off the ledge."
"When people run, they never run smart. The secret is to make sure the watchers don’t know who’s running."
"Everyone who called me paranoid, the line for apologies begins to the left."
"May the spirit of death make a clerical error and forget you exist."
"To run a—This is no way to make a difference against the Empire."
"All those bodies down there. Nobody had to be here."
"The place I felt safest was in a place where I could watch over others."
"I don’t want to make innocent people afraid anymore."
"Greed, injustice, fear, deceit. You can see them here, can’t you?"
"What’s the status of the mining cargo fleets?"
"We can’t decide to go without everyone’s consent."
"This is an Empire motivated by greed—that delivers injustice. That rules through fear—and that prospers through deceit."
"Keep moving! Destroy barriers! See everything!"
"All interstellar empires rose and fell, ultimately, on their ability to deliver on this one simple, unexciting thing: logistics."
"They haven’t made the saboteur who can foil the Empire."
"With few exceptions, her naval superiors were part of a class that had struggled to reach the top, only to see all the rules change."
"The golden-haired man smiled. 'Very glad you’re on our team.'"
"He couldn’t believe now that he’d ever been that person."
"All that thinking and hiding in those early days had trained him to analyze situations quickly and thoroughly."
"Every name he’d found out about in those days had just set the whole thing off again, making it impossible for him to forget."
"Time, he had—but he wouldn’t stick around long if it meant constantly letting Caleb Dume call the shots."
"Or maybe it’s time for people to be their own Jedi."
"It’s just as well that he was avoiding other people then, because it had made the young fugitive unbearably morose."
"The Empire would be a better place once people her and Danthe’s age were in charge."
"As much as the Emperor, Caleb was responsible for making Kanan’s early adolescence miserable with his constant regrets."
"That’s not the reason for them," Skelly said, hobbling back to his seat. "The canisters have an outer shell full of toxic coolant. Nasty stuff, if it leaks."
"Kanan laughed. 'Check around your house for some, Skelly. It’d explain a lot.'"
"Vidian knew the Emperor was interested in projects to create giant weapons of intimidation."
"All that remained was a mind, trapped, with no way to reach out."
"He had lived under another name, then. That was when he’d learned all he knew about the thorilide trade."
"Seething with anger over the powerlessness of the life he’d led, and hatred for those who’d won while he had played by the rules."
"The Republic had protected the thorilide mining industry against corporate raiders during the Clone Wars, so instead he’d taken stakes in firms manufacturing comet-chaser harvesting vessels."
"With his cybernetic prostheses, he had been mobile by then, having left Gorse and its bad memories for riches and financial fame."
"He’d never been much of a person, by his own admission, but now even that was gone."
"Friendships are costly. They make you do things outside your best interests."
"The mind is a dynamo in the dark, an engine endlessly running, powering nothing."
"I thought you were good," Kanan said. "Not that good. Not in this thing."
"Blast it, I thought she'd listen! That's the Imperial way, all right. They're always stabbing their friends in the back!"
"I need you to fly like a Wookiee whose hair is on fire—and who thinks everybody lit the match. Can you do that?"
"We’re too late," Skelly said, staring at a large metal tower on the surface over their heads.
"It's like someone crammed all of Moonglow’s refineries into a starship."
"Recruit allies on your own time. This is getting attention, the Gorse way!"
"We're going to have to send the message while Vidian's in the room, aren't we?"
"You're a decent person, Kanan, no matter what show you put on for the world. You keep being that way."
"Blaster bolts were one thing; power packs exploding point-blank were something else."
"This ends now, gunslinger. Draw your weapon."
"That’s the trick with surveillance cams, Count. You can’t watch all of them at once."
"I’m working for everyone. The people of Gorse. The people of the galaxy!"
"And your time is running out. Four minutes until optimal detonation window."
"Don’t be so sure," Vidian said. "I’m smarter than you think."
"It was a good thing, and it worked to the advantage of all his subjects."
"This is a rash act, Sloane. Have you lost your mind?"
"You’re under arrest for multiple violations of the Imperial legal code."
"We don’t have a tail. We barely have an engine."
"I—I was hoping Skelly might have survived earlier. That he might have made it."
"And now," Kanan said, "I get the pleasure of walking this gentle lady back to this mysterious starship of hers."